They Would Cut You Up: Difference between revisions

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This trope also happily ignores the fact that when you only have ''one'' specimen, it is a good idea to take good care of it because once it stops working it is hard to figure out how it used to. Of course, this is cold comfort to said specimen - it just means the torture will be of a greater duration, and would still result in them being locked away somewhere.
May be one of the reasons why [[Humans Are Bastardsthe Real Monsters]]. [[Playing with Syringes]] is what happens when they really ''do'' cut you up.
Possibly fated to become a [[Discredited Trope]], at least in the literal pass-me-the-scalpel sense, as sonography, MRIs, and other imaging techniques have made hands-on vivisection unnecessary for the internal examination of research subjects, given sufficient funding and resources. Depending on who exactly might be after you and why, however, you may still want to be very careful not to get discovered and/or captured just the same. A lot of stories involve characters who don't want to be locked up for the rest of their lives with tests being performed on them.
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** Later on in the anime, at least, it's implied that most people know he's a living suit of armor, but since the government already knows how to create those [[Unusually Uninteresting Sight|nobody really gives a damn]]. At the time of the exam, Colonel Mustang wasn't ''quite'' high enough in the chain of command to realize this.
* ''[[Narutaru]]'' plays with this; Akira is really worried that something along these lines will happen if people find out about the "shadow dragons" because "[[Genre Savvy|that's how it always happens in manga...]]"
** Which, given the series' [[Humans Are Bastardsthe Real Monsters|tone]] and [[Crap Saccharine World|setting]], is is probably 100% accurate (or worse).
* Dr. K-ko's antagonist status in ''[[Magical Pokaan]]'' comes from her intent to fool around with the girls in a lab.
* In the early episodes of ''[[Keroro Gunsou]]'', this is part of the reason (along with imprisonment and [[Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking|potential traffic accidents]]) why the alien frogs are not allowed to go out on their own, at least before they develop their [[Mobile Suit Human]]s.
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== Comic Books ==
* In [[Vogelein]], this is one of the arguments the Duskie gives for why [[Humans Are the Real Monsters|Humans Are Bastards]], saying that they'll take the title character, lock her up, and take her to pieces to see how she works. Considering that she's a clockwork Faerie...
* A different example has [[Deadpool]] supporting character Montgomery at the mercy of a corporation that keeps him hooked up to machines, the better to utilize his precognition to their advantage.
* In ''[[G.I. Joe]] vs. the [[Transformers]]'', the Joes are ordered to do this to [[Kid Appeal Character|Bumblebee]] and Wheeljack by their superiors, who [[What Measure Is a Non-Human?|only see them as machines]]. They almost carry them out, until a stunned Wheeljack reveals that the army's plans of nuking Cobra Island will have disastrous consequences...
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* ''[[Repo! The Genetic Opera]]''. Plot involves a future society in which 90% of the population has required organ transplants to survive a horrible illness. Unfortunately, the company that gives the operations demands steady repayment for the organs they provide. If not...a 'repo man' comes to 'repossess' your organs. Also, it's a musical. Yes, a musical. Also... Giles can sing.
** [[Buffy the Vampire Slayer|Well, we already knew]] ''[[Musical Episode|that...]]''
* Seems to be subverted in ''[[District 9]]'' so far—dissection is one of the ''least'' [[Humans Are Bastardsthe Real Monsters|of the cruelties inflicted on the aliens]].
** However, this is ''exactly'' the reason that Wikus goes on the run, {{spoiler|since they actually ''were'' about to vivisect him (unanesthetised and fully aware, no less!) when he managed to get free and escape.}}
* And lest we forget, "disassemble" is practically an [[Arc Words|arc word]] in ''[[Short Circuit]]''.