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A series of six wars encompassing [[Balkanise Me|the former]] [[Yugoslavia]] from 1991-2001:
* Slovenia (1991): [[<!-- 28Yugoslavia29%28Yugoslavia%29 Slovenian TO]] vs. the Yugoslav People's Army. Slovene victory. -->
* Croatian War of Independence (1991-1995): Croatia vs. Yugoslavia and [ the Republika Srpska Krajina] (1991 - 1992); Croatia vs. the Republika Srpska Krajina (1992 - 1995). Croatian victory.
* Bosnian War (1992-1995): [ Bosnian Serbs] and [ Bosniak quislings] vs. [ Bosnian Croats] vs. [ Bosniak loyalists] (1992 - 1994); Croats and Bosniaks vs. Serbs (1994 - 1995). Ended in a [ stalemate].
* Kosovo (1999): Fedral Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro) vs. [ Kosovo Liberation Army] and [[NATO]]. Military and [ de jure draw]. De facto NATO victory.
* Preševo Valley, in Southern Serbia (1999-2001): Federal Republic of Yugoslavia vs. [ local Albanian seperatists]. Yugoslav victory.
* Macedonia (2001): Macedonia vs. the [[<!-- 28Albanians_of_Macedonia29%28Albanians_of_Macedonia%29 National Liberation Army]]. Macedonian military victory, [[ de jure draw]], de facto and long-term Albanian victory. -->
Basically, without [[Josip Broz Tito|somebody]] to hold it together, Yugoslavia ripped itself apart in a spectacular fashion, producing the only big war in Europe since [[World War Two]]. Essentially the roots are religious and ethnic. Serbs aligned with Greeks and became Orthodox Christians, Croats aligned with the Magyars and became Catholic, while the Bosniaks aligned with the Ottomans and became Muslim. The wars also had an economic edge to them; the two northern republics were the most heavily industrialized, and their inhabitants often accused the government of subsidizing the Serb plurality (Serbs amounted to about 36% of the population; next largest were Croats at about 20%) at their expense, making them the first to bail.
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* [[Gratuitous Rape]]: Employed by all sides with apparently the Serbs having the lion's share.
* [[Hot Blooded]]: The Croat, Bosniak, Serb and Albanian mentality.
* [[Instant Militia]]: Subverted. Every side built their armies from the local [[<!-- 28Yugoslavia29%28Yugoslavia%29 Territorial Defence Militia]]. The VRS was created out of the remnants of the Bosnian Serb JNA elements. -->
* [[It Got Worse]]
* [[Kangaroo Court]]: [ What the ICTY is accused to be by some].
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* [[The Remnant]]: The Republika Srpska.
** The Republic of the Serbian Krajina (located in eastern Croatia) used to be this trope before it was eventually reabsorbed following the wars.
* [[Those Wacky Nazis]]: A lot of Neo-Nazis fought on the Croatian side while some of the Greek volunteers who aided the Serbs came from the [[<!-- 28Greece29%28Greece%29 Golden Dawn]] party. -->
* [[The Siege]]: The Battle of Vukovar featured a force of around 2,200 Croatian infantry fighting against a much larger Serbian force that had armor and air support. Despite being horribly outmatched and surrounded, the Croats held out for 87 days and inflicted heavy casualties on their enemies in brutal street-to-street fighting.
** The Siege of Sarajevo holds the record as longest siege in modern history.
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