Transhuman Treachery/Quotes: Difference between revisions

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{{quote|See? You made me hurt myself again! I broke my hand off completely at the wrist this time, Tina! But that's okay, Darlin', because I love you, and that's why you have to let me [[Zombie Apocalypse|EAT YOUR BRAAAAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIIIINS!]]|Freddy, ''The [[Return of the Living Dead]]''}}
{{quote|'''Lauren:''' Oh my god [giggle]. You actually think I want "Saving"?<br />
'''Mitchell:''' ''We can save each other!'' This is what I'm trying to... we can save each other.<br />
'''Lauren:''' You don't get it do you? I ''want'' to kill. I want to feel their blood dripping down my chin. I want to see their faces when they realize. I want to kill my parents, my lovers... I want them to know. Herrick's talking about offering it first. Christ, let's just take it! Take the world. Tear the children to shreds. |''[[Being Human]]'', episode 1x01.}}