There Is Another: Difference between revisions

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** The last egg (a green one) is expected to hatch in book 4. In this universe, eggs wait to hatch until they sense the proximity of a worthy rider, so ... [[Mary Sue|three guesses who's likely to hatch it.]] * cough* {{spoiler|Arya}}* cough*
* The first book in the Deathgate Cycle makes Alfred out to be the last Sartan alive. Two books later we find out there are others. Many, many others, living on other worlds.
* A variation. Grand Admiral Thrawn died in [[The Thrawn Trilogy]]. He was far from the only one of his species - Chiss are isolationist but not endangered - but there's only one [[Magnificent Bastard|Thrawn]]. Luke and Mara found his clone floating, asleep or not yet alive, in a [[People Jars|Spaarti cylinder]] underneath his hidden fortress in the [[Hand of Thrawn]] duology. They sort-of-accidentally killed it while escaping. But the incredibly elaborate Chiss [[Gambit Index|gambiting]] in [[Outbound Flight|Survivor's Quest]] has enough elements of Thrawn's style to cause Mara Jade to wonder if he had another clone. [[Timothy Zahn]] has said that he'd be interested in writing a book involving Thrawn's clone, who, unusually, would not mentally be Thrawn (while he'd have Thrawn's memories, he'd still know they were just copied memories) and would feel [[Cloning Blues|tremendous pressure to live up to the original]].<ref>Which, given Chiss skin tone, would make him a [[Just for Pun|Blue Clone with Cloning Blues]]</ref>.
* Arthur Dent discovers his entire planet has been rebuilt in ''[[The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy/So Long, And Thanks For All The Fish|So Long And Thanks For All The Fish]]''. Then he discovers a parallel version in ''[[The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy/Mostly Harmless|Mostly Harmless]]''. Then, once the Guide Mk2 has ensured that {{spoiler|every parallel Earth in the Whole Sort Of General Mish-Mash has been destroyed}}, he discovers {{spoiler|an Earth colony}} in ''[[The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy/And Another Thing|And Another Thing]]''.
** Trillian. Sure, Arthur runs into her only a few hours after the Earth is destroyed, but up till then he believed himself the [[Last of His Kind]].
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** The fourth season introduced an [[Opposite Sex Clone]] "daughter", although the Doctor was reluctant to consider her a "real" Time Lord. She's still alive, he just doesn't know it.
** In the 11th Doctor's second series, {{spoiler|Doctor River Song}} was confirmed to be ''part''-Time Lord.
* In the [[Stargate Verse]], the original movie mentioned that Ra's race was dying, leading many to believe he was the [[Last of His Kind]]. In the series, this is apparently ignored: the Goa'uld are numerous, and are the dominant galactic power. This was partially reconciled with the movie later on, when it was established that the Goa'uld were indeed dying out at that time, desperately looking for a host species (which they found in the [[Humans by Any Other Name|Tau'ri]].) The nature of Ra's species was also changed (from [[The Greys]] to snake-like symbiotes), among the many [[Retcon|retconsretcon]]s in the transition from the movie to the TV franchise.
* In ''[[Power Rangers SPD]]'', the Sirian Anubis "Doggie" Cruger was thought to be the last of his kind after the Troobian Empire destroyed his home planet. At the end of the series, it's learned that his wife, Aisinya, was kept alive within the Troobian Emperor's personal chambers. [[Fridge Logic|The logic behind this has yet to pass a cursory examination.]]
* In [[Red Dwarf]], Lister is believed to be the last human, with his companions being an evolved cat, a hologram, and an android. In the books and the series, an alternate universe version of Christine Kochanski is added to the cast (though how she arrived is very different between the two media.) He also loses the status as last human native to ''this'' universe in different ways:
