The Spectacular Spider-Man/Headscratchers: Difference between revisions

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** Except that by the time of the first confrontation none of those are on the scene yet, and Tombs' "hefty profit" was severely hurt by Spidey's interferance.
** And Tombstone still thinks there's a chance he can get Spidey to work for him; besides, he outright states that while Spidey is busy fighting supervillains he's ''not'' seriously hurting Tombstone's empire at all, and guess what he's been doing for the past few episodes. But the real issue is that he's too much into [[Pragmatic Villainy]] to throw away such a potentially useful resource, even when said resource hates his guts.
* When Spidey is beaten by Venom, he [[I Surrender, Suckers|pretends to give in and offers himself to the symbiont]]. The symbiont disengages from Eddy, consumes Peter, but then has to leave him too, because his will is too strong or something. When it tries to return to Brock, Spidey ensnares it in his webbing. Uhm, why didn't he do it while the symbiont was crawling towards him? Why allow the symbiont to consume him? He couldn't know for sure the symbiont wouldn't want to stay with him, could he? So why risk it?
** If he made a grab for it immediately, it probably would have just jumped back onto Eddy. He needed to weaken it first by exposing it to emotions which are, more or less, toxic to it- effectively, how he got rid of it before, only without the bells. He knows he can do it again because he ''already did it'' once.
* This is more of a fanbase issue than a show issue, but why is it that any fanfic where Harry's a major feature he's always made out to be an abusive boyfriend or some horrible monster? Is it just [[Die for Our Ship|romantic preference]] or is it something else? I mean, I doubt the relationship between him and Gwen would last much longer naturally because {{spoiler|[[Operation Jealousy|Harry heard Gwen admit she always loved Peter]] and Harry manipulated Gwen into staying in the relationship longer}}. Am I missing something here or is it the fanbase?
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** I would guess that it's also because of the way he manipulated Gwen's emotions to prevent her from breaking up with him. That kind of attitude isn't far off from emotional abuse, and a lot of fanfic writers don't really seem to understand/care about the difference between emotional and physical abuse.
* End of the third episode of the first season - everobody are pissed at Peter for taking photos of Lizard and Spider-Man instead of helping. Well....Why didn't he just told them he is Spider-Man? Eddie and Gwen are his best friends for years and they both proved to be able to keep their mouth shout and neither Mr or Mrs Connors will reveal the secret of somebody who knows that Curt is the Lizard. I get that this is Spider-Man and drama over how Peter's secret idientity ruins his life is required, but then why put him in the position where he has no logical reason not to tell them.
** Peter or Spidey, he'd still compromised Dr. Connor by making those pictures. Sure, they'd be grateful if they knew he'd also saved him, but it'd still be very awkward. Hell, it might've done more harm than good, if they'd imagined that he's only in the heroics for the money (frustrated people don't tend to be rational). The real question, of course, is [[What an Idiot!|why the hell didn't Peter think of using an alias or not signing them at all]].
** Because Peter, smart as he is, doesn't always think the consequences of his actions through, which we see several more times throughout the series (though never quite so majorly).
*** Besides which, JJ would have been the one who decided to list Parkers name in the by-line. So Pete would have needed a reason to convince JJ not to print his real name, and who knows how that conversation might have gone?