True Capitalist/Characters: Difference between revisions

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* [[Everyone Calls Him "Barkeep"]]: It's not yet known what his real name is. {{spoiler|Apparently, it's Richard.}}
* [[Hair-Trigger Temper]]
* [[Hot -Blooded]]
* [[I Need a Freaking Drink]]
* [[Ineffectual Death Threats]]: He's made MANY threats on the trolls, usually about 'punitive damages'. He hasn't taken action.
* [[Jerkass]]: He isn't a very nice person, at all. It's somewhat justified that the trolls troll him. However, he shows rare signs of [[Jerk With a Heart of Gold|goodness towards certain people.]]
* [[One of the Kids]]: In spite of Ghost trying his best to sound like a responsible adult capitalist, he often comes across as just as immature as the teenagers who call into his show. Hell, sometimes he comes off as ''more'' immature than them due to his nonstop temper tantrums, childish name calling, and generalizations of whomever he doesn't like.
* [[Rated "M" for Manly]]: Or so he believes....
* [[The Social Darwinist]]
* [[Unstoppable Rage]]: He can REALLY flip out like never before, and most of the time, when he gets going, he can't stop.
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=== Tropes related to Celticbrony... ===
* [[Anti-Villain]]: Arguably. He was pretty justified in a lot of the things he did to Ghost, but he didn't stand a chance once he actually made Ghost leave and [[Bullying a Dragon|angered the collective Capitalist Army and Ghetto Capitalist Army by taking away their lulz.]]
* [[Bullying a Dragon]]: He picked a fight with Ghost and [[No -Holds -Barred Beatdown|lost.]]
* [[Chronic Backstabbing Disorder]]: To the point where no one's really sure if he's even a brony anymore or not, or if he ever was.
** The story is [[Gambit Pileup|pretty hard to untangle]], but it seems that [[Celtic Brony]] was originally just a run of the mill brony until he had his dox (private details) stolen and published by the "Niggest Crook Force", an anti-brony group that somehow manages to put themselves forward as the rightful owners of pony-related [[YouTube]] videos and have them taken down via copyright infringement claims and then steals the private information when the brony sends a counter claim (which must include their private details.) [[Celtic Brony]] explained all this later although claimed [[Chessmaster|this was all a ruse]] on his part, presumably in the hope the people would believe the dox were fake and wouldn't send pizzas to his home. After the dox were first put up the NCF agreed to take the dox down in exchange for joining them and becoming an anti-brony himself although after receiving "brony of the year" from Ghost he apolgized to all bronies, switched back to being a brony and the NCF publicized his dox once again and so did Ghost even going so far as claiming he would [[Moral Event Horizon|harass CelticBrony's family on his show]]. [[Sarcasm Mode|Got all that]]?