The Wind on the Moon: Difference between revisions

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* [[Action Girl]]: Dinah and Dorinda.
* [[Agent Scully]]: Mr Parker. He's a human who's been turned into a giraffe, so you think he'd be open to the idea of magic and witches -- butwitches—but he utterly refuses to believe in either, claiming that he probably just turned into a giraffe because he foolishly wished to be taller when he was human.
* [[Animal Talk]]: All animals can understand one another instinctively, though they don't understand humans.
* [[Animorphism]]: Dinah and Dorinda, on-screen, thanks to Mrs. Grimble's magic potion. Part of Mr. Parker's backstory, though we never get a clear answer (beyond some speculation) as to just why he turned into a giraffe.
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* [[Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass]]: Mr Corvo, the dance teacher. Maybe not so much a moron, but he's a mild-mannered man who teacher music and dance, and it comes as a genuine shock when he proves to be a warrior and swordsman. He even carries a cane that conceals a rapier!
* [[Evil Feels Good]]: Mild version, since Dinah and Dorinda are never actually ''evil,'' just naughty. However, an early segment in the story describes the thrill and glee they feel at the thought of being bad for an entire year. Later on [[Subverted Trope|subverted]] and [[Discussed Trope|discussed]] when the girls, after suffering the consequences of their misbehaving, find that the entire thing hasn't been nearly as much fun as they thought it would be. (Not that this actually stops them from misbehaving, they just decide to be smarter about it.)
* [[Humans Are Bastardsthe Real Monsters]]: The animal characters, in their conversations, waiver back and forth between this and [[Humans Are Special]].
* [[Jerk with a Heart of Gold]]: The Silver Falcon. He's arrogant and callous, but an affectionate friend to the Golden Puma, and later on to Dinah and Dorinda.
** Dinah and Dorinda also have traces of this; they misbehave for fun, but they are ultimately kind and helpful. They also suffer so much for their bad deeds that [[Jerkass Woobie|it's hard not to feel sorry for them.]]
* [[Magic Pants]]: Averted when Dinah and Dorinda turn into kangaroos -- thekangaroos—the witch's notes for magic potion they drink explicitly tells the drinker to undress before drinking the potion, so the transformation will not ruin the clothes. When the girls are ready to become human again, they are concerned that they won't find their clothes again and have to walk around naked, but luckily the Silver Falcon finds the clothes easily.
* [[Motor Mouth]]: Miss Serendip, the governess, who can't say a single sentence without inserting all kinds of trivia.
{{quote|"Will you pass me the pepper, Dorinda? Pepper, as I daresay you know, is a spice. There is black pepper, white pepper, and red pepper. Pepper used to be a monopoly of the King of Portugal. Much of it is now grown in Penang. Penang means the Island of Areca Nuts. At one time it was a penal settlement, or prison. The word prison is derived from the word ''prehensio''. Our prisons used to be very badly conducted, but gradually reform was introduced. Newgate was a famous old prison, Sing Sing is a well-known modern prison. Thank you, dear. Put the pepper back in its proper place."}}