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* ''[[Dungeons and Dragons]]'':
** The ''[[Forgotten Realms]]'' setting has Ao, who is more of a boss than a god to the multiple pantheons. Ao's boss was mentioned at least once as a [[God|being of pure light]], and may in fact be a God of Gods.
** Another Forgotten Realms feature (though it often bleeds into other settings) is that while the standard (read: human) pantheon lacks a "Top god" (at least publicly; Ao and his boss work in the shadows and most mortals don't know about them), the racial pantheons of [[Our Dragons Are Different|dragons]], [[Our Dwarves Are All the Same|dwarves]], [[Our Elves Are Better|elves]], [[Our Giants Are Bigger|giants]], [[Our Goblins Are DifferentWickeder|goblins]], and [[Our Orcs Are Different|orcs]] tend to have a designated ruler/leader among them. As ''[[Forgotten Realms]]'' holds to the [[Divine Ranks]] trope, the top god in the racial pantheons tends to be the only "greater god" among them, the others being intermediate or lesser deities.
* ''[[Exalted]]'' '''used''' to have Malfeas, Divine Tyrant of the [[Our Titans Are Different|Primordials]], the beings that created the gods, but then the Exalted [[Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?|killed some of them and crippled the rest]], letting the Unconquered Sun become the King of the Gods.