The Runaway Guys/Awesome: Difference between revisions

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* Beating the supposedly hardest level in the game on only two tries. They did point out that the level would have been much harder for a solo player, but still.
* Jon winning the whole thing overall, despite spending so much time trying to kill Chuggaa. He had even gotten the most coins in the credits sequence! It all may have been a [[Foregone Conclusion]] but that doesn't mean we should overlook that it soundly established his place as [[The Ace]] of the team. ''That'' is [[Awesome Moments|awesome]].
* Despite the difficulty he seems to find in [[Press X to Not Die|pressing A to not die]], Tim is consistently awesome throughout the LP. Sure, it plays second fiddle to his [[Butt Monkey]] / [[Plucky Comic Relief]] status and he's always [[Overshadowed by Awesome]], but he gets a few moments before Chugga points it out in the finale. [ For instance], running through a death-trap while everybody else is on the verge of freaking out, yelling for him to get out of the falling blocks' paths... and he ''expertly'' weaves through the blocks, landing neatly in front of the nearly-sealed-off secret exit. Of course, he follows this amazing feat by {{spoiler|bubbling right before the flagpole}}, [[The Runaway Guys/Funny|but he may have had an ulterior motive for that, too.]]
* Level 6-4, anyone? All of them end the level with a major power up (the propeller suit), catch the top of the flagpole AND have the fireworks. If this is not awesome, I don't know what it is.
* Josh in 8-1. [[Crowning Moment of Funny]] too.
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'''Josh:''' I will totally fail you now! *proceeds to [[Rule of Three|not fail them now]]* }}
== [[Super Smash Bros.|Subspace Emissary]] ==
* Two involving Trophy Stands:
** One is during the Fire Emblem stage, where Chugga grabs a Trophy Stand without noticing and continues for a bit with it. When he reaches a key, he tries to pick it up, only to throw the Trophy Stand forward, bounce it off a wall, and hit an enemy behind him.
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** In spite of that, Chugga still somehow manages to get {{spoiler|not just the Coin Star, but all of the Bonus Stars, tying with Wario for Mini-game and Jon for Happening.}} And the kicker? {{spoiler|Jon still won anyway from managing to get 3 hard-earned Stars over the course of the actual game.}}
* Jon got 1 in space land. After landing on the "Happening space" and being chased back, he gets a hidden block that has a star...'''''[[Up to Eleven|ON HIS FIRST TURN!]]'''''
** Strikes again in Mystery Land. {{spoiler|He got between the warp points, thus missing the star... only to land on the star block space. [[But Wait! There's More!|THEN LATER]], he refused the UFO ride to the star, since he thought Chugga would get to it first, only to land on a teleport space, which took him to [[Serial Escalation|ANOTHER star space,]] and to boot, [Luigi landed on THE SAME SPOT before but DIDN'T GET THE STAR! [[But Wait! There's More!|THEN LATER]], he gets two more warp points and a low roll [[Born Lucky|AND GETS A]] [[Rule of Three|THIRD!]] [[Punctuated! forFor! Emphasis!|HIDDEN! STAR!]]. The chances of this happening on a single board is just phenomenally low! Granted, two of them got stolen and he didn't need them to win anyways, since he got all three bonus stars which gave him the victory, but it was still ridiculous.}}
*** And you know what? On the last turn, he needed to roll a 9 to at ''least'' get one final star, which would be the first -- and ''only'' -- star he gets from Toad. {{spoiler|He got the 9.}}
{{quote|{{spoiler|1='''Jon''': [[Laughing Mad|You know what the funny thing is?]] [[Crowning Moment of Awesome|I only bought ONE STAR this whole game!]] [ I have SIX STARS!]}}}}
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* NCS's sudden, {{spoiler|unrivaled win}} during the last round of Ninja Dojo. {{spoiler|Chugga got 500-some points. Tim? In the 700s}}.
== Other ==
=== '''[[Super Smash Bros.]]''' ===
* Jon beating both Chuggaa and Tim at the same time during a fight with a single attack.
** Jon winning that game with two stock left counted on its own, especially since he was [[Handicapped Badass|playing with a controller he wasn't at all used to and had to adapt quickly.]] There's a reason he's [[The Ace]].