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* [[Ham and Cheese]]: Mysterio, who milks his sorcerer shtick for all its worth. As Tinkerer mutters, ''"Actors"''
* [[Hilarious in Hindsight]] - This little piece from "Nature vs Nurture" is even funnier now, considering who the current Venom in the Comics is.
{{quote| '''Spidey:''' At least Flash isn't evil. Or at least he isn't possessed by an evil symbiote. Well, as far as I know...}}
* [[HSQ]]: The final episode.
* [[Magnificent Bastard]] - Tombstone, Dr. Octopus, and Norman Osborn. Their schemes run rings around every other character in the show.
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* [[Moral Event Horizon]] - {{spoiler|Norman framing Harry solidifies him as an amoral bastard. But injuring Harry's leg to do it demonstrates a casual cruelty and cowardice that erases any hint of redemption.}}
* [[Narm]] - Eddie Brock, post-Venom, in his moments without the symbiote.
{{quote| Eddie - It only loves me for the hate!}}
* [[Nightmare Fuel]] - Curt Connors' transformation into the Lizard, around the time that the good doctor's head ''implodes.''
** Or just a few episodes later when Flint Marko's head ''explodes'' after turning into the Sandman.
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** The ending to the eight episode of the first season. There's an already creepy mask, shifting [[Every Episode Ending|(as usual)]] to the classic, red web. Too bad that both the shifting and the web themselves rhyme with [[Uncanny Valley]]. [ See for yourself.]
* [[Painful Rhyme]] - Though at least Spidey seems to be aware of it:
{{quote| Twas the night before Halloween, and all through Manhattan,<br />
Not a creature was stirring, not even Green Gob...lin. }}
* [[Paranoia Fuel]] - Eddie Brock uses this to make Peter reveal the location of the symbiote, making him Venom once more.
* [[Tear Jerker]] - Eddie Brock's final refusal of friendship from Peter.
{{quote| '''Venom''': '''''WE'RE NOT BROTHERS!!!''''' Our parents may have died together, but then ''you'' had your precious Aunt and Uncle. We've had ''no one''. We've ''always'' been alone... ''until now''.}}
** When Peter Parker broke up with Liz Allan, she created a huge scene specifically meant to gain the attention of the crowd, making it look like she was doing the dumping instead. As it turns out, this was actually a way of hiding her pain, because immediately after she "storms off", she is seen hiding behind a corner, crying her eyes out. This version of Liz Allan actually had genuine feelings for Peter. It really shows the strength of the writers when they can pull off emotional scenes even with relatively minor characters from the comics.
** The ending of "The Uncertainty Principal". {{spoiler|Harry is revealed (falsely) to be the Green Goblin and has been drinking the addictive and unstable Goboulon Green. Norman is pissed and demands answers. Harry throws him at a wall and tells him that he only wanted to be the son he wanted. He then keeps switching moods due the prolonged addiction. It was both sad and scary}}.