Funny moments in The Worst That Could Happen.

  • Most of the things Azimio says.
    • "With balls that big, where do you put your ovaries?"
    • "Christ, D, can you get your fucking wife to go bake us some cookies or something?"
  • The proprioception scene. "Oh god, I'm an outcast at my own loser table."
  • The recurring "Team Rainbow" gag!
  • Shwarmwa!
  • In the lunchroom, this exchange.

Mike: That your boyfriend, Kurt?
Tina: Leave him alone! you never text me at lunch!
Mike:**blinks** I'm right here.

  • Many of Finns reactions. " You knew he was gay. Was it uh....a gaydar thing?" ( This makes Kurt laugh, even after what had just happened.) "If I've gotta deal with two brothers at least I know these two won't try to steal my girlfriends."
  • A great deal of Kurt and Dave's lighter exchanges have snark.
    • "Look at it this way - if your food is any good than I'm going to show everyone as I brag about my unusually talented housemate. If it's horrible... that picture just might be the evidence the cops need to track down my killer." To which Dave replies,"Don't worry, I was promised by the guy in the trenchcoat down in Adjacent that the cyanide I was buying for flavor was completely non-toxic."

Kurt: I'm not telling you about those mistakes, Dave.
Dave: But.Confessiony, Fancy! We're bonding or some shit."
Kurt:We could be married with twelve kids and not be bonded enough for me to tell you some of those stories."
Dave: You don't have the hips to pop out twelve kids.
Kurt (looks down): Maybe not. So you're volunteering to be the mother?
Dave: What? Fuck that, we're adopting those bitches.

    • Dave calling Kurt as "dude," and Kurt eventually accepting it.
  • When Mercedes finds out that Kurt is obliviously in love with Dave, her reaction: "Oh my Jesus who is the Lord."
  • Dave's nicknames for Blaine. Bleh, Warbler von Douchebag, Preppy Spice....