The Treasure of Swamp Castle: Difference between revisions

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* [[Harmless Villain]]: The Governer's henchman Puzzola has multiple murder attempts fail.
** [[Not So Harmless]]: While clumsy, Puzzola is a lot smarter and probably a lot more mean than the Governor, as he is the one suggesting him to kill the boy. He is admittedly an "intellectual criminal" rather than a murderer. {{spoiler|And in the end he turns against his master to claim the treasure for himself.}}
* [[High -Pressure Emotion]]: The Governor is a [[Literal Metaphor]] example--his pressure valve has to be released when he gets mad.
* [[Hot Gypsy Woman]]: Subverted, as Szaffi not actually gypsy - she is a Turkish princess raised by a (probably) gypsy lady.
* [[Hot Witch]]: The protagonist believes Szaffi is this.
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* [[Scenery Censor]]: Szaffi bathing again, it's a long scene.
* [[Roma]]: The protagonist's surrogate family. Possibly the old lady in the swamp too.
* [[We Named the Monkey "Jack"]]: A plot point, since the protagonist thinks the black cat is Szaffi because they share the same name. Subverted in that Szaffi, the girl is named after her baby sneeze, but it happens to be the same as the name of the old lady's cat.
* [[Why Don't You Just Shoot Him?]]: Puzzola is rather upset when he learns the Governor gave the castle to the protagonist instead of killing him.