Trash Talk: Difference between revisions

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{{quote| '''Greg Thomas:''' (Holding up a cricket ball, after Viv Richards had played and missed at a couple of deliveries) [[Tempting Fate|Hey, Viv, it's red, round, and weighs about six ounces.]]<br />
'''Viv Richards:''' (After smashing the ball out of the ground next delivery) You know what it looks like, man, now go fetch it. }}
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* Kaiba's good, but ''Eyeshield21'''s Kongo Agon easily annihilates him in this category. He even uses the word "trash," but unlike the above-stated Ulquiorra, every other sentence that comes out of his mouth contains it (calling someone trash is actually his version of Hiruma's F-Bombing).
* In Gintama episode 79, Gintoki, Kondou, Binbokusai, and Tojou took a restroom break from fighting, but got stranded in the restroom without tissues. Unable to continue fighting without first finding tissues to wipe their butts, they spent an entire episode trash talking and mind gaming.
{{quote| '''Kondou''': I never imagined that the enemy captain is an old man. But we won't go easy on you. Let's settle this!<br />
'''Binbokusai''': What are you blabering about? You don't stand a chance against me. I guarantee it.<br />
'''Gintoki''': Right back at you, old man. Don't you see? You're already trapped like a rat.<br />
'''Tojou''': No need to rush. We'll slaugter you later. But first thing first... <br />
'''Everyone''': Someone, please bring us toilet paper! }}
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* An official part of the titular sport in ''Baseketball'', the purpose is to make the thrower miss their throw.
* In ''[[The Big Lebowski]]'', rival bowler Jesus Quintana is a veritable font of this. Made even funnier by the Dude's [[Lame Comeback]].
{{quote| '''Jesus''': You ready to be fucked, man? I see you rolled your way into the semis. Dios mio, man. Liam and me, we're gonna fuck you up.<br />
'''The Dude''': Yeah, well, you know that's just, like, your opinion, man. }}
* In ''[[Ip Man]] 2'' the [[Arrogant Kung Fu Guy|Arrogant Boxer]] frequently mouths out at his Chinese opponents.
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** Simon Belmont: "Armed with a whip and a fucking stake, I'm gonna find Count [[Dracula]] and seal his fate! With a one, two three (ha ha ha!) annihilatin' zombies on my way to the gate. I'm Simon Belmont! The vampire slaughterer! Equipped with holy water and I got enough for all 'a ya'll. I'm callin' ya out! I'm takin' ya down! Killin' you again and puttin' ya back in the ground!"
* ''All About the Pentiums'' by [[Weird Al]], when he's not bragging about how great his own PC is.
{{quote| ''Your motherboard melts when you try to send a fax, where'd you get your CPU? In a box of Cracker Jacks?''}}
* ''Arschgesicht'' (ass face), by [[Knorkator]] is nothing but trash talk and taunting. Played for laughs, as the vocals are done by one of the band members 10 year old son. In the video, he is playing a board game with a man looking like a heavily muscled hooligan.
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* In ''[[Star Wars]]: Episode 1 Racer'' there's actually a programmable button on the joystick/keyboard that has the sole function of screaming insults at your opponents. It really doesn't do anything in a race but it certainly makes the player feel better. Unfortunately, since most of the racers are aliens, the only character you can actually understand is Anakin (such gems as "Eat fumes, wormo!")... and half the time his are in Huttese anyway.
* Happens before, during, and after races in the first two ''[[Midnight Club]]'' games. Due to the character tripping over his words, one example backfires [[Crowning Moment of Funny|hilariously]]:
{{quote| '''Larry''':You reckon you got a chance against the Queen of Ki-I mean the King of Queens?}}
* In both ''[[Eternal Champions]]'' and ''[[Art of Fighting]]'', taunting your enemy reduces the energy they need for their special moves. Sadly, this only ''matters'' in the latter; in the former, [[The Computer Is a Cheating Bastard|the computer doesn't care about its meter]].
* A key tactic in the ''[[Wing Commander (video game)|Wing Commander]]'' games is using your comm system to shout insults at your Kilrathi opponents. Being the [[Proud Warrior Race Guy|Proud Warrior Race Guys]] they are, this will often provoke them into ignoring their mission objectives (like, say, [[Escort Mission|the ships you're protecting]]) in favor of chasing after you specifically.
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* ''[[Suikoden V]]'' has Logg, Lun, and Subala do this in the [[Fishing Minigame]]. Pretty amusing to look at while [[The Hero|the Prince]] is minding his own business.
* Everybody [[The Unintelligible|except the Pyro]] (who ''could'' be trash-talking but could also just as likely be discussing the weather or reciting T. S. Eliot) in ''[[Team Fortress 2]]'', especially with their domination quotes. Highlights include:
{{quote| '''Sniper:''' Too slow, [[The Medic|medicine woman!]]<br />
'''Spy:''' So your deadly skill is [[Fragile Speedster|jogging?]] Mine is ''murdering people!'' <br />
'''Soldier:''' Scotland is not a real country! You are an Englishman in a dress!<br />
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'''Medic:''' Would you like a second opinion? You are also ugly! }}
* Every character in ''[[Mortal Kombat]]'' trash talks their opponent to an extent, but Shao Kahn takes it [[Up to Eleven]] by mocking not only his opponent, but the player as well:
{{quote| "It's official... you suck!"<br />
"You're still trying to win?"<br />
"That was pathetic!" }}
** Johnny Cage is also quite the trash talker. In ''[[Mortal Kombat 9]]'' he trash talks everybody, to the point where even his teammates turn on him.
{{quote| '''Johnny''': "I'm talking ''you'' down. I'm taking ''you'' down. I'm taking ''you'' out." ''(turns to Sonya)'' "And I'm taking ''you'' out...''to dinner''."}}
* All the opposing generals in ''[[Command and Conquer Generals]]'''s General Challenge love filling the air time with insults and boasts.
* ''Monkey Island'' sports Trash Talk as the normal form in sword fights. Basically who is better at trash talk wins.
* Enemy generals always say something just before Destiny of an Emperor's nonrandom battles, and about half of them are trash talk.
* ''[[Asura's Wrath]]' during the fight between Asura and Augus, though it tends to come across as more s death threats from the former:
{{quote| '''[[Blood Knight|Augus]]''': You need to enjoy this a bit more!<br />
'''[[Hot-Blooded|Asura]]''': YOU NEED TO SHUT UP AND DIE! }}
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== [[Web Original]] ==
* [[Sockbaby]].
{{quote| '''Ronnie Cordova:''' "Go forth and tell your alien brothers... THAT RONNIE CORDOVA SAYS THEY'RE GAY!" }}
* The [[Freelance Astronauts]] tend to do this. Most notably was Tetris Smackdown, which largely consisted of [[No Indoor Voice|pipes!]] engaging in some epic level trash talk.
* Episode 20 of ''[[Dragonball Z Abridged]]'' (which is pretty much entirely devoted to parodying [[Professional Wrestling]]) has Recoome delivering a long rant of Smack Talk to Vegeta.
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* Terry from ''[[Batman Beyond]]'' is fond of this strategy, which in fact is instrumental in helping him take down a resurrected Joker.
* ''[[The Boondocks]]'': [[Jerkass|Colonel H.]] [[Evil Old Folks|Stinkmeaner]] speaks nothing ''but'' trash talk when he isn't using the N-word like it's going out of style:
{{quote| "Who in the hell parked in my space?! That's like calling 1-800-Collect-An-Ass-Whoopin'! And no, that ain't no toll-free call, PARTNAH!"<br />
"You scared? Yeah. You scared ain't you, bitch [[N-Word Privileges|nigga]]? I can smell the bitch in ya. * sniffs twice* Ooh, that's vintage ''bitch''!"<br />
"Oh yeah! Look at you! You were talkin' all that good shit a second ago, then ''you got kicked in your chest''! ''You'' eat a d*** , [[N-Word Privileges|nigga]]! YOU eat a d*** !" }}