The Smurfette Principle/Playing With: Difference between revisions

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'''Basic Trope''': There's only one (important) female main character, and she (usually) exists solely to appeal to the female demographic.
* '''Straight''': [[Something Person|Awesome Girl]] is the only female member of her [[Super Team]].
* '''Exaggerated''': The team decides they need more members and expands to [[One Hundred and Eight108]] superheroes... but Awesome Girl is still the only female.
* '''Downplayed''': [[Something Person|Awesome Girl]] is the only female member of her [[Super Team]], but there are lots of [[Badass Normal]] [[Recurring Character|Recurring Characters]] who are female; they're just not official members of the team.
* '''Justified''': The story takes place in a time period where women were considered less capable of being [[Badass]] than men, so the team is [[Fair for Its Day|actually being very progressive]] by including Awesome Girl at all.
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* '''Deconstructed''': Everyone else on the team treats Awesome Girl [[Stay in The Kitchen|differently]] [[Double Standard|because she's the only female]]. Eventually, she gets sick of it and [[Face Heel Turn|switches sides]].
* '''Reconstructed''': The team only lets in the badassest of the badass, and so far, they haven't found any women as badass as Awesome Girl.
* '''Zig Zagged''': Awesome Girl is the only female member of her [[Super Team]] until she gets turned into Awesome Man. Then it's revealed that the Slaughterinator is a woman disguised as a man. Then [[Morally -Ambiguous Doctorate|Doctor Killblood]] zaps the team with the [[Applied Phlebotinum|Phlebotinumitizer 3000]], turning ''all'' of them into women, except for Awesome Man who is now the only man... at least until Doctor Killblood's son [[Heel Face Turn|switches sides]] and joins the team.
* '''Averted''': The [[Super Team]] has an even gender ratio.
* '''Enforced''': The team refuses to let Madam Mysterious join them, because they already have Awesome Girl.