Tiger and Bunny/Characters: Difference between revisions

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* [[Adorkable]]
* [[Adult Child]]: Less mature than Barnaby despite being several years his senior, to the point of arguing with kids who don't like his trading cards.
* [[Adult Fear]]: He was a little too slow {{spoiler|and would've lost Kaede had it not been for Barnaby}}.
** Also, he gets another one in the second half of the show: {{spoiler|the possibility of having a rare, progressive condition that will force him to [[Brought Down to Normal|give up doing what he loves]]}}.
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* [[Butt Monkey]]
* [[Cannot Spit It Out]]: {{spoiler|That he's losing his powers, and plans to retire from being a superhero. He does come close a couple of times, but gets interrupted by Barnaby both times. Similarly, revealing his identity to his daughter would probably have improved their relationship significantly.}}
* [[The Cape (trope)]]: Aspires to be this, albeit with questionable success.
* [[Chest Insignia]]: On his original costume it was his original company's name, TopMag, and although not on his chest but on his mask, a W with a T in it. He also has a small tiger insignia on his belt buckle on his original costume; his current suit has the same small tiger insignia on the chest.
* [[Chronic Hero Syndrome]]: Suffers from this a good deal.
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* [[Domino Mask]]: Wears one while on duty, whether he's in his suit or not.
* [[Dork Knight]]: more Dork than Knight, though.
* [[Dude, Where's My Respect?]]: Pre-[[Time Skip]], at least. This becomes glaringly obvious in episode 13, when {{spoiler|all the citizens of Sternbild (including the other heroes, who knew full well the role Kotetsu played in their victory) praise Barnaby for saving the day... ignoring Kotetsu completely. Lampshaded when Barnaby notices Kotetsu's expression and teases him for wanting praise.}}
** Post-[[Time Skip]] he's risen to fourth-place in the Hero Rankings, gets treated nicer by Alexander, and is even getting along with Barnaby.
* [[Doting Parent]]: To Kaede, doubling as [[Parents as People]].
* [[Exactly What It Says on the Tin]]: ''Hundred Power'' enhances every physical ability by a factor of, quite obviously, one hundred.
* [[Expressive Mask]]: The domino mask moves with his eyebrows.
* [[Fatal Flaw]]: Kotetsu has a noted habit of keeping secrets in a misguided attempt to not worry people.
* [[The Fool]]
** [[Fearless Fool]]: Most of the time. [[Adult Fear|But he also has his fears.]]
* [[Form-Fitting Wardrobe]]: When in casual clothing.
* [[A Friend in Need]]
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* [[Lightning Bruiser]]: Only when his Hundered Power is activated.
* [[Limited Wardrobe]]
* [[Made of Iron]]: He is very resilient, even without his powers.
* [["Ma'am" Shock]]: Not fond of being reminded that he's "old" by the standards of the superhero business.
* [[Mr. Fanservice]]
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* [[Odd Couple]]: With Barnaby.
* [[Older Sidekick]]: He's being billed as this in-series.
* [[Overshadowed by Awesome]]: [[Cool Loser|Far cooler than your average non-superpowered person]]. Unfortunately for him, he's not being compared to ''normal'' people most of the time.
* [[Powered Armor]]: His Apollon Media suit ensures that even without tapping into his powers, he's still quite strong and durable.
* {{spoiler|[[Red Eyes, Take Warning]]: When his powers [[Power Incontinence|start going haywire]] in Episode 14}}.
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* [[Unflinching Walk]]: In episode 17.
* {{spoiler|[[Unperson]]: Finds himself as one in episode 20.}}
* [[Vague Age]]: Any questions about Kotetsu's actual age are met with [[Shrug of God|vague]] or [[Flip-Flop of God|contradictory]] answers by the staff and creators. The only confirmed, consistent information is that he's somewhere in his thirties.
* [[Waistcoat of Style]]
* [["Well Done, Son" Guy|"Well Done, Partner" Guy]]: In the latter half of the series he becomes this in Barnaby's eyes.
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* [[Face Palm]]: Can't help but do this in episode 5 following Kotetsu's attempt to retrieve a pen for one of his fans.
* {{spoiler|[[Fake Memories]]: Maverick tweaked his memories quite a bit in order to give himself an alibi, among other things. [[Word of God]] reveals that his memory has been edited beyond the extent shown in canon.}}
* [[Fatal Flaw]]: His single-minded obsession with revenge has completely isolated him from the world, ridding him of the friendly, cheerful personality he had as a child and constantly hindering his usually calm and calculative behaviour.
** Actually lampshaded in episode 22;
{{quote|'''Maverick:''' Your wild emotions are your only flaw.}}
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* [[It's Personal]]: His vendetta against Ouroboros and its affiliates.
* [[I Was Just Passing Through]]: Tends to fall into this when it involves Kotetsu; following him into a collapsing offshore drilling rig because he "wanted to score more hero points", responding to Kotetsu's call for help and claiming that he was there for entirely unrelated (and unspecified) reasons, etc.
* [[Japanese Pronouns]]: Uses ''boku'' when addressing himself in front of others and ''ore'' during monologues or when speaking without keigo.
* [[Jerkass Facade]]: In the earlier episodes, though it later vanishes almost completely.
* [[Jet Pack]]: Part of his suit but is not used for direct flight -- just short boosts of speed and [[In a Single Bound|some pretty impressive jumps.]]
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* [[Keigo]]: He uses keigo almost constantly -- even during the more colourful arguments with Kotetsu. It emphasizes his aloofness.
* [[Kuudere]]: Type-2 kuudere is actually his default persona, though it does sometimes alternate with [[Tsundere]] where Kotetsu is concerned.
** [[Frozen Flower]]
** [[Defrosting Ice King]]: From episode 8 onwards.
* [[Leave Your Quest Test]]: Faces one in episode 10.
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** [[Iron Butt Monkey]]: His powers make him ideal for the job. Poor guy.
* [[Carpet of Virility]]: Type 1.
* [[Delinquents]]: In the Drama CD, he used to be one until he met Kotetsu who he judged a [[Worthy Opponent]] and is now his drinking buddy.
* [[Expy]]: Of Shunji Nagira, from another [[Sunrise]] series, ''[[Witch Hunter Robin]]''.
* [[Human Cannonball]]: His bosses literally ''fire'' him to action!
* [[Let's Meet the Meat]]: A variation -- he has a [[Animal Motifs|bull motif]] to his costume and his main advertiser is a chain of barbecue restaurants.
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* [[Superhero Sobriquets]]: The Bull Tank of the West Coast.
* [[Super Strength]]: Tiger and Barnaby are stronger when charged up, but he's still able to lift an armored car over his head. Might not be an explicit power of his, though - see the [[Powered Armour]] entry above.
* [[Testosterone Poisoning]]: In the Drama CD he goes into a long speech about MANLINESS.
* [[This Is a Drill]]: Has two fully-functional ones mounted on his shoulders. Rarely actually uses them, due to both their impractical location and the non-lethal nature of superheroics in Sternbild.
* [[Unusual Eyebrows]]: The fiery kind.
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* [[Chest Insignia]]: An eastern dragon.
* [[Chinese Girl]]: She doesn't have an accent, but her hero costume is all about this.
* [[Comically Missing the Point]]:
{{quote|'''Fire Emblem:''' "Let's show them our Girl Power!"
'''Blue Rose:''' "One of us doesn't fit that theme!"
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* [[Large Ham]]
* [[Love At First Sight]]: {{spoiler|[[Loving a Shadow|It doesn't end well for him]].}}
* [[Meaningful Name]]: Keith '''Good'''man.
* [[Nice Guy]]
* [[Nice Job Breaking It, Hero]]: {{spoiler|In episode 21, Kaede would've had a chance to restore Barnaby's memories if Sky High hadn't patted her shoulder, inadvertently giving her his powers in place of Maverick's memory manipulation powers.}}
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* [[Agent Peacock]]
* [[Animal Motif]]: Phoenix.
* [[Badass Gay]]
* [[Berserk Button]]
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* [[You Gotta Have Blue Hair|You Gotta Have Electric Pink Hair]]
* [[Where Everybody Knows Your Flame]]: He owns a Gay Bar.
* [[Wholesome Crossdresser]]: Likes his high heels and pink boas.
== Ivan Karelin (Origami Cyclone) ==
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* [[Troubled but Cute]]: Has shades of this.
* [[Unusual Eyebrows]]: Has eyebrows that sweep upward.
* {{spoiler|[[Voluntary Shapeshifting]]: His superpower is the ability to [[Humanshifting|copy the appearance of any individual he has touched.]] As shown in episode 21, he can also blend into the wall.}}
* [[What Kind of Lame Power Is Heart, Anyway?]]: Feels this way about his power.
** [[Heart Is an Awesome Power]]: On the other hand, his {{spoiler|true}} ability would be incredibly useful for {{spoiler|undercover work and infiltration}}, so the lameness can be blamed more on Sternbild's superhero culture revolving around putting on a show rather than tactical law enforcement {{spoiler|which is precisely the case in Episode 11}}.
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* {{spoiler|[[Broken Pedestal]]: How Kotetsu saw him after learning how he became a [[Fake Ultimate Hero]] late in his career.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Brought Down to Normal]]: And he didn't take it well.}}
* [[The Cape (trope)]]
* [[Cool Old Guy]]
* {{spoiler|[[Domestic Abuser]]: Mr. Legend fell ''hard'' when he lost his powers.}}
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* {{spoiler|[[Dirty Coward]]}}
* {{spoiler|[[Fantastic Racism]]}} Revealed in episode 23 and likely an inspiration for his work.
** {{spoiler|[[Death by Racism]]: He thinks Maverick's plan is for [[We Can Rule Together|them to get rid of all the NEXT's together]] apparently not realising that Maverick himself is a NEXT. He states this while he's hanging off the top of the Justice Tower from Maverick's leg.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Killed Off for Real]]: It's safe to say he didn't survive being sent careening off the top of the tallest building in the city. Hero Tv Fan 2 also confirms his death.}}
** {{spoiler|[[Asshole Victim]]}}
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* [[High School Sweethearts]]
* [[Ill Girl]]: Though it's unclear if this is a case of the [[Soap Opera Disease]] or [[The Disease That Shall Not Be Named]].
* [[Last Request]]: Before dying, she asked Kotetsu to always remain a hero.
* [[The Lost Lenore]]: Type A in Kotetsu's life.
* [[Meganekko]]: During high school. Kotetsu's nickname for her was Miss Glasses.
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{{quote|'''Voiced by:''' [[Akiko Yajima]] (JP)}}
A mysterious young woman whom Sky High meets and falls in love with in episode 15.
* {{spoiler|[[AI Is a Crapshoot]]: And breaks rather easily when [[Lightning Can Do Anything|hit by lighting]].}}
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* [[Emotionless Girl]]: {{spoiler|[[Robot Girl|Justified]].}}
* [[Every Girl Is Cuter With Hair Decs]]: A red headband.
* [[Expy]]: Of Dorothy from ''[[The Big O]]'', a previous work from the director. Right down to having the same voice actress {{spoiler|and being a [[Robot Girl]]}}.
* {{spoiler|[[Marionette Motion]]: During the fight.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Red Eyes, Take Warning]]: When she's in combat mode.}}
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{{quote|'''Voiced by''': Yoshiko Takemura (JP)}}
A former housekeeper of the Brooks family who Barnaby is still friendly with. She sends him a cake on his birthday every year. {{spoiler|She eventually finds proof that suggests Maverick tampered with Barnaby's memories. After Maverick finds this out he has her captured and murders her, while framing Kotetsu for it}}.
* [[Chekhov's Gunman]]: Is introduced as a minor character but eventually proves vital in proving that {{spoiler|some of Barnaby's memories were tampered with}}.
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