The Runaway Guys: Difference between revisions

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{{quote|''[[Catch Phrase|Doh,]] [[Mario Party|I]] [[Memetic Mutation|missed!]]''}}
''[ The Runaway Guys]'' are a collaborative group of [[Let's Play|Let's Players]] on [[YouTube]], comprising probably ''the'' most popular YouTube LPers: [[Proton Jon]], [[Nintendo Capri Sun]], and [[Chuggaaconroy]]. Chugga is in charge of maintaining the channel, although Jon has made posts and comments for the channel as well. Updates are scheduled to occur every Saturday, though this may change for future LP's.
Their first collaborative Let's Play is of the original ''[[Mario Party]]'', recorded when they attended Magfest 2011. It premiered February 5, 2011. The three of them were the only ones participating, and they promised more in the future with [[Special Guest|additional players]] beyond the core three.
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** According to Chugga, Josh's new catchphrase is "Are you serious?"
** "[[Epic Fail|Go team!]]"
** "''I GOT COMBO-ED!!!''"
** In Subspace, "GAME!" is sometimes replaced by "CAMERA!"
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*** When NCS makes one at the end of Episode 6 (MP), [["Everybody Laughs" Ending|everyone laughs]].
{{quote|Tim: Son of a beach!}}
** In Episode 9 of [[New Super Mario Bros Wii]], there is a pun-off.
** Not from one of their official LP's, but it needs to be mentioned. From [ this livestream] of Super Mario RPG (Jon playing, Chugga and Tim watching):
{{quote|'''Tim''': [[This Is Sparta|THIS IS STARDA!]]<br />
'''Jon and Chugga''': *[[Beat]]* *epic groans* }}
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* [[Department of Redundancy Department]]: This little token from Yoshi's Tropical Island - Part 4:
{{quote|'''Chugga''': I was one of the few people who actually had the first [Mario Party]... and I was too poor to afford anymore after that, because I was really poor.}}
* [[Dissimile]]: Chugga, on Knock Block Tower: "It's like Jenga, except not at all."
* [[Even Evil Has Standards]]: In Luigi's Engine Room, Chugga gets Boo and has enough coins to steal a Star, with Jon being the only one aside from him to have one. Chugga instead steals coins.
{{quote|'''Jon''': I thought you were gonna do something else there.
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* [[Foreshadowing]]: Possibly intentional: [[Josh Jepson]] is mentioned at one point during the LP. Guess who joins them for their next LP.
** In episode 11 at 9:10, Chuggaa is singing the main theme of Super Smash Bros. Brawl (though it's hard to tell, because it's so bad). Their next LP turns out to be that very game.
* [[Four Is Death]]: Inverted. A person in Mario Party who leads by 4 stars means death to everyone else. {{spoiler|Clearly demostrated in Eternal Star, as Chuggaa was the one that had 4 stars. Guess who won the board?}}
** And John's languish cries of GAAAMEEE! was said 4 times in a row when first used in Yoshi's Island Adventure.
* [[Fridge Logic]]: Invoked in the last part of the LP. "You didn't have ''numbers'' in ''1927''?"
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'''Jon:''' ...I was kinda hoping she'd get a Chance Time.<br />
'''Chugga:''' too, honestly. }}
* [[Humiliation Conga]]:
** Yoshi's Tropical Island Part 1 had one of these for Jon. He got a poison mushroom from a Mushroom Space; Luigi then got a warp block, swapped places with Jon, and got a normal mushroom. Later in that same turn, NCS also got a normal mushroom. Jon was not amused.
{{quote|Jon: [[Running Gag|"GAAAAAAAAAAAAMEEEEEE!"]]}}
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'''Chugga:''' That was every time! }}
* [[Overly Pre-Prepared Gag]]: Apparently, Chugga had been waiting for ''days'' to make a [[Knytt Stories|"Don't Eat The Mushroom"]] joke towards [[Never Live It Down|Jon]].
* [[Potty Dance]]: Bowser's "Pee-Pee Dance" is a running gag.
* [[Rule of Three]]: All over the place. The Runaway Guys are composed of three core players, many players winning the game by having 3 stars, many mini-games have been played up to three times so far, etc.
* [[Running Gag]]: "Don't eat the mushroom" is a very easy quote to toss around.
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* [[The Stinger]]: Thrown in at the end of Bowser's Magma Mountain, just to remind everyone of Wario's moment of ''monumental'' [[Artificial Stupidity]].
* [[Tempting Fate]]
** In Handcar Havoc, Jon states that you never had to use the brakes... and then both teams fall into the lava as they tried to go through a curve.
{{quote|'''Chugga:''' You say we never needed the brake button! *''(beat)''*
'''Jon:''' My bad.
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'''Tim:''' Or it could be bad!
'''Jon:''' ''(rolls a Poison Mushroom)'' GAAAAAAAME! }}
* [[This Is Sparta]]: SCREW! [[Running Gag|YOU PEOPLE!]]
* [[That Came Out Wrong]]: Concerning a coin-stealing mini-game, where Chugga kept referencing rape (due to [[Does This Remind You of Anything?|how the coins are stolen]]):
{{quote|'''Jon''': "What's with you and rape?"
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'''Jon''': Nope; [[Epic Fail|making up for]] [[Mario Party]]. }}
** In Episode 5, a reference is made to [[Chuggaaconroy|Steve]] [[Pikmin|the Red Pikmin]]. Of course, Chugga doesn't like it.
*** 'Steve' was also alluded to during the Yoshi's Tropical Island run in the Mario Party LP.
** The intros to each video, as mentioned in [[Running Gag]] below, reference each players' intro styles in their own videos... and in one special case:
{{quote|'''Jon:''' [{{=}}VBDCd9w1688 Alright, guys,] [[Kaizo Mario World|welcome back to]] [[Game Mod|ano- the next romhack]]. We're gonna be playing a four-player Mario romhack sent to us by S. [[It Is Pronounced "Tro-PAY"|Miyamata]], I dunno... I can't read his name, it's kinda weird. Um... it looks... looks pretty good, actually, it's got a lot of work done to it, it's got a pretty big map...}}
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*** Levels 7-4 and 7-6 especially.
** Episode 17. World 9-3. ''That one Star Coin.'' {{spoiler|It took 12 tries to get it.}}
** At the end, both NCS and Josh's most common causes of death were ''self-induced'' pitfalls.
** NCS died on the ''very first Goomba''.
* [[Evil Tastes Good]]: During World 9-6, when [[Token Evil Teammate|Jon]] keeps trying to kill Chugga:
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* [[Hoist by His Own Petard]]: [[Captain Obvious|The bubble mechanic gets abused]] -- [[Running Gag|a lot.]] This occasionally comes back to bite the guys in the ass whenever they fail a level because three of the players are stuck in bubbles -- voluntarily or otherwise -- and the last guy dies. Episode 14 is the shining example of this trope in this LP.
** The finale stated that they knocked themselves out of the level by all bubbling at the same time 20 times. Yes, you read that right, Twenty.
* [[Human Shield]]: Chugga does this to Jon in episode 12. Jon was less than pleased, mostly because everyone had just picked up and item that grants invincibility.
{{quote|'''Jon''': ''*After dying* Argh! Thanks for using me like an umbrella, guys; while you had '''Starmen'''!''}}
* [[Hurricane of Puns]]: Episodes 4 & 9.
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* [[Not Me This Time]]: In World 1-5, Josh accuses [[Combat Pragmatist|Chugga]] of killing him. Chugga protests and points out that he was nowhere near him when he died.
** Later, Chuggaa claimed that he never kills Jon on purpose. Jon didn't buy it.
* [[No, You]]: Whenever Jon says "What is WRONG with you?!" to Chugga, he replies "You are!"
* [[Orphaned Punchline]]: Due to the way they cut to deaths and Star Coin collections, this is rather common.
{{quote|''"Aaaand you're a homicidal maniac."''
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'''All''': AAAAAAAAAAAAH! }}
** And in episode 17, during the world 9-3. "I LOVE this level! I want to do it a... FIFTH time!" ...Well, let's say that the second star coin grants this wish.
* [[That Came Out Wrong]]: Jon has been carrying Tim around for a bit, but there's a star coin on the other side of a lava stream. Jon says to Tim, "The question is, if we're going to go for that coin, you gotta get off my head, so flip off."
* [[Throw It In]]: Episode 16's intro.
** Not just episode 16. Judging by most of the Guys' reactions, several episodes have started with a simple joke or quote that dissolved into a series of improvised lines, and almost always a [[Crowning Moment of Funny]].
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* [[Troll]]: Jon. To elaborate, in episode 14 at one point while both Josh and Tim are out of lives and Chugga is stuck in a bubble, Jon starts farming 1-Ups.
{{quote|'''Jon''': *singing* "I am an asshole, I am an asshole, I am SUCH an asshole!"}}
** He also actually says "I haven't been trolling enough."
** {{spoiler|On his Formspring, Jon said a few days before the video came out "Actually, video spoilers, for the last levels I just put the controller down to see how well they do without me." Which turned out to be [[Blatant Lies]].}}
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{{quote|'''Jon''': It's like [[Streets of Rage]] but not even remotely... [[Lampshade Hanging|and that was a really bad comparison]].}}
* [[Eureka Moment]]: Near the end of episode 11, Jon realizes that he could just kick Emile out, because they're playing at Jon's house. [[Screw This, I'm Outta Here|Emile takes off soon after]], leaving Jon and Tim to finish the recording.
* [[Fandom Nod]]: In Episode 3, they make a nod to Chugga's [[Flanderized]] love of wearing polo shirts, which he even turns into a [[Cargo Ship]] moment. "STOP TRYING TO MAKE OUT WITH POLO SHIRTS!"
* [[Fan Nickname]]: They refer to the dark subspace versions of the charcters as Cyber-(Name) due to the [[Cyberspace]]-like background effects.
* [[Four Is Death]]: Guess how long the first round of Fox (NCS) vs Jigglypuff lasts? {{spoiler|Four ''seconds''.}}
* [[Fridge Logic]]: Invoked by the guys, who question why the princess not saved by Kirby can't avoid Wario's dark cannon and its long charge time, or how clouds in both the World of Trophies and the Mario series can be sturdy enough to support weight.
* [[Funny Background Event]]: They get a [[Game Over]] because Jon and Chugga were so busy arguing that they started ignoring the game.
** Near the start of episode 7, they think they've solved a problem with Tim's controller not being connected, and they start chatting idly as they wait for the game to load. However, the game has actually crashed, and you can hear the long beep that signifies it's crashed. So for a little while, the guys are just talking, not realizing the game is frozen.
* [[Get Out!]]: During the Dark Samus battle in episode 9 (recorded during Jon's birthday), Chugga and Jon talk about Zero Suit Samus actually wearing a suit, just not [[Fan Service|her birthday suit]]. Chugga somehow segues into suggesting Jon regularly plays Brawl naked.
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{{quote|'''Chugga''': Oh -- what the hell, what is the camera doing?}}
* [[Chekhov's Gun]]: The {{spoiler|first Chance Time}} on Pirate Land ends up playing a crucial role in deciding the outcome of the board.
* [[Colbert Bump]]: The guys attempt to do this to [[Clone High]]; Chugga in particular hopes their constant quoting of it will get other people to watch it.
* [[The Computer Is a Cheating Bastard]]: According to Emile, the hard-leveled CPU's AI can mash the A-button faster than any human player. The AI even exceeds how fast the N64 controller processes button pressing.
* [[Crack Pairing]]: In-universe; due to an [[Incredibly Lame Pun]] made by Chugga and an offhand comment by Tim, Jon now supports [[Chuggaaconroy|Chugga]] X [[Pokémon|Jynx]]. [ And so do several DeviantArt artists...]
** And in Western Land, Chugga retaliates by shipping Jon with ''Wario''. Add in the [[Screw Yourself|NintendoCapriSun X NintendoCapriSun]] joke from Brawl, and all three guys have taken part in this.
* [[Cuteness Proximity]]: At one point, Jon's cat wanders in while they're recording. Jon is immediately distracted, and starts making kissy-noises at her.
{{quote|"Kitty! Do you want to be on the Internet? <3 I hear the Internet loves kitties~!"}}
* [[Dark Horse Victory]]: In Pirate Land, Chugga wants the computer player to get one of these.
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* [[For Want of a Nail]]: In Mystery Land, if the AI didn't land on the Battle Space on the final turn, then {{spoiler|Tim would've been the one to win the board because he had won both the Minigame ''and'' Coin star while Jon just got the Happening Star. But since the AI did just that, Jon won all three stars, and Tim won nothing.}}
** Also, {{spoiler|if Jon didn't steal Chuggaa's star and went for Tim, he probably wouldn't have won.}}
* [[Groin Attack]]: Chugga throws his controller at the end of Bowser Land, and nails Jon.
* [[Hope Spot]]: Jon and Tim each get one on Pirate Land. Jon was worried that Chugga would use Boo to steal his Star on the last turn if Chugga rolls a high roll, which would give him the board. Chugga didn't make it, to Jon's relief. {{spoiler|And then Chugga found a Hidden Block, which gave him both the star and the game anyways! Chugga even [[Lampshade Hanging|lampshaded it.]]}} Meanwhile, a star appeared just a few spaces in front of Tim. Said star would [[Throw the Dog a Bone|get him out of 4th place.]] He had over 100 coins, and had two turns, and 5 spaces to get that star! {{spoiler|[[Yank the Dog's Chain|He didn't make it!]]}}
* [[Imperial Stormtrooper Marksmanship Academy]]: Computer-controlled Wario, when he has an opportunity to fire torpedos from Jon's submarine. "Doh, I missed" is an understatement here.
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* [[The Problem with Pen Island]]: [[Discussed Trope]], Chugga mentions Okami, in which there are enemies called 'molesters' (which were mole-themed and supposed to be pronounced 'mole-sters'). [[Did Not Do the Research|There's no 'E' in their name in-game, though, but it is a joke among fans of Okami]].
* [[The Load]]: Wario often never helps much in 2-vs-2 minigames.
* [[Opposite Day]]: In-universe, they refer to Bowser Land as the board version of this: The bank gives coins instead of taking them (with the caveat that whoever lands on the space pays them back), the item shop forces items on you, Baby Bowser is the host instead of Toad, etc. It's also kind of opposite on a meta level for the guys: [[Butt Monkey|Tim]] spends most of the game in first place and gets really lucky, they play almost every Battle Minigame ''except'' [[Overly Long Gag|Day at the Races]], and [[Deadpan Snarker|Jon]] is more cheerful generally, while [[Keet|Chugga]] is more sarcastic.
* [[Out of Character]]: Chugga and Jon, as listed above, basically swap personalities on Bowser Land; Chugga becomes more sarcastic and annoyed, while Jon becomes cheerful and upbeat. However, they do occasionally lapse into their regular roles.
** Tim has his occasional moments of yelling, such as an [[Ironic Echo]] "WHERE YOU AT!" in Pirate Land.
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* [[Establishing Character Moment]]: The very first thing in the series is the introduction of the game, and each Guy speaking for the character they would play as, in their own way.
* [[Flat What]]: Jon lets out a series of these in response to one of the target gimmicks in Ninja Dojo.
* [[Got Me Doing It]]: Jon starts [[Pungeon Master|making puns,]] which gives Chugga no end of satisfaction:
{{quote|'''Chugga:''' I'm rubbing off on you!~}}
* [[How Do I Shot Web?]]: In Episode 3, Chugga is briefly confused as to whether or not he can jump in Snow Bowl form. When he figures it out, Jon orders him to [[Read the Freaking Manual]].
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** [[Josh Jepson]] also attempts a voice but ends up (according to [[Lucahjin]]) sounding like [[Pcull 44444]].
* [[Curb Stomp Battle]]: There were a few one-sided matches. However, {{spoiler|1=Chugga to ProtonJon}} takes the cake, as the latter is the only receiver who didn't score!
* [[One Steve Limit]]: The first game is a match between [[Proton Jon|Jon]] and [[Is It a Good Idea to Microwave This?|Jon]]. They spend several minutes discussing how not to get them confused.
{{quote|'''(Proton) Jon:''' It's JP versus PJ. It's [[Cool vs. Awesome|Jurassic Park versus pajamas.]]}}
* [[The Last of These Is Not Like the Others]]: It's the last game the Guys are doing in a row that is a Mario game (or has Mario as a major character), and instead of being a regular [[Let's Play]], it's a tournament.
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'''Chugga''': ''"I didn't mean to say it..."''
'''Jon''': ''"I'm ''really'' starting to wonder what your sexual preference is!"'' }}
* [[Announcer Chatter]]: During the one-on-one fights, the third Guy commentates.
* [[Apologetic Attacker]]: Jon apologises to Tim when he stops joking around and [[Let's Get Dangerous|gets serious]].
* [[Call Back]]: To Mario Party, when Jon yells "GET OFF MY PLANE!"
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