The Smell of Reeves and Mortimer: Difference between revisions

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* [[Absurdity Ascendant]] - Always the case with Vic and Bob.
** Particularly noticeable in the parodies of TV shows, which insert completely random aspects as often as they actually play on real characteristics of the people and shows involved. For example, Melvyn Bragg of ''The South Bank Show'' is obsessed with his bicycle, Hugh Scully of ''The Antiques Roadshow'' is [[Everything's Better With Monkeys|constantly surrounded by stuffed monkeys]], and John Craven of ''Countryfile'' is a lecherous pervert who always finishes every sentence in a [[Doctor Who (TV)|Dalek-esque]] monotone yell.
* [[Arbitrary Skepticism]]: In an episode that started with a number from 'Footloose', Vic burst out in disbelieving laughter every time Bob tried to explain the idea of homosexuality to him. Especially arbitrary considering that in another episode Vic accidentally doses Bob with a love potion and ends up uncontrollably attracted to him.
* [[British Accents]] - Characters are often given incongruous Geordie accents for comedy value. Everyone in the Slade segments has a Birmingham accent.
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{{quote| '''Bob:''' I love the smell of [[Fidel Castro]]!<br />
'''Vic:''' Yes, but he'd be lost without his Flymo! }}
* [[Early -Bird Cameo]] - Swiss Toni appeared once to sell the Men With Bras a car before he became a regular on ''[[The Fast Show]]'', much less before he got his own series.
* [[Everyone Went to School Together]] - Not quite this trope, but in the 'Slade' segments it appears that every rock star in [[Sweet Home Midlands|Birmingham]] live next to each other.
* [[Everything Is Better With Explosions]] - On ''Bang Bang'' the Stotts insist on starting every interview with "a nice explosion", and in a variation on [[Every Car Is a Pinto]], perhaps the most surreal sketch of all involved a car whose bonnet and boot lids would blast off into the air, then land and explode in an absurdly oversized detonation.
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[[Category:Sketch Comedy]]
[[Category:The Smell Of Reeves And Mortimer]]