The Super Hero Squad Show: Difference between revisions

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Prior to the beginning of the series, the villainous [[Doctor Doom]], in pursuit of universal domination, attempts to acquire the limitless reality-bending power of the [[Infinity+1 Sword|"Infinity Sword"]]. He is stopped by [[Iron Man]], but as a consequence of their battle, the sword is shattered into numerous "fractals" that rain down on [[Big Applesauce|Superhero]] [[City of Adventure|City]].
As the series begins, Doctor Doom has forged alliances with just about every supervillain, forming the Lethal Legion in order to hunt down the scattered fractals, each of which possess dangerous and different powers of their own. Doom's forces, including his two primary henchmen [[MODOK]] and the Abomination, dwell in Villainville which is separated from Superhero City by a giant wall erected at the start of the series premiere. Once again opposing Doom's plan is Iron Man, now leading the elite team known as the Super Hero Squad, consisting of [[The Falcon]], the [[Incredible Hulk]], [[Silver Surfer]], [[The Mighty Thor]], and [[Wolverine]]. The Super Hero Squad are headquartered in the [[SHIELD]] helicarrier, and are frequently aided in their defense of Super Hero City by their superhero friends, including their boss [[Captain America (comics)]], rookie "Squaddie" Reptil, S.H.I.E.L.D. leader [[Ms. Marvel]], and many more.
The second season starts after the Infinity Sword is reforged; it's taken by the Silver Surfer when he rejoins [[Galactus]] as his herald. The plot focuses on [[Thanos]], who wants to complete the all-powerful Infinity Gauntlet to become supreme ruler of the universe. The [[Scarlet Witch]] takes the Silver Surfer's place as the Squad travels across the universe to foil Thanos' plan.
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* [[Action Girl]]: Ms. Marvel and [[The Wasp]]
* [[Actor Allusion]]:
{{quote|'''Iron Man to War Machine''': Stop talking like you're on Reading Rainbow!}}
* [[An Ice Person]]: Iceman
* [[Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking]]:
** "You are under arrest for curfew violation, resisting a Sentinel, and carrying duct tape without a proper license."
** Doctor Strange's mystical abilities include "levitation, travel to other dimensions, transformation of matter, Bulgarian cow-tipping.. and he's great at Sudoku."
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* [[Canon Foreigner]]: The Mayor of Super Hero City, Captain Australia, Captain Brazil, Captain Lichtenstein and Brynnie Bratton.
* [[Canon Immigrant]]: Reptil, who was created for the show, then appeared in the comics even before the show debuted.
* [[Cardboard Prison]]: Subverted. Every time Doom tried to escape prison in season 2, he would fail to escape. He was finally freed by Molecule Man because he's a reality warper.
* [[Catch Phrase]]: "Hero up," and "No problems... adamantium skeleton." (The latter is given by [[Wolverine|you-know-who]] in a pained or dazed manner whenever he suffers [[Amusing Injuries]]... which is often.
** Doom will often be heard yelling "Nuts!" after an [[Offscreen Crash]].
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* [[Couch Gag]]: In the opening of every episode, Hulk is transformed into something else; including the original Jack Kirby drawing of Hulk, Joe Fixit, and... a baby. Sometimes doubles as a [[Shout-Out]], such as [[The Simpsons|Simpson-]]Hulk.
* [[Creator Cameo]]: [[Stan Lee]] voices the mayor of Superhero City.
* [[Cool and Unusual Punishment]]: In the intro for a second season episode, Dr Doom is seated on an electric chair, the camera zooms in as we hear:
{{quote|Any last words, Doom?
Do your worst... }}
** {{spoiler|then it's revealed that that "worst" is an psychotherapy session with Captain America}}
* [[Covered in Mud]]: Abomination, in response to being compared unfavorably to a dog, digs a huge pile of dirt and covers Reptil, Wolverine, and Thor in dirt to the point only their eyes are showing.
* [[Da Chief]]: Ms. Marvel and Captain America.
** Both of whom answer only to Nick Fury.
* [[Deadpan Snarker]]: Bill (later Beta Ray Bill).
* [[Department of Redundancy Department]]: Something along the lines of "FEAR THE POWER OF[[Beat|...]] MY POWER"
* [[Did Not See That Coming]]: Doctor Doom, word for word, in the [[Black Widow]] episode when [[Captain America (comics)]] reveals his own double agent. {{spoiler|Screaming Mimi is really Songbird.}}
* [[The Ditz]]: Let's just say Silver Surfer is now... well. [[Surfer Dude|His name is rather appropriate.]]
{{quote|'''Surfer:''' That is soooo cosmic.}}
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* [[Enemy Mine]]
* [[Eviler Than Thou]]: This happens to Doom when Dormammu comes to town.
* [[Expressive Mask]]: Iron Man and everyone with a mask.
* [[Face Heel Turn]]: {{spoiler|The Silver Surfer, after being corrupted by the Infinity Sword.}}
* [[Fail O'Suckyname]]: M.O.D.O.K. and Abomination waste no time in heckling new villain Paste Pot Pete's choice of villain name. Even when he decides to change his name to Trapster.
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** The episode featuring their encounter with Dormammu has their physical makeups being altered and one instance shows Falcon along with his pet falcon Redwing dressed up in wedding attire, with him in a tux and the falcon in a wedding gown. His remark: "Hey! It is NOT like that!"
** In "Night at the Sanctorum," the heroes have to find a new place to temporarily live, and Iron Man reads off a list of heroes to stay with. He gets to She-Hulk and says to himself, "well, maybe if it was just ME."
** In the above episode: While crammed in the back of the Punishers van, one of the heroes starts muttering something about his nipple.
** Iron Man: Hulk, you trying to lose us our [[Medium Awareness|G rating]]?
** War Machine mentions ''something'' about Iron Man dating She-Hulk:
{{quote|'''War Machine:''' Didn't you dump her when you found out she was--
'''Iron Man:''' Gentlemen don't discuss such things! }}
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*** "During the war..." is almost a catchphrase for him.
* [[Gotta Catch Em All]]: The first season seems to deal with gathering pieces of an all powerful sword.
** The Infinity Gems in the second season.
* [[Grand Theft Me]]: Baron Mordo possesses Iron Man's armor, anyway.
* [[Heh, Heh, You Said "X"]]:
{{quote|'''Beta Ray Bill:''' I was genetically enhanced to be a janitor, in order to take care of the Spacestation [[Inherently Funny Words|Scuttlebutt]].<br />
'''Thor:''' Hehe, thou said [[Bait and Switch|scuttle.]] }}
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** "So that is what happens when [[X-Men (film)|a toad is hit by lightning]]. What a letdown."
** The title cards are a homage to the Marvel covers of the 1960's and 70's. In particular, the first episode, featuring the Mole Man, has one that pays homage to the infamous first cover to ''[[Fantastic Four (Comic Book)|Fantastic Four]]'', with the featured superheroes standing in for the members of the Fantastic Four.
** Captain America, talking on the phone about a reenactment of Gettysburg he's attending: "Relax, Brubaker! It's just a [[Civil War (Comic Book)|Civil War]], what could go wrong?"
** A special one that doubles as a [[Shout-Out]] is during a trip to the Negative Zone Iron Man sees a vision of himself as he looks on ''[[The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes|Avengers Earths Mightiest Heroes]]''. His response:
{{quote|'''Iron Man:''' Such ''strange'' apparitions!}}
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* [[The Only One|The Only Ones]]: The Squaddies have to take care of everything. Even those who have some sense that a big event is going down, such as Doctor Strange, wait until our heroes have come to them before offering to help.
* [[Screwed by the Network]]: When Season 2 started on Cartoon Network. It only aired on Saturday mornings. At 6:30 AM.
* [[Sealed Evil in a Can]]: Literally. Doctor Strange has Baron Mordo sealed in a can of soda.
* [[She's All Grown Up]]: Valkyrie. The last time Thor saw her was in high school.
{{quote|'''Thor''': She's filled out nicely.}}
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* [[Shown Their Work]]: As evidenced by the huge amounts of in-jokes and [[Mythology Gags]] the show uses. One example that stands out is in "Enter: Dormammu", in which the Hulk is the only squaddie to notice Dr. Strange's astral form, as a gag. It's not one of the Hulk's better known powers.
* [[Sizeshifter]]: The Wasp has the power to both shrink and grow.
* [[Somewhere a Paleontologist Is Crying]]: As a dinosaur-themed shapeshifter, Reptil is the major offender:
** To protect himself, he grows "Stegosaurus armor". Stegosaurus' plates were thin, covered barely anything, and were for regulating temperature (not protection).
*** No one knows WHAT they were for. Armor and temperature regulation are both separate theories.
**** And that doesn't even consider the time he grows stegosaurus plates on the bottom on his feet SO HE CAN SKATE.
** To fly, he grows "Pterodactyl wings". Pterodactyls were not dinosaurs, and their wings didn't look like bat wings (with multiple bony "fingers" going through the middle).
** And then there's the time he morphed a hadrosaur's beak to use it as a shovel.
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** It also appeared in "From the Atom...It Rises."
** In one episode, Human Torch and Silver Surfer destroy part of the Fantastic Tower. Cue a shot of Thing sitting on the toilet reading a newspaper only to have the bathroom crumble around him.
* [[Training Montage]]: Doom gets one, including Rocky's sweater. His teddy bear (also with Doom armor) stands in for the trainer.
* [[Transformation Is a Free Action]]: Averted for [[Played for Laughs|comedy's sake]]. Dark Surfer interrupts the Hero Up sequence by [[Leaning on the Fourth Wall|messing with reality and destroying the show's logo in the background.]]
* [[Trickster]]: Loki. Who else?