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Innsmouth is a small, run-down village on the northern coast of Massachusetts, near Ipswich, Gloucester, and [[Lovecraft Country|Arkham]]. Locals don't like it much. There are whispered rumors about dark dealings with the supernatural, the taint of foreign blood, and some sort of hereditary deformity. While touring New England, a young man learns of the town's sinister reputation and [[Schmuck Bait|decides it's worth a visit]]. Curiouser and curiouser, he bribes the local drunk, said to be the [[Only Sane Man|only normal human left]], with his favorite poison. The tale he tells is crazy yet the narrator cannot ignore the sinister atmosphere and the evidence before his own eyes. After barely escaping with his own life, our hero eventually {{spoiler|discovers that he himself is one of the hybrid [[Fish People]], a direct descendant of Innsmouth's most prominent family}}.
"[[wikipedia:The Shadow Over Innsmouth|The Shadow Over Innsmouth]]" is one of [[HPH.P. Lovecraft]]'s longest and most famous stories. Among the various beasties of the [[Cthulhu Mythos]], the Deep Ones and their half-human spawn are among the most popular and enduring, inspiring numerous other authors (including [ Neil Gaiman]), as well as the 2001 film ''[[Dagon]]'' and the video game ''[[Dark Corners of the Earth]]''.
''Innsmouth'' has also been adapted twice as an audio drama by the [[Atlanta Radio Theater Company]] and the HP Lovecraft Historical Society. It has also been [ adapted for stage in Spain.]
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* [[Evil-Detecting Dog]] / [[Glamour Failure]]: Animals hate the Innsmouth folk, and the town is naturally devoid of them.
* [[Evil Smells Bad]]: Innsmouth and its inhabitants emanate a nauseating fish odor.
** [[You Fail Biology Forever]]: What we think of as the "fish odor" is actually the smell of [ dead fish]. So unless [[Re -Animator|Herbert West]] is up to something [[Non-Human Undead|even worse]]. . .
*** The smell is present in live fish as well, as anyone who's gone fishing can attest. It just gets stronger after the fish dies.
*** Also the only remaining notable industry in town is fishing so there's a lot of fish to stink up the joint.
* [[The Film of the Book]] / [[Lovecraft Onon Film]]: ''[[Dagon]]''.
* [[Fish People]]: The Deep Ones.
* [[Half-Human Hybrid]]
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* [[Sinister Minister]]: Zadok Allen recalls how the Esoteric Order of Dagon took over the town and Captain Marsh's crewmen were promoted as priests of the new religion. Creepy tiara-wearing priests still lurk in dark corners, and several are seen among the narrator's pursuers toward the end.
* [[Take Our Word for It]]: Typical of Lovecraft, the worst is only hinted at.
* [[Tomato in Thethe Mirror]]: {{spoiler|The narrator is a Deep One hybrid himself, descended from Obed Marsh and one Pth'thya-l'yi}}.
* [[Town Withwith a Dark Secret]]: Probably the [[Trope Maker]] or [[Trope Codifier|Codifier]].
* [[Uncanny Valley]]: [[Invoked]] via the "Innsmouth Look."
{{quote| "There certainly is a strange kind of streak in the Innsmouth folks today - I don't know how to explain it but it sort of makes you crawl. You'll notice a little in Sargent if you take his bus. Some of 'em have queer narrow heads with flat noses and bulgy, starry eyes that never seem to shut, and their skin ain't quite right. Rough and scabby, and the sides of the necks are all shriveled or creased up. Get bald, too, very young."}}