The Smell of Reeves and Mortimer: Difference between revisions

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(Import from TV Tropes TVT:Main.TheSmellOfReevesAndMortimer 2012-07-01, editor history TVTH:Main.TheSmellOfReevesAndMortimer, CC-BY-SA 3.0 Unported license)
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* [[Absurdity Ascendant]] - Always the case with Vic and Bob.
** Particularly noticeable in the parodies of TV shows, which insert completely random aspects as often as they actually play on real characteristics of the people and shows involved. For example, Melvyn Bragg of ''The South Bank Show'' is obsessed with his bicycle, Hugh Scully of ''The Antiques Roadshow'' is [[EverythingsEverything's Better With Monkeys|constantly surrounded by stuffed monkeys]], and John Craven of ''Countryfile'' is a lecherous pervert who always finishes every sentence in a [[Doctor Who (TV)|Dalek-esque]] monotone yell.
* [[Arbitrary Skepticism]]: In an episode that started with a number from 'Footloose', Vic burst out in disbelieving laughter every time Bob tried to explain the idea of homosexuality to him. Especially arbitrary considering that in another episode Vic accidentally doses Bob with a love potion and ends up uncontrollably attracted to him.
* [[British Accents]] - Characters are often given incongruous Geordie accents for comedy value. Everyone in the Slade segments has a Birmingham accent.
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* [[Verbal Tic]]: Uncle Peter's "Woof! Bark! DONKEY!"
* [[The Verse]]: Some recurring characters, particularly the Bra Men, also showed up as contestants in parodies of game shows.
* [[Why Do You Keep Changing Jobs?]]: Kinky John Fowler, introduced in ''Bang Bang'' as compere of the Club, later reappears as a policeman in ''Catterick'' with no explanation.
** In addition, a recent tribute to Steve Coogan featured Kinky John as a TV executive, Tom Fun and Derek as cameramen, and Carl and Chris as BBC security.
* [[You Fail Biology Forever]]: A segment parodying the overuse of metaphors in public information films, in which Vic and Bob explained the human body in terms of the appliances in a house...but wrongly.