Time Lord/Comic Books: Difference between revisions

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== [[Sam and Max/WMG|Sam and Max]] ==
=== Sam and Max are [[Doctor Who|Time Lords,]] and the [[De Soto]]DeSoto is their TARDIS. ===
The DeSoto appears indestructible, and it takes them across America, to Germany, to the North Pole, and to the moon in seconds. It has been shown to be sentient on a few occasions. It even has a soul.
* But if that were true, then why were Sam and Max stranded when their past selves stole the time elevator? They should have been able to use the DeSoto to go after them rather than reliving the last year and a half. Also, would they let Sybil and Abe take a demoniacally possessed ''time machine'' on their honeymoon? (Okay, Max would; but Sam might have done something).