The Schlub Pub Seduction Deduction: Difference between revisions

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{{quote|When approached on a sexual level, covert operators should remember that they have not necessarily been found attractive beyond the moon and the stars but rather that the person making the approach is allied with the opposition and attempting to subvert, to maneuver into a life-threatening situation, or to provide the opposition with blackmail material. In any event, until a life-threatening situation occurs, it is recommended that operatives pretend to be seducible. Interesting intelligence has been produced in such situations. }}
** This isn't quite a straight example, however, as Sten is noted to be attractive enough that women often enough '''do''' approach him just for sex or romance.
*** Admittedly, out of all the times the woman comes on to Sten out of the blue or arranges a meet-cute, there is exactly ''one'' of them<ref>Admittedly, Cind is also the woman who ends up becoming his life partner, so when the curve was blown here it was EPICALLY blown.</ref> who approached him without ulterior motive. All of Sten's other non-betrayal relationships involved him making the initial pursuit, and even some of ''those'' turned out to be traps.
** Furthermore, it turns out to be a subversion. Her brother told her to seduce Sten, but she's not interested in helping her [[Jerkass]] brother, and genuinely interested in Sten.
* A short story by [[Spider Robinson]] involved a painfully awkward and very unattractive computer geek being approached by a memetic sex goddess. She puts a crown on his head then takes him back to his apartment for all sorts of sex saying, along the way, "Hurry, my lord, I'm positively ''dripping''" while other bar patrons stare at him. After lots of awesome sex, {{spoiler|he ends up figuring out that the crown is a recording device for a futuristic version of amateur porn. When you can actually experience the other person's point of view, a porn star is just too analytical to get the voyeuristic juices flowing.}}
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