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** Jason just knows how things work. Honestly Bill could and probably SHOULD have just glamored Jason just to be safe but he chose not to because Jason is part of the Team. Yes Jason is a horrible cop but really the answer here is that no good would come of it. As for Bill he hasn't shown a great deal of caring for humans save for one argument with his maker.
* This show constantly has an annoying habit of not doing the research. The way "Samhain" was pronounced in the season finale indicated that no one even ''googled'' the word (it's pronounced "SOW-when"). It's just like season two where everyone was mispronouncing the word "maenad" and Maryann's incantation used "lo, lo" rather than "io, io".
* Let's say Marnie--in Lafayette's body--succeeds in killing Bill and Eric. [[And Then What?]] Her coven thinks her a bigger threat than the vampires, and the vampires think she's the biggest threat in Louisiana. It wouldn't be long before the two sides joined together to bring her down. Bringing her back as a ghost really accomplished nothing more than [[Deus Angst Machina]] for Lala by way of killing Jesus.
** What could Bill and Eric have done? Marnie's already dead, it's not like they could kill her again. It's never specifically stated that killing Lafayette would get rid of Marnie, either. Marnie cut up Lafayette and there's no reason to believe she couldn't still control his body if he was shot or something. By killing Bill and Eric, she gets revenge on the vampires who killed her in the first place.
** Marnie even said so herself when Bill pointed out that killing them wouldn't change anything. "I'm already dead, vampire, thanks to you. I have nothing left to lose." She was just angry and wanted them dead out of spite, not to further some larger goal.