The Wheel of Time/Characters: Difference between revisions

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The ultimate evil, equal and opposite of [[God|the Creator]], imprisoned by him at the beginning of time. Partially released during the War of Power and resealed by mortals, his ultimate goal is complete freedom and the annihilation of reality.
* [[Big Bad]]: The primary force of evil in the universe.
* [[Chessmaster]]: As he's a god, he plans on extremely-long term. However, as Rand pointed out, being an idea of evil, he
* [[Chessmaster]]
* [[God of Evil]]: What else?
* [[EldritchAbomination]]: As Rand finds out, it's not ''he'', but ''it'', as it's a sentient idea of evil, which destruction will lead to the ruin of evil... along with free will. When Rand perceives, the better description is a black void.
* [[I Have Many Names]]: Or at least many epithets. Father of Lies, Sightblinder, Leafblighter, Lord of the Grave, Grassburner...
* [[Name's the Same]]: There are many fictional characters called The Dark One
* [[Names to Run Away From Really Fast]]: Shai'tan.
* [[Omnicidal Maniac]]: [[spoiler: Or not. What Rand has found out from his plan is suggested to be more of FateWorseThanDeath for an entire existenсe.]]
* [[Omnicidal Maniac]]
* [[The Scottish Trope]]: His followers don't say his name out of reverence, his enemies don't out of fear. One of the only two who ''have'' said it at any point thus far is Rand, who's used it twice. The first time, fifteen seconds later, an invasion of [[The Usual Adversaries]] happened, and the second time he suffered [[Power Incontinence]] so bad it wiped out a good chunk of his own army. The other person who's said it is Ishamael, who uses the name regularly- apparently being the Dark One's [[The Dragon|favorite human]] gives you certain priveleges in that area.
* [[Sealed Evil in a Can]]: By Creator, outside of time. He's desperately trying to break the can.
* [[Ultimate Evil]]
