The Spectacular Spider-Man/Characters: Difference between revisions

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* [[Genius Bruiser]]: As Spider-Man.
* [[Grappling Hook Gun]]: Webshooters, natch.
* [[Hero Withwith Bad Publicity]]: Not as bad as in the comics, though.
* [[Hollywood Nerd]]
* [[Lego Genetics]]
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* [[Nerds Are Sexy]]: Especially after...
* [[She Cleans Up Nicely]]: Shows up to her Valentine's date with Harry [[The Glasses Gotta Go|sans glasses]] and wearing a dress.
* {{spoiler|[[Spared Byby the Adaptation]]: [[Word of God]] said that, even if the series hadn't been cancelled, they had no plans to kill her off.}}
* [[Two First Names]]
* [[Unlucky Childhood Friend]]: At first.
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* [[James Arnold Taylor]]
* [[Never My Fault]]: He has the highest ratio of blaming Peter/Spidey of all the characters in this series.
* [[Put Onon a Bus]]: From "The Uncertainty Principle" until "First Steps."
* [[Took a Level In Jerkass]]
* [[The Unfavorite]]: His father prefers ''[[Why Are You Not My Son|Peter]]'' to his own son.
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* [[Hidden Depths]]: Turns out to hold sportsmanship higher than trophies.
* [[Jerk Jock]]
* [[Jerk Withwith a Heart of Gold]]: Not quite there yet, but moving in the right direction.
** He seems to be there by the end.
* [[Playing Cyrano]]: Enlists Peter's aid to make sure he doesn't sound dumb while trying to impress a smart girl (doesn't work, but she likes him anyway).
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* [[Nice Guy]]
* [[Only Sane Man]]: For pretty much the whole school, along with Glory Grant.
* [[Phil La MarrLaMarr]]
* [[Positive Discrimination]]: The nicest of the sports clique to the main characters.
* [[The Stoic]]: In a friendly, laid-back sort of way.
* [[Talking to Himself]]: Not seen in action, but [[Phil La MarrLaMarr]] also voices Randy's father and ''Daily Bugle'' editor, Robbie Robertson.
* [[What Does She See in Him?|What Does He See In Her]]
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* [[Even Evil Has Standards|Even Jerks Have Standards]]: She doesn't like Peter, but, after one dangerous incident, openly admits that she's glad he's alright and even ''hugs him'' out of relief. Also, back toward the end of the first season, it's mentioned that "even Sally" is worried for Peter when she heard that Aunt May had a heart attack.
** Makes a point of laying off Peter if Liz asks her to.
* [[Grey DelisleDeLisle]]
* [[Jerkass]]: Most of the time.
* [[No Indoor Voice]]
* [[Popular Is Dumb]]
* [[Ship Sinking]]: Very against Liz/Peter. {{spoiler|She got her wish when Liz broke up with Peter (but it was actually Peter who broke her up).}}
* {{spoiler|[[Spared Byby the Adaptation]]: Although considering that her comics counterpart dies as an adult and the series was canceled while she's still in high school...}}
== Liz Allan ==
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* [[Popular Is Dumb]]: Subverted. She may not be a [[Teen Genius]], but she definitely has better social intelligence than most characters.
* [[Romantic False Lead]]: Intentional, her date with Peter really was just a one time thing.
* [[Shipper Onon Deck]]: Very pro Gwen/Peter.
== Glory Grant ==
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== Civilians ==
== Norman Osborn ==
* [[Badass in Aa Nice Suit]]
* {{spoiler|[[Big Bad]]: Of Season 2 and arguably the whole show. Due to the fact that he was working with Tombstone to make supervillains and was responsible for Otto Octavius [[Jumping Off the Slippery Slope]], he's got some connection to every major villain except for Venom.}}
* [[Catch Phrase]]: "Don't apologize. ''I'' never do."
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* [[Corrupt Corporate Executive]]
* [[Evil Redhead]]
* [[Hey, It's That Voice!]]: Alan Rachins, known to fans of [[Dharma and Greg]] as Dharma's father, Larry and fans of [[Batman: theThe Animated Series]] as [[Trope Namer|trope-naming]] villain, [[Clock King]]. {{spoiler|As for him as the Green Goblin, a different voice actor plays him, as seen below.}}
* [[Karma Houdini]]: He never apologizes after all.
* [[Manipulative Bastard]]
* [[Mean Boss]]
* [[Villain Withwith Good Publicity]]
* [[We Can Rule Together]]
* [[Why Are You Not My Son]]: Blatantly prefers Peter to Harry. Heck, he even provides the page quote.
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* [[Daran Norris]]
* [[Good Is Not Nice]]: Most notably, when Rhino asks for Peter, JJJ notices Peter and gestures for him to hide, then lies to Rhino - claiming that he's never met Peter, that everything is done through email - even though this could easily cost him his life.
* [[Jerk Withwith a Heart of Gold]]: When Aunt May has a heart attack, he feels it's his responsibility as Peter's boss to break the news to him. It backfires, but that's not his fault.
** We also see that he is extremely affectionate to his son.
* [[Mean Boss]]: He does care about his employees, but it's still ''hell'' working for him.
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* [[Gadgeteer Genius]]
* [[Hellish Pupils]]
* [[Hey, It's That Voice!]]: Robert Englund, of [[A Nightmare Onon Elm Street]] fame. A few years earlier, he had also voiced [[The Batman (Animation)|The Riddler.]]
== Hammerhead ==
* [[Badass in Aa Nice Suit]]
* [[The Dragon]]: To Tombstone.
* [[John Dimaggio]]
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* [[Anti-Villain]]: Type II, big time.
* [[Berserk Button]]: ''Don't'' call him Max, or he'll '''FRY'' you into nothing!
* [[Blessed Withwith Suck]]
* [[Comes Great Insanity]]
* [[Crispin Freeman]]
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* [[Large Ham]]
* [[Like a Son to Me|Like A Father To Me]]: Never overtly stated, but Electro very much treats Doc Ock like a surrogate father.
* [[The Millstone]]: He really tries to help Doc Ock, but he's so impulsive with using his powers that he probably does more to foil his schemes than [[Spider -Man]].
* [[My Name Is Not Durwood]]: Inverted, as he now hates being called "Max Dillon" and insists on being referred to as Electro.
** [[That Man Is Dead]]
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* [[Anti-Villain]]: Type IV. He's a perfectly nice guy, it's just that there's this ''one'' time he turned into a mindless, vicious animal, and no one is ''ever'' going to let him forget it.
* [[The Atoner]]
* [[Dee Bradley Baker]]: [[Spider-Man (Video2000 Gamevideo game)|And it's not his first time as Connors and his alter-ego, either]].
* [[Happily Married]]
* [[I'm a Humanitarian]]: Doesn't succeed in doing it, but has the inclination.
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* [[Evil Duo]]: With Rhino, aka Alex O'Hirn.
* [[Freak Lab Accident]]
* [[Heroic Sacrifice]]: {{spoiler|Somewhat subverted, in that while the act really was a heroic self-sacrifice that ended in his disintegration, the episode in question uses [[The End - Oror Is It?]], as after things seem to have ended, he's shown reforming and then blowing away on the wind, so he's really [[Not Quite Dead]].}}
* [[Hidden Heart of Gold]]
* [[Ineffectual Sympathetic Villain]]: He and O'Hirn were constantly being humiliatingly foiled by [[Spider -Man]].
* [[John Dimaggio]]
* [[Noble Demon]]
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* [[Affably Evil]]
* [[Badass Normal]]
* [[Badass in Aa Nice Suit]]
* [[Big Bad]]: Of Season 1 and the penultimate storyarc of Season 2.
* [[Composite Character]]: Adopts elements of the Kingpin, who couldn't be used due to licensing issues.
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* [[Scary Black Man|Scary Albino Man]]
* [[Slave to PR]]: Refuses to do anything villainous when civilians that could incriminate him are around.
* [[Villain Withwith Good Publicity]]
* [[We Can Rule Together]]
* [[Wicked Cultured]]
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* {{spoiler|[[No One Could Survive That]]}}
* [[Secret Identity]]: There's a reason why his real name isn't listed above.
* [[Steve Blum]]: Who is [[Cast Asas a Mask]].
* [[Third Person Person]]
* [[The Unfettered]]
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* [[The Chessmaster]]
* [[Combat Tentacles]]
* [[Drunk Onon the Dark Side]]: ''Relishes'' his [[Evil Genius]] persona.
* [[Even Evil Has Standards]]: Doc Ock politely asks and waits for Aunt May and Anna Watson to excuse themselves from the upcoming brawl between the Sinister Six and Spidey, even halting Rhino as he tries to charge through them.
* [[Evil Genius]]: As his [[For the Evulz|coffee mug]] indicates.
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* [[Names to Run Away From Really Fast]]
* [[Rival Turned Evil]]: though more like bestfriend turned evil, since he wasn't especially in rivarly with Peter at the beginning.
* [[Shipper Onon Deck]]: Shipped Gwen/Peter.
* [[Took a Level In Badass]]: Second season.
* [[Took a Level In Jerkass]]: About the time Peter got the black costume and even moreso after he started wearing it.
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== Silvio "Silvermane" Manfredi ==
* [[Badass Grandpa]]
* [[Badass in Aa Nice Suit]]
* [[Powered Armor]]
* [[The Starscream]]
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* [[Aloof Big Brother]]
* [[Anti-Villain]]: Type II.
* [[Blessed Withwith Suck]]
* [[Composite Character]]: His gambling problem and being a biological brother to Liz Allan (in the comics, his last name was Raxton and he and Liz were stepsiblings) comes from Bennett Brant (Betty Brant's brother), while his powers and first name comes the comics version of Molten Man.
* [[Cosmic Plaything]]
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* [[Fatal Flaw]]: His gambling addiction is what causes him to become a meta-human against his will.
* [[The Gambling Addict]]
* [[Playing Withwith Fire]]
* [[Power Incontinence]]
* [[Punch Clock Villain]]: He commits evil because he just wants his cure.
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* [[Dumb Muscle]]: Just like in the comics.
** Somewhat subverted: he's no genius, but he does make some fairly intelligent deductions, including being the first one to realize that if Peter Parker takes Spider-Man's pictures, he can use Peter to find Spider-Man. "I ain't stupid" is practically his [[Catch Phrase]].
*** Something similar in happened with Scorpion in [[Spider -Man: theThe Animated Series]], a character largely considered a dullard is the first one to make this connection.
* [[Evil Duo]]: With his partner in crime, Flint Marko, both before and after they got their powers.
* [[Meaningful Name]]: "O'Hirn" is an anagram of "Rhino".
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* [[Evilly Affable]]: He speaks in a polite, somewhat aphoristic way which is enhanced by his strong Texan accent, but he's definitely not a nice person by any means (outside of the whole "killing people for money" thing).
* [[Hand Blast]]
* [[Wisdom Fromfrom the Gutter]]: In an early appearance, he speaks to [[Spider -Man]] about a man needing to follow his commitments and [[Spider -Man]] being one of his (i.e. it goes against his "code" to fail to kill a target). Peter later repeats this verbatim to Aunt May when offering to chip in to pay the bills.
== Quentin Beck/Mysterio ==
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* [[Altum Videtur]]
* [[Cape Swish]]
* [[Doing It for Thethe Art]]: Beck seems to view the disguises and special effects he uses for his crimes as akin to acting and is concerned about putting on a good performance.
* [[Evil Genius]]
* [[Evil Laugh]]: Adds to his villainous dramatics.
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* [[Laughably Evil]]
* [[Master of Illusion]]
* [[Sissy Villain]]: Besides the [[Fashion Victim Villain|costume]] and the accent as Mysterio, Beck out of costume is a wimpy actor with a bit of a lisp, and in his first appearance (before taking on the Mysterio identity), he's shown providing [[Room Disservice]] in a way (unintentionally?) evocative of Wint and Kidd in ''[[Diamonds Are Forever (Film)|Diamonds Are Forever]]''.
* [[Science Versus Magic]]: Mysterio is introduced as an [[Evil Sorceror]] who looks down on technology and demands to worship him. But it's all an act and Mysterio's powers are purely technological.
* [[Smoke Out]]: One of his main gimmicks.
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* [[Third Person Person]]: Does this in his Mysterio persona.
* [[Teleport Cloak]]: As part of his act, he often uses to cape to make himself "disappear".
* [[You Fool!]]: Says this to people several times in his first appearance.