Touhou Nekokayou: Difference between revisions

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* [[Artists Are Not Architects]]: The continual difficulty scaling the characters in relation to one another (i.e. Flandre changes sizes during the Catness ark so that she can be smaller than Remilia, but larger than Cirno). However, Muffin since created a scale for character-sizes which was applied to every comic since [ #92] or so.
* [[As You Know]]: played for laughs [ here], with a [[Lampshade Hanging]]:
{{quote| ''Gengetsu:'' Mu... all of us know all that.}}
** Also pointedly averted with respect to Rin Satsuki's [[Mysterious Past]] -- the characters obviously know what happened between Rin and Yukari, and they keep ''referring'' to it, but no explanation has been forthcoming so far.
* [[Author Appeal]]: just from being a fan, first of all, but [[Girl-On-Girl Is Hot|...]]
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* [[Big Bad Wannabe]]: [[Kid From the Future|Meimu]], jealous of Reimu, Yukari, and Marisa's fame, travels back in time to try to steal Reimu's thunder by interfering with "the Hisou Tensoku incident," and then, implied in a [ future-timeline comic], use her prior knowledge of Incidents to solve them ahead of Reimu and Marisa.
* [[Boobs of Steel]]: Yuuka Kazami, who prefers "interesting fights" over the [[Non-Lethal KO|Spell Card rules]], is described in the following manner in chapter 4 of ''[ A Different Story of an Eastern Wonderland]'':
{{quote| She was tall, limber, and positively reeked of strength. Not power: strength. She wasn't very imposing as far as musculature went, nor did she radiate magical force, but she seemed to have nerves of steel, an iron will, a grip that could crush titanium, and a chest which, [[Lemony Narrator|um, actually]], [[Metaphorgotten|let's stop that metaphor right there]].}}
* [[Breaking the Fourth Wall]]: Often used as a brief gag, although it was actually [ used in-character once] (as a [[Lampshade Hanging]] on [[Real Life Writes the Plot]]. Incidentally, Thefre only implemented multicolored danmaku just a few days after a note was added to this line which said, "Incidentally, Thefre ''still'' hasn't implemented multicolored danmaku ...") And it's [[Justified Trope|justified]] in the case of referring to each other as "[ stage (whichever) bosses]"! (The idea of justifying that is meant to be at least as silly as the trope itself.)
** In [[Interactive Comic|Create.swf Adventures]], [ Yukari] supposedly [[The Fourth Wall Will Not Protect You|broke through the fourth wall]], and [ Reimu] did it [[Sean Connery Is About to Shoot You|less literally]] but no less decisively; however, it turned out to be a [[Fourth Wall Psych]].
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* [[Canon Discontinuity]]: [ Ellen] has been stricken from Nekokayou's version of the Touhou canon, being that she was originally from a non-ZUN work (of course, being a PC98 character, her position in Touhou canon [[Chuck Cunningham Syndrome|is shaky anyways]]).
* [[Care Bear Stare]]:
{{quote| '''Utsuho:''' Well, if you don't leave me alone, I'm gonna go and be cute with Cirno!<br />
'''[[Enemy Within|Yasora]]:''' ... I'm impressed. Not only is that the most ridiculous threat I've ever heard in my entire existence, it's also one of the most effective in my circumstances. }}
* [[Catapult Nightmare]]: Maribel has one in a [[Dream Within a Dream]]. Averted when she actually wakes up.
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** In ''Create.swf Adventures'': [ early on], Marisa threatens to sic Orin (who has the power to control evil spirits) on Mima (an evil spirit). [ Much later ...]
* [[Chew Bubblegum]]: [ When a character arms herself with no danger present]:
{{quote| It's good for two things: sacred rituals, and bapping supernatural heads. ''And you're all out of rituals!'' ... uh ... ''and'' heads.}}
** Also, the only command ever given to Shinki is [ "Kick ass, chew bubblegum... but be all out of bubblegum."]
* [[Cerebus Syndrome]]: averted; there are one or two multi-part [[Story Arc|arcs]], but it always goes back to the original one-shot setup, and it retains the humorous tone. The more serious stories are reserved for the surrounding [[Fanfic|fanfics]]. Also parodied with the out-of-continuity "[[What Do You Mean It's Not Awesome?|It's REALLY epic!]]" comics.
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** Subverted relatively quickly, although the subversion in itself is dealt with in a similarly quick fashion.
* [[I Always Wanted to Say That]]
{{quote| Boon: [[Metal Gear Solid|Neither enemy nor friend!]] [{{=}}csa01marisa0233 I come from a world where such things are meaningless!]<br />
Boon{{spoiler|/Aya}}: [{{=}}csa01marisa0234 I have always wanted to say that!] (Warning. Clicking the link is a spoiler.) }}
* [[Infinite Canvas]]: The comics are variable-length after the third one or so, ranging between [[Yonkoma]] and the [ 35-panel monstrosity] comprising the climax of the Catness arc (which also had a long panel [ at one point]); this has gotten to the point where Muffin has begun breaking the comics into two files by default to keep their hugeness from bogging down peoples' connections. Furthermore, several comics [ randomly] [ change] [ things] every time the page is loaded...
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* [[Interspecies Romance]]: See most of the entries under the "shipping" link. Human/human-turned-[[Witch Species|magician]] (though Marisa changes down the line, too), ghost/half-ghost, vampire/satori, ice-fairy/hell-raven ...
* [[I Take Offense to That Last One]]: from [ this strip]:
{{quote| '''Meimu:''' Maybe you're the strongest '''fairy''' there is. '''Maybe.''' But you're still weaker than even a human, and all your opponents will still very easily outwit and curbstomp you, especially with that stupid "Icicle Fall" Spell Card.<br />
'''Cirno:''' Hey, I haven't actually used Icicle Fall in like months.<br />
'''Meimu:''' [[Lampshade Hanging|Oh, so you admit that the rest of...?]] }}
* [[It's All About Me]]: Meimu. The best example of this is when Rin Satsuki reveals that she was a [[Fake Defector]], citing the fact that Meimu was trying to get her to go against her best friend. Meimu replies, "You don't care about me at all, do you!?"
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* [[Plot-Relevant Age-Up]]: Alice, who became a [[Witch Species|youkai]] and stopped aging when she was fifteen, is using a spell so that she grows up along with Marisa (who was, of course, [[Mayfly-December Romance|still aging nine years later]]). Remilia and Flandre have since gotten Patchouli to create a similar spell that works on vampires, though they both usually stay in their younger forms.
* [[Pre-Ass-Kicking One-Liner]]:
{{quote| '''Sakuya (with [[Slasher Smile]]):''' "Hello. You have committed a fatal exception error."<br />
'''Meimu ([[Sweat Drop|sweatdropping]]):''' "W-what!? Isn't that a computer thing?"<br />
'''Sakuya:''' "Well, I meant that my lady and I take exception to trying to kidnap Meiling like that. It was therefore a fatal error." }}
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* [[Right for the Wrong Reasons]]: In comic [ #61], the events of ''Imperishable Night'', which were started by [[Moon People|Lunarians]], have resulted in [[Lunacy|moonbeams driving fairies crazy and making them superpowered]]. Mokou, fighting off fairies, wonders out loud why this is happening; a [[Boss in Mook Clothing]]-fairy promptly attacks her and, in [[Talkative Loon]]-mode, blurts out, "BECAUSE ALIENS FROM THE MOOOOON!"
* [[Rule of Funny]]: The [ Catness] [[Story Arc|arc]], in which half of Gensokyo's not-already-[[Petting Zoo People]] population gets turned into [[Catgirl|cats]], and in which "[[Sophisticated As Hell|shiny objects]]" is a technical magical term, and susceptibility to the effects of the catness is based on stupidity or strength (but not both). And that's just the tip of the iceberg in the comic as a whole ...
{{quote| '''Wriggle:''' ''(after Mokou has just been [{{=}}thcomic25 defeated by Tenshi])'' "Yeesh ... [[Never Send an X to Do a Y's Job|never send a lesbian to do a bisexual crossdresser's job.]]"}}
* [[Schedule Slip]]: The comic's main page says "updates Sundays and a few Thursdays" but lately it's become (early Mondays, sometimes up to a day later). Actual ''missed'' updates are rare, but they do happen.
** As of April 1st, 2010, Muffin's updated the comic's main page to this:
{{quote| ...updated whenever I feel like it (generally ends up being around Monday-ish, though the original intended time was Sundays and occasional Wednesdays or Thursdays, but ultimately "when I feel like it").}}
** That's nothing compared to the prose fiction. Of the five multi-chapter fics, only one is finished and only two of the other four have been updated in the past 12 months.
** As of October 2, 2010, the comic was officially on indefinite hiatus, although Muffin was still doing Create.swf Adventures. It came back on the 10th of April, just a few days after the end of CSA: Shenanigans in a Magical Forest.
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* [[Seinfeldian Conversation]]: Mika and Midori tend to have these while fleeing in terror.
* [[Self-Deprecation]]: In "Ask Masha":
{{quote| '''Anonymous asked:''' Do you read Seihou Nekokayou? If so, what do you think of it?<br />
'''Masha:''' Eh, it seemed to me to be kind of overrated when I went through it. It wasn't always that original, it kept using the "[[Death Note|just as planned]]" joke, and it used [[Original Character|OCs]] a little too much... }}
** According to [[Word of God|Muffin's own Tumblr]], this was based on actual criticisms he'd seen about the comic.
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** Yasora, who pretty much set herself up as an evil side of Utsuho the moment she comes out.
* [[Suspiciously Specific Denial]]: from [ this comic]:
{{quote| '''Sanae:''' Excuse me...<br />
'''Sanae:''' ''(skeptical)'' A what?<br />
'''Cirno:''' Um, n-nothing, I definitely didn't see any big shadows anywhere. }}
* [["Take That!" Kiss]]: Daiyousei, of all people, [ does this to Cirno] just to drive home how weak Cirno's [[Memetic Mutation|Icicle Fall - Easy -]] really was.
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** Reimu's [ Unlimited Fantasy Heaven]. {{spoiler|1=Which then [ results] in a [[Heroic RROD]].}}
* [[This Is Gonna Suck]]:
{{quote| '''Cirno:''' This is still gonna hurt so much I'm going to be feeling it next week, isn't it?}}
* [[Time Skip]]: The "Fate of 60 Years" line, which takes place at the end of the 60-year cycle which began in ''Phantasmagoria of Flower View''.
* [[Tom Swifty]]: Create.swf Adventures has a [ triple-layered example] without any actual dialogue:
{{quote| [[Second Person Narration|You]] quickly bring her up to speed, [[Lampshade Hanging|in the manner of]] [[Tom Swift]].}}
* [[Tradesnark]]: "All [[Touhou]] characters are © Team Shanghai Alice and/or ZUN; create.swf is ⑨ KirbyM with help from Thefre."
* [[Translation Convention]]: The characters are presumably speaking Japanese, except when otherwise specified, with a [[Lampshade Hanging]] from Remilia at one point ("Speak English! -- or ... Japanese. Whichever." in response to a [[Wall of Text|Wall Of]] [[Magi Babble]] from [ Patchouli]).
{{quote| '''[{{=}}thcomic8 Marisa:]''' "Looks more like ... uh ... I can't think of a good comeback that makes sense in English."}}
* [[Tropes Will Ruin Your Life]]: Muffin has created a short bit of code which generates links to [[TV Tropes]] and appends a disclaimer to that effect, and uses it whenever linking to [[TV Tropes]].
* [[Unsound Effect]]: to compensate for the [[Virtual Paper Doll]] limitations, and sometimes for exposition. But mostly they're rather silly in general.