• Tess and David in Southbound Bus.

Tess: You must be little David.
David: I'm not little.
Tess: Well, I never saw adults with dinosaurs on their underwear before.

  • "Honey, you are plunging into the lion's den... You're dealing with a lawyer."
  • I really liked the bit in Fallen Angela when Monica mentions her ocean phobia.

Monica: I'm afraid of the water.
Tess: Say that again?
Monica: I never had to work near lakes and oceans. I always asked to be excused from those and I was. Bad memories of the Flood, I guess.
Tess: This is ridiculous! What is the first thing an angel says? "Fear not. Be not afraid. Except for large bodies of water." Is that it?!

  • Monica, on psychotrophic drugs.

You don't know what you're dealing with here. I could break you like THAT!

    • Less funny, she probably could.
  • Monica's coffee addiction! She orders the strangest stuff sometimes.