Topic on User talk:DocColress

Thanks, we can put them on a should not be here list, I can write it up?

    • So these entries were listed in the past. Hiruka seems worth considering I think.
    • Abida, one of Raoh's former subordinates, had his soldiers play cruel games on the villagers (since Raoh was gone) who he would hand-pick between big gulps of alcohol. Namely, him and his child-like underling Gonzu would chain giant rings on the villagers' waists and swing them as far as they could to see who could throw them the farthest.
    • Hiruka, a minion of Raoh. His crimes include: Having his men whip captured orphans, throwing his own two biological sons into an agonizing death in quicksand just to get GentleGiant Fudoh. It's made clear he enjoys all of this.
    • Targel, an underling of Uighur, is distinctive in that despite being a filler character and therefore only showing up for one episode, manages to cruelly murder three innocent people during his brief screentime. Specifically, a martial artist (in front of his wife no less), and a Cassandra prisoner known as Bella (along with her elderly mother).
    • Jemoni, another of one of Raoh's heartless mercenaries. His ultimate goal in life is to kill as many people as possible to demonstrate how powerful he is. Just before fighting Kenshiro, he has murdered 9999 people and is proud of it. He aimed to make Kenshiro is 10,000th victim, only to end up becoming his own milestone kill when Kenshiro struck a power point that forced him to behead himself.