Transformers Rescue Bots: Difference between revisions

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* [[Kaleidoscope Eyes]]: Boulder's eyes turn from orange to blue when he's doing rescue work or pretending to be a man-made machine (the same sorts of situations the other bots use their [[Cool Shades]] for).
* [[Last of Their Kind]]: The titular heroes are the sole surviving squad of "Rescue Bots" left active, a fact which surprises even Optimus Prime.
* [[Late to Thethe Punchline]]: In "Flobsters on Parade", Blades doesn't get the joke behind Cody calling the flying lobsters "flobsters" until the very end of the episode.
* [[Lighter and Softer]]
* [[Masquerade]]: The Rescue Bots have to hide their true selves and pass as advanced machinery. This being ''Transformers'', it lasts all of one episode in regards to the Burns family. Heatwave isn't happy about this fact at first, especially in regards to being bossed around by Kade. That's right, they're Robots in Disguise... [[Shaped Like Itself|as robots]].