Transformers: War for Cybertron/Characters: Difference between revisions

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* [[Hot Blooded]]
* [[Lightning Bruiser]]: Noted to be the one of the fastest Autobots and definitely not the weakest.
* [[One -Scene Wonder|One Level Wonder]]: Only playable for one level, but one of the coolest to play.
* [[Proud Warrior Race Guy]]
* [[Travis Willingham]]
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* [[Big Good]]: Before Optimus, but he's not quite as competent.
** He also subverts it, by using morally questionable tactics.
* [[Bond Villain Stupidity]]: He says himself he could crush Megatron with a mere thought, and in his boss fight if he wanted to he could just bring down every piece of the ceiling and kill him. [[What an Idiot!|Instead he plays around with him and makes him run around in circles, effectively allowing Megatron the opportunity to kill him]].
* [[Composite Character]]: He has the name of Zeta Prime, but is more or less Sentinel Prime in that he precedes Optimus Prime. [[Transformers Exodus]] makes it worse by calling him just that.
* {{spoiler|[[Doomed By Canon]]}}
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** [[Good Counterpart]]
* [[Pride]]
* [[Small Name, Big Ego]]: He's all bark and little bite, and lacks both the madness and evil will of Megatron.
* [[Troy Baker]]
* [[This Cannot Be!]]: ''Word for word''.
=== {{color|red|Omega Supreme}} ===
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* [[The Brute]]
* [[Nolan North]]
* [[One -Man Army]]: Manages to take out an entire squad of Autobot troops that were dogpiling him during the assault on the archives.
=== {{color|purple|Barricade}} ===
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=== {{color|purple|Thundercracker}} ===
* [[Anti -Villain]]
* [[Captain Obvious]]
* [[Only Sane Man]]: He's really the only Decepticon seen who isn't bloodthirsty or fanatical, and by the sound of things would prefer some scientific study of Cybertron's literal underworld.
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* [[BFG]]
* {{spoiler|[[Death From Above]]}}: What Megatron uses him for.
* [[EverythingsEverything's Better With Dinosaurs]]
* [[Evil Gloating]]: Nearly every line he utters has him mocking the Autobots and their attempts to defeat him.
{{quote| '''Trypticon:''' "You thought you could destroy ''me?'' You thought you could destroy ''Trypticon''? Ha! ''Pathetic''!"<br />
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=== {{color|purple|Shockwave}} ===
* [[DLC]]
* [[Hey ItsIt's That Voice]]: [[Steve Blum]] in the game, but [[Corey Burton]] provides his voice in a commercial.
* [[The Starscream]]: According to his [[All There in the Manual|Hall of Fame profile]], he dreams of ruling Cybertron himself after reformatting everyone on the planet to a new form of existence. In ''[[Transformers Exodus]]'', Megatron even suspects that, one day, Shockwave ''will'' turn on him.