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* [[More Dakka]]: Canister shot turns an ordinary cannon into an enormous shotgun that rips [[Mighty Glacier|Mighty Glaciers]] to bloody shreds. Shrapnel shot does this at long range, meaning you can subject your enemy to an unending hail of buckshot.
* [[Multi Melee Master]]: Phalanxes in ''Rome'' and pikemen in ''Medieval II'' and ''Empire'' caught out of formation or at extreme close range will down spears (or, apparently, [[Hammerspace|stash pikes taller than they are in their trousers]]) and haul out short swords. Only the Spartans and a few really tough pike units (like Swiss pikemen or Spanish Tercios) truly fit the mastery of both weapons part of the trope however. For others, its an [[Emergency Weapon]].
* [[Multiple Endings]]: ''Medieval'' allowed you to declare victory after conquering 60% of the map or go for 100% instead. If you chose the latter course, the ending was suitably more epic... [[A Winner Is You|"more epic" meaning that the little cutscene was the same, but the text below was slightly different.]] Likewise, after finishing a Short Campaign in ''Rome'' (Capture 15 settlements and destroy/outlive one or two specific factions), you can continue your campaign as an Imperial Campaign (capture 50 settlements including Rome). Both give an identical cutscene with different text below. The game's text files also have text for conquering everything.[[<!-- 20RTR20pics%20RTR%20pics/VICTORY1.jpg Here is an example]]. It's from a mod, ''Rome: Total Realism'', but it's the same message and video you'd get as the House of Julii. -->
* [[The Musketeer]]: All gunpowder units can fight in melee. Why you'd want them to is another matter, as they generally have plentiful ammo.
** In ''Empire'' and ''Napoleon'', infantry and ranged cavalry can run out of ammunition, and can befit the trope with varying effectiveness depending on unit stats and abilities. Dragoons are the best example but are limited to melee attack when on horseback (since they're basically "infantry who ride to the fight"), while France in ''Napoleon'' and several minor nations in ''Empire'' at least have cavalry who can fire carbines from horseback, such as Napoleon's ''chasseurs à cheval''. Averted though with artillery -- they don't run out of ammo, but their crews are ''not'' skilled in melee and are way too few (i.e. 12-18 men per battery) to survive against most units. As a result, one of the main roles of cavalry as of this game is to get close enough to unprotected batteries to prey on them. Most of the above still applies to ''Shogun 2'' and ''Fall of the Samurai'', though artillery no longer has unlimited ammo and can now be captured.
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