Tomboyish Name: Difference between revisions

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This can become [[An Aesop]] if said Charlie Somebody is in a traditionally male-oriented profession; for instance, the ''[[Step by Step]]'' episode where J.T. immediately dismisses female mechanics, before handing his car over to "Sam", who is apparently the best mechanic in town. The [[Who Names Their Kid "Dude"?|message]] can quickly get [[Anvilicious]] if done more than once in a series. Though you can hardly blame someone if the name means "male"/"man" or include "son" (see: Andrew, Charles. Benjamin).
Sometimes a variation of the [[Embarrassing First Name]] and [[Last-Name Basis]]. Can potentially lead to [[Actually, I Am Him]], and a good way to help disguise the fact that [[Samus Is a Girl]] until the right moment. The [[Super-Trope]] is [[Gender Blender Name]].