The Shawshank Redemption/Heartwarming

  • Quite simply the ending where Red meets Andy on that Mexican beach both of them free as a bird and as happy as can be to see each other again. The smiles they exchange and the way they run up to each other and hug says it all, by holding on to hope that they would be free one day their spirits have triumphed over all obstacles.
    • Shit, I'm getting misty-eyed just thinking about that.
  • The look on the convicts' faces as they hear the beautiful strains from Le Nozze di Figaro play over the loudspeaker. This is probably the first time any of them have heard music in quite a long time, and the overhead shot of them staring at the loudspeaker in unbridled awe never fails to bring tears to this troper's eyes.
  • The scene at the end when Red finds the package Andy left for him. After a whole movie of having believed that hope was "A dangerous thing", Andy has proven him wrong and has now given him something to hope for as well. The real CMOH of this scene however is sealed with the closing portion of the letter:

Andy: "Remember Red, hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies. I will be hoping that this letter finds you, and finds you well. Your friend, Andy. "