Touhou Nekokayou: Difference between revisions

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* [[Butt Monkey]]: [[Averted Trope|Averted]] -- Muffin has professed a deep "haet" for the fan community's habit of abusing certain characters (particularly Alice and Meiling) and, in some cases, [[Shipping|has set up happy and stable relationships for those characters]]. At one point this went as far as creating comics specifically to show victories for certain characters who had been shown to lose in previous incidents, though whether that actually works is up for debate.
* [[The Cameo]]: [[Jenny Everywhere]] appears in [ #111].
* [[Canon Dis ContinuityDiscontinuity]]: [ Ellen] has been stricken from Nekokayou's version of the Touhou canon, being that she was originally from a non-ZUN work (of course, being a PC98 character, her position in Touhou canon [[Chuck Cunningham Syndrome|is shaky anyways]]).
* [[Care Bear Stare]]:
{{quote| '''Utsuho:''' Well, if you don't leave me alone, I'm gonna go and be cute with Cirno!<br />
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* [[Cerebus Syndrome]]: averted; there are one or two multi-part [[Story Arc|arcs]], but it always goes back to the original one-shot setup, and it retains the humorous tone. The more serious stories are reserved for the surrounding [[Fanfic|fanfics]]. Also parodied with the out-of-continuity "[[What Do You Mean It's Not Awesome?|It's REALLY epic!]]" comics.
* [[Colon Cancer]]: The [[Story Arc]] comics which have an individual name for each installment, e.g. ''[ Touhou Nekokayou #102: Touhou Saisoutensoku #9: Faith Is For The Transient Boss Battle]''
* [[Cosmic Retcon]]: Keine's mini-arc revolves around turning PC-98 [[Canon Dis ContinuityDiscontinuity]] into this.
* [[Crack Pairing]]: Apart from Mokou x Kaguya (they want to kill each other in canon), Kimiko has shipped Cirno (fairy with ice powers) with Utsuho (hell raven with the power of a three-legged crow with the power of control over nuclear fusion), solely over the "cold fusion" pun (and the fact that Cirno is known as a ⑨, while Utsuho is a ⑥). Muffin has also made a few peoples' heads explode by merely ''suggesting'' Shinki x Daiyousei (that is, a world-creating [[Final Boss]] goddess and a [[Mid Boss]] fairy, respectively). Invoked with the [ random pairing generator] on the site.
* [[Crapsack World]]: According to [[Word of God|Word Of Muffin]], the Outside World must be like this (for magic-users and youkai if not necessarily for the [[Muggles]]), given the implications of the fact that Gensokyo is (a) a world of illusion, where things exist if [[Clap Your Hands If You Believe|enough people actively disbelieve in them]] in the Outside World, and (b) a paradise where nothing seriously bad happens in the long run.
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* [[Not Making This Up Disclaimer]]: "[ Actual dialogue in ''EOSD.'' I am not making this up.]"
* [[Oh My Gods]]: Yasora's "Oh, me!"
* [[One Steve Limit]]: Touhou itself, with its [[Loads and Loads of Characters]], has been an example of this trope for years ([[Dummied Out|Rin Satsuki]] and Rin "Orin" Kaenbyou notwithstanding), but Muffin has expressed a desire to maintain the trope within the webcomic: having declared the original Ellen [[Canon Dis ContinuityDiscontinuity|not part of the Nekokayou canon]], he promptly appropriated the name for the otherwise [[No Name Given|nameless-in-canon]] Tokiko, since there's no way that he can accidentally duplicate a ZUN-created name that way (apart from Rin Satsuki and Satsuki Hakurei).
* [[Original Character]]: Mika and Midori, who form [[Those Two Guys]] for the Eientei crew; Tsumami and Tsukiyo, who more or less serve [[Expy|the same purpose]] as [[Discworld|Colon and Nobby]] for Kotohime's police force; Satsuki "Sacchin" Hakurei, Reimu's adopted granddaughter after the [[Time Skip]]; Carroll Kirisame, [[Shipping|Marisa and Alice's]] [[Homosexual Reproduction|daughter]]; and Masha Kinoko, a mushroom-youkai who comes into existence during Create.swf Adventures.
** [[OC Stand In]]: Marisa's father Daisuke, who doesn't have so much as a name in canon, and Rin Satsuki, who had a [[Dummied Out|name in canon]] and not much else.