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She has two friends helping her with her travels: Matt Gahan, an electronics expert whom Cassie befriended when he worked at the travel agency next door; and her best friend from school, Bethany Gibson.
She lives in the greater Dallas area along with Bethany, her [[Everything's Better With Dinosaurs|pet dinosaur]] Mascus, and her [[Robot Girl|MIRA-7 robot]], named [[Small Wonder|Nicki]] Darling. (Yes, [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Music/[Prince (Music)|exactly what you're thinking]] - Matt came up with the [[Double Entendre|last name]], and [http://timeslikethis.com/index.php?id=206 she wasn't too thrilled about it.])
Her travels are "monitored" by the Federal government - but not how you'd expect. [[FBI Agent|Agent Keith Scott]] has been assigned by the FBI to keep tabs on her - and help her keep her secret.
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** And don't forget Matt's [http://www.timeslikethis.com/?id=13 "abusing"] [http://www.timeslikethis.com/?id=91 the] [http://www.timeslikethis.com/?id=194 time] [http://www.timeslikethis.com/?id=402 machine].
* [[Set Right What Once Went Wrong]]: Subverted in the story arc with {{spoiler|1=[http://www.timeslikethis.com/?id=361 Jake Holland] and Vietnam}}, but played straight with {{spoiler|1=[http://www.timeslikethis.com/?id=347 the rescue of Joan of Arc] using a [[Decoy Getaway|realistic human-looking movie prop]].}} Also with {{spoiler|1=[http://www.timeslikethis.com/?id=463 the rescue of her boyfriend Philip].}}
* [[Shout Out]]: Cassie uses the passcode [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Film/BillAndTed[Bill and Ted (Film)|"Rufus"]] for her fembot, Nicki. She also uses the names of other famous time travelers, like [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Film/BackToTheFuture[Back to The Future (Film)|Doc (Emmett) Brown]], [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/JulesVerne[Jules Verne|Jules Verne]], and, of course, [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/HGWells[HG Wells|HG Wells]].
* [[Sorry to Interrupt]]: [http://timeslikethis.com/index.php?id=500 Cassie's home, so she goes back in time to get an extra few hours of sleep.] {{spoiler|...and catches Matt & Bethany in bed.}}
* [[Speechbubbles Interruption]]: A couple of examples: