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* [[Long Runner]]: Franz Joseph ruled the Empire for 68 years, bearing direct witness to the 1848 Revolutions while also living long enough to see [[World War I]] unfold.
* [[The Millstone]]: Austria-Hungary was this for [[Imperial Germany]] during [[World War I]].
* [[Nice Job Breaking It, Hero]] : But overlaps a little with [[Mis Blamed]]. They unwillingly gave their ally, [[Imperial Germany]], a [[Pretext for War]] by trying to avenge the assasination of Franz Ferdinand via a short war with Serbia (which had funded some of the assasins, including Gavrillo Princip). [[Irony|Ironically]], if Franz Ferdinand was alive, he'd never approve of vengeance like this. Needless to say, everybody was crossing their fingers and hoping "the Serbian episode" would be over quickly. Tough luck. In a few days, the rest of the European powers and alliances had already hopped on the bandwagon, hoping that the [[Darkest Hour|long-feared]] [[World War One|Great War]] [[Hope Spot|will be over]] [[Harsher in Hindsight|by Christmas]].
** [[Mis Blamed]] is dubious, since it largely amounted to the Habsburg Imperial leadership looking for a pretext for war and doing everything they could to stretch the Sarajevo murders into one. The Germans didn't help matters by egging them on, but that was ultimately all they could do, and ultimately it was Vienna that decided to take the near-complete Serbian capituation to their ultimatum [[For Want of a Nail|save for one clause that'd effectively make it another Bosnia]] into [[Disproportionate Retribution|an excuse to make war on and seek to dismember Serbia as an independent country.]] [[Hoist By His Own Petard]] doesn't start to cover it.
* [[Old Soldier]]: Many, from Austrian Captain von Trapp to Hungarian Regent-Admiral Horthy, became this after the War.
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** Sometimes AEIOU is also read as ''Alles Erdreich Ist Oesterreich Untertan'': All Earth Is Subject to Austria
* [[The Teutonic Knights]]: After the mastership of the Knights became a Habsburg preserve, a famous regiment, the ''Hoch-und-Deutschmeister'', (famous particularly for its band) was established, and exists to this day as part of the Austrian army. Moreover, the very last secular ''Hochmeister'' of the ''Deutscher Orden,'' Archduke Eugen von Österreich-Teschen, was a field marshal of the Imperial-And-Royal army.
* [[What the Hell, Hero?]]: The usual treatment of the Austrian Habsburgs during the [[Napoleonic Wars]] is basically that of the Coalition's [[Token Evil Teammate]] when compared the British and Prussians. Apparently, they weren't the nicest people on the block at the time.
* [[Vestigial Empire]]: It almost seems as if The Family were [[You Keep Using That Word|vestigial]] from the start.
* [[Your Mileage May Vary]]: For all its faults and accomplishments, the way the Habsburg Empire was and is remembered (in sensible/reasonable circles) seems to depend on what ideology/political leaning/school of thought/belief system one subscribes to. Whether it be a beacon of security and order in Central Europe or, as American papers in [[WW 1]] propagated, a Ruritanian "prison of nations."
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** This extends to those who are generally supportive of the Empire, which are a varied lot ranging from both the right ''and'' left. Though it's generally agreed that the more extreme ends of both sides tend to be ignored.
* Captain von Trapp in ''[[The Sound of Music]]'' (and in [[Real Life]]) was a former Habsburg officer.
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* A Disney production as a two-parter for its TV series, ''Miracle of the White Stallions'' was about Patton rescuing the horses of the Vienna Spanish Riding School a showcase of the old Hapsburgs still around today.
* Robert Musil's "unfinished" novel ''The Man with No Qualities'' revels in this, depicting the Empire in its final decade. Ironically, the author laments on how Austria-Hungary was ''so'' successful and deceptively progressive for the time that it became a victim of that very success.
* Appear as bad guys in [[Sixteen Thirty Two1632]].
** Ditto for just about ''any'' work that focuses on [[Napoleon Bonaparte]].
* Jaroslav Hašek's ''[[Long Title|The Fateful Adventures of the Good Soldier Švejk During the World War]]'', better known just as ''Good Soldier Švejk'' or just ''Švejk'' ([[Spell My Name With an "S"|with all attendant variations thereof]]), an utterly hilarious (though also gut-wrenching no less often) satirical novel about titular "[[Blatant Lies|good soldier]]" during the last days of the Empire. Sadly also unfinished -- Hašek [[Author Existence Failure|died of tuberculosis]] after finishing barely a third of its intended size, with Švejk didn't even getting to the front lines -- it's still one of the greatest achievements of the Czech literature in particular and world literature in general.
* Apart from ''Švejk'', there was a Polish novel and later a film, ''C.K. Dezerterzy''. Its [[Ineffectual Sympathetic Villain|similarity in depiction]] of WWI-era KundK army brought a number of plagiarism accusations, but was a genuine work. Which is yet another example of KundK forces' image of a [[Redshirt Army]].
* The [[After the End|post-apocalyptic]] ''[[Nineteen Eighty Three Doomsday]]'' fics for ''[[Axis Powers Hetalia]]'' take place in and around Austria, with a number of nods to Franz Joseph and the Habsburg Empire in general. Including the embodiment's {{spoiler|brutally cut short}} "marriage" to Hungary.