The Star Wars Holiday Special/Quotes: Difference between revisions

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{{quote|''"Well, I know that [[George Lucas]] doesn't like it at all. When I was working on '''The Illustrated [[Star Wars]] Universe''', he told me that [[Creator Backlash|he would be happy if every copy could be tracked down and smashed]]..."''|'''Kevin J. Anderson'''}}
{{quote|''"Some people think, mistakenly, that the ''Star Wars Holiday Special'' is hilariously entertaining in the [[So Bad ItsIt's Good|it's-so-bad-it's-good]] category. These people are idiots. Idiots who have never sat through an entire viewing of the Holiday Special. True, parts of the special are great fun, however the vast majority of the special is completely unwatchable. It is mostly like watching a one-armed, blind, five-year-old bowl in slow motion for an hour and a half."''|'''[ Chef Elf's]''' comments on the ''[[Star Wars Holiday Special]]''}}
{{quote|''"If '''[[The Star Wars Holiday Special]]''' was just shit that would be one thing, but it consists of us '''watching other people watch shit.'''"''|'''Alex Jackson'''}}