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{{quote| "I am not a racist, I am a [[Memetic Mutation|melting pot of friendship]], and I want you to amplify that all over the internets."}}
Meet John Conquest, AKA [[Only Known Byby Their Nickname|Ghost,]] [[Authority in Name Only|King of the Mexicans,]] a racist, tiger shrimp-eating, [[Camp Gay|flamboyant,]] [[Fat Bastard|morbidly obese,]] [[Shapeshifting|shapeshifting]] [[Canada, Eh?|Canadian]] [[Informed Judaism|Jewish]] [[The Reptilians|lizard]] who [[Domestic Abuse|abuses his family,]] proclaims his love of ''[[My Little Pony]]'', and takes advantage of the welfare system all the while [[Ho Yay|having a torrid affair with Herman Cain]] and pining after [[Sarah Palin]].
...well, if you listen to his [[Troll|fans]], anyway.
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Ghost is actually a Texan pundit who broadcasts True Capitalist Radio on He is an ardent capitalist (at least he [[You Keep Using That Word|calls himself one on every possible occasion]]; True Materialist Radio might be a more appropriate name for the program), and his show goes through the usual topics, starting with the markets, then on to coverage of recent political headlines. And like all good political talk shows, he also frequently takes calls from listeners.
Here in lies the problem (at least for him, anyway). Listeners have noticed that he has a [[Hair-Trigger Temper|short temper]] when it comes to certain topics (check that, he has a short temper towards ''a lot'' of topics), and as such, viewers have discovered that he is very easy to [[Troll|troll]]. Much to his dismay, this makes the show [[Sliding Scale of Silliness Versus Seriousness|start off serious but then quickly go off course more and more towards the end of the show]], where the [[Audience Participation|Radio Graffiti]] segment (rapid-fire calls with no real topic) pretty much turns into a [[Internet Tough Guy|punching match]] between him and the people who persistently try to test his patience (often successfully). This has lead to [[True Capitalist (Radio)/Characters|a large rogues gallery of trolls and characters]] that call him up and interact with him in various entertaining ways.
Though, when he's ''not'' raging, Ghost ''is'' a relatively good pundit (if you, er, share his views); he knows where the money is, and he knows how his listeners can get in the action themselves (unless they're doing it with welfare checks, of course)
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* [[Angrish]]: Sometimes Ghost rages so hard he can't form a simple word. Especially in his earlier, pre-brony broadcasts.
** The Engineer speaks this as his first language.
* [[A Day in Thethe Limelight]]: On 12/6/11, the Engineer hosted the end of the show, and again on 1/09/12. Ghost was not happy.
* [[And Your Little Dog, Too]]: Ghost threatens trolls who really piss him off with tracking them, go to their houses, beat their asses, bang their wife, beat their dog and [[Beyond the Impossible|drown their goldfish.]]
* [[Ascended Meme]]: Ghost is now actually fond of NavyHuskie's "Taco Tuesday" remix, mainly because it declares him the "king of Mexicans", and its about his favorite day (ignoring the parts where he calls himself a hambone and the "king of racist", of course)
** Tara Strong (a ''[[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic (Animation)|My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic]]'' voice actor) uses the term "melting pot of friendship." Also, as he ended his show, she tweeted him saying "I don't know u, but the fans love u, so u must be #twilightlicous...& your rant about that lil song made me laugh.."
** And unlike Mike Pollock, even after she found out the significance of the term, she said she'd still very gladly do voice requests for fans, actually finding the meme pretty funny. So Tara Strong.... you ARE a champion!
* [[Artifact Title]]: Apparently, the show used to be called "True ''Conservative'' Radio", boy things have changed.
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"It's me, Asho." ([[Collective Groan|*groan*]])<br />
Note Party/Tri$ha has "Hey Ghost, it's meeee!"<br />
Shut Up Mom has, well, [[Exactly What It Says Onon the Tin|"SHUT UP, MOM!"]]<br />
KaraszKun has "Do you want me to stick around for a while?" }}
* [[The Chessmaster]]: CelticBrony claimed to be this after his doxxing, but few actually believed him until months later, when Ghost's twitter account was hacked and it turned out that he ''wasn't'' lying about having a master plan. Apparently MrTacoz and Ibanezzo were in on it the whole time, and the NCF were involved somehow.
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* [[Corpsing]]: On June 21st, Ghost can be heard trying to stifle a laugh at a Skype troll's name.
** On May 4th 2012, Tub Guy can be heard breaking when telling Ghost he convinced Hasbro to make a Pony based on Ghost.
* [[Crack Pairing]] ([[In -Universe]]): There's a chatroom user called "Asho Banged Tub-Guy."
* [[Cowboy Bebop Atat His Computer]]: Ghost from time to time gets his facts wrong on multiple subjects.
** He thinks [[Touhou]] is an "ani-mee" foot fetish.
* [[Curse Cut Short]]: Sound effect variant. Sometimes when Ghost gets really angry, his swears are cut short by him throwing cans everywhere.
* [[Day of the Week Name]]: Taco Tuesday, Baller Friday.
** However, he does ''not'' want the show to turn into Carpet Munching Monday, Fruitbowl Wednesday, or Bathhouse Thursday.
* [[Deconstruction Fic]]: Predictably, in response to all the pony-hate he propagates "''THROUGHOUT THE WORLD!''", someone got the bright idea to do a complete send-up of Ghost's show, but discussing ''[[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic (Animation)|My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic]]'' instead; complete with calling people "carrotbowls" and hating on capitalists. The result? [ True Equestrian Radio].
* [[Department of Redundancy Department]]: "Slanderous lies".
** "[ All you remixing jerks are jerks]".
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** Even more ironic, is that he dedicated New Year's Eve to ''honoring'' them.
* [[Fat Bastard]]: Ghost actually called one of his younger trolls this. [[Crosses the Line Twice|The troll reacted by pretending to have an orgasm.]]
* [[Face Heel Turn]]: Equestrian Citizen [[The Reveal|revealed himself]] to be [[Pretty Fly for Aa White Guy|a white guy using a voice changer]] and promptly began sucking up to Ghost.
* [[Five-Man Band]]:
** Early lineup:
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* [[I Am the Trope]]: On the 12/06/11 show, Ghost said "I ''am'' Blog Talk Radio!"
* [[Idiosyncratic Episode Naming]]: After True Capitalist Radio stopped being just another show to troll and became basically an online sitcom with characters and an (unwilling) [[Unsympathetic Comedy Protagonist]], DarkRazorZ began naming the episodes when he uploaded them onto Youtube. They're usually named after the best troll of the day or a running gag throughout the episode ("12 Year Old Vs Ghost," "RIP Steve Jobs," "Spectator's Spectacular Testicles," etc.)
* [[I Knew It!]]: [[In -Universe]]. [!/ghostpolitics/status/160089343208325121 He guessed right that the Megaupload controversy was a trap].
** He knew the whole situation with Asho in November was all a setup.
* [[I Lied]]: Ghost claimed that his final show would be on March 9th. As it turned out, there was no show on that date, and it was merely an attempt to troll the trolls.
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* [[Intercontinuity Crossover]]: "I GOT MY LITTLE PONY CHARACTERS CALLING ME NOW"
* [[Interrupting Meme]]: "SUCK MAH DIIIIICK!" was used in such a manner on one occasion.
* [[I Read It for Thethe Articles]]: Some people actually listen to Ghost for his political opinions.
* [[It's All About Me]]: "I'M THE TALENT! ME! NOT THE ENGINEER! ME!"
* [[Is This Thing On?]]: How Ghost began his big comeback on April 17th.
* [[I Take Offense to That Last One]]: When accused of being, for example, a "racist, [[Shape Shifter|shapeshifting]] Jew," his response is "[ I'm not a Jew!]". Could be considered a running joke.
** A caller sings a parody of "[[Rudolph the Red -Nosed Reindeer]]" where he calls Ghost a racist, a fruitbowl, a hambone, and a reptile. But Ghost doesn't get offended until he says "Hannukah night".
* [[Jerkass]]: Ghost himself.
** He went off on a rant about members of [[Slipknot]] crying about their bassist's death thus:
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* [[Kill the Poor]]: Ghost suggested that welfare food cards should be replaced with feeding the poor and unemployed with horse meat from put-down horses and wild boars, and he also suggests killing stray cats and dogs for blankets. However, actually killing the homeless [[I'm a Humanitarian|to use their bodies to feed the poor]], as one troll suggests, is crossing the line.
** Ghost also once called for replacing welfare with putting the unemployed in "labor camps" instead.
* [[Kissing in Aa Tree]]: "Ghost and Alex Jones/sitting in a tree/K-I-S-S-I-N-G/first comes fearmongering/then comes gay marriage/then comes my fruity-ass fruitbowl gay son-"
* [[Large Ham]][[Just for Pun|bone]]: When he starts a rant on something, he can get very hammy.
* [[Knight of Cerebus]]: Senator Pooptickler, who is terrifyingly good at doxing people.
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'''FBI:''', this is the FBI.<br />
'''Ghost:''' You cock-eyed Russian. }}
* [[Mondegreen]]: In the November 1 Radio Graffiti segment, a caller, impersonating Twilight Sparkle from [[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic (Animation)|My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic]] says "suck my flank" to imitate the "Suck my dick" guy. Ghost mishears it and says "Are you kidding me?! Suck my BLANK?!"
** Ghost misheard Tri$ha saying "what do you have against the [[Transsexual|third gender]]" as "surf dinner", to which he replied "I ''like'' Surf 'n' Turf, what the hell you talking about?"
** Ghost has misinterpreted the word "[[Touhou]]" as "[[Blind Idiot Translation|toe hoe]]" on several occasions, causing him to rant that the fandom is made up of "[[Foot Focus|sick foot fetish freaks]]".
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* [[No Indoor Voice]]: When he's angry, Ghost will raise his voice, a lot.
* [[Non Sequitur]]: Most "troll" calls end up being like this: Host brings up topic. Host asks for opinion on topic. Caller says something completely off-topic. Host makes fun of him and/or rages about off-topic call. That's the circle of life around here.
* [[Older Than They Think]] ([[In -Universe]]): Before it turned into Engineer's running gag, someone played the theme from [[Boss Nigger|that film]] during the June 17th, 2011 raid.
* [[Once an Episode]]: He always starts with the markets, then goes to political news, then Radio Graffiti, a call-in segment where callers get "three to four seconds to say whatever's on your mind"
* [[One-Hit Kill]]: Coodoo has made this into an art, often taking down Ghost with a single remix.
* [[One of Us]]: A truly bizarre example. Ghost, who is basically an old, angry redneck, seems to know just about everything about [[Nerd]] culture. This has been cited as evidence of him being a troll.
** In particular, he's surprising adept at recognizing ''[[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic (Animation)|My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic]]'' quotes and songs, and clearly knows things about the show such as how ponies get their cutie marks and the Derpy Hooves fiasco despite claiming that he didn't watch the show and that it's for eight-year-old girls.
** February 28th, 2012: (in response to a caller playing a remix of "Bloody Tears") "Get out of here with your dumbass Mexican music... no, wait a minute, that's ''[[Castlevania]]''. Throw the Holy Water, I love that sound!" Ghost later went on to declare the second game in the series his favorite.
** He also likes Nirvana (specifically, the song "Rape Me") and is a big enough Marilyn Manson fan to know the b-side track "The Hands of Small Children" (and use it in his Woodchipper segment) and "We're From America."
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* [[Pound of Flesh Twist]]: Sure, Celtic's gambit might have worked, but Ghost's retirement made the whole thing moot.
* [[Precision F-Strike]]: When Ghost is really, ''really'', angry, he will fire one off. The Engineer has been heard to drop them on occasion.
* [[Put Onon a Bus]]: Asho has been sent off to rehab.
* [[Rage Quit]]: Ghost seems to be the master at faking going off the air, since usually something will end up happening which turns it into more of an intermission.
** However, on at least '''eleven''' separate occasions, he ''has'' truly ended the show. The first known rage was on August 1, 2011, when people were greatly annoying him on his first day back from a hiatus; the second on August 29, 2011 after an audio splice about him being the king of 10-year olds; the third was two days later on August 31, 2011 (after the "Money, Success, Fame, Bronies" caller); the fourth on September 9, 2011, after massive trolling from Texas wildfires to a Radio Graffiti segment with back-to-back remixes of [[Tetris]] Theme A; the fifth on December 7, 2011 (after he considered the fruitiness level to be way outside his comfort zone); the sixth on January 4th, 2012, after a caller called in and asked Ghost "Who choked harder, the Cowboys or your grandma in the back of a Denny's restaurant?"; the seventh on January 6th, after reading two insults to his grandmother in quick succession in the chatroom shoutouts segment; the eighth on January 25th (after the "Alex Jones as Ghost" graffiti caller), the ninth on February 9th (after the "Tubguy World War 3" graffiti caller); the tenth on February 16th (after two "[[Verbal Tic|trans]]-[[You Keep Using That Word|testicles]]" "fought" over him); and the eleventh on April 30th (after TexasStroll playing a remix of Ghost singing Stevie B's "Spring Love")
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** "Fuck You Texas" used to be common prank call material, but even Ghost thinks [[Overused Running Gag|it's gotten old already]]. The same may also go for the thousands of callers who still blast "Melting Pot of Alcohol" at him. Something the people who keep overusing the "Hambone" meme need to learn already.
* [[Refrain From Assuming]]: Ghost often gets song titles or genres wrong after hearing remixes. He's referred to Brodyquest as both "[[Beverly Hills Cop|Axel F]]" and the theme to [[Footloose]], the Dr. Mario theme as "circus music", "Entrance of the Gladiators" (a song which ''is'' often circus music) as "hoedown music", both the Driftveil City theme and "She Blinded Me With Science" as "that weird science song", a remix of [[Mega Man 3 (Video Game)|Spark Man's]] theme as [[Contra]], The [[Game Cube]] boot remix as [[Michael Jackson|Wanna Be Startin' Somethin']], [[Dawn of the Dead (Filmfilm)|"The Gonk"]] as "music from [[The Roaring Twenties]]", and [[Beauty and Thethe Beast (Disney)|"Be Our Guest"]] as poetry.
** A frequent Skype caller with the username "[[Tara Strong|TaraStrong]]" often plays spliced quotes from everypony's favorite show, but has also played [[Drawn Together|Princess Clara]] lines, taking advantage of the fact that she shares the same voice actor as Twilight Sparkle. Ghost caught on to the part that mattered, and immediately dismissed them as being Pony-related.
** Averted when someone was playing [[Castlevania|Bloody Tears]] and Ghost thought it was Mexican music, until he heard a little more and realized it was from Castlevania.
* [[Refuge in Audacity]]: The entire show comes off as this. This is the audio adventures of a really [[Large Ham|loud]] Texan and his loyal engineer, and said Texan flips out over prank calls made by the likes of [[Troll|trolls]] playing splices, [[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic (Animation)|bronies]], a [[Get Rich Quick Scheme|suburban welfare receiver]], [[Camp Gay|a fabulous man in his tub]], [[Token Minority|an 8 year old Mexican kid]], [[Transsexual|a 'trans-testicle']] and other bizarre characters.
** The twitter shoutouts even more so:
{{quote| '''Ghost:''' Uh, we got "Knot See," uh, "Occupy Equestria," we got "Occupy Ghost's Ass" (GEDDIMOFF), we got "Low Fat Sperm," we got "Minor Crap Boy," we got "Ghostler," we got "Benito Ghostini," we got "Ghostef Stalin," we got [[Overly Long Gag|"Fidel Ghostro"]] (THESE SICK-ASS NAMES, MAN) we got "Kony's Sex Slave" ( sick fruitbowls), we got "Slimy Gimp Girl," we got "Mug Ranny Saw Tranny-" AAAAAAAAUUGGHHH YOU SICK, SICK BASTARDS, AUUUUUUGHH! THESE SICK PRICKS! LOOK AT 'EM, ENGINEER!<br />
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* [[Schedule Slip]]: Often after an episode with a ''major'' trolling, it'll just go off the air for a period (as little as a day, or as much as a week) and then come back. Although sometimes the show does sometimes doesn't occur for other reasons.
* [[Screwed Byby the Network]]: Arguably, in Ghost's opinion, BlogTalkRadio screwed over his show twice without telling him. On January 27th's episode, they randomly took away his after-show privileges, causing an odd end to the show. On April 17th's episode, he couldn't start the show until fifteen minutes after the show was originally supposed to start. Ghost didn't take that very kindly.
* [[Sdrawkcab Name]]: One caller claimed to be Ohsa, the backwards Asho.
* [[Sensory Abuse]]: Some trolls like to ear-rape Ghost (and the audience) by playing ''very'' loud buzzers or yelling at the mic. [[It Got Worse|They tend to be cluster calls, too.]]
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** Then in response, Goofy re-named it [[Take That|Bean and Cheese Graffiti]]
* [[Springtime for Hitler]]: Following another fake [[Rage Quit]], the Engineer takes over the show, playing songs disliked by Ghost and answering calls in his unintelligible gibberish. Ghost eventually 'returns' and proceeds to scold the Engineer. It seems like he did this in an attempt to either chastise the listeners or convince the trolls that the show had effectively ended, but when he got back and started taking calls, people were demanding that the Engineer host the show again. This has turned into a surprisingly effective trolling tactic, causing Ghost to enter fits of envious rage over ''his own character.''
* [[Stay in Thethe Kitchen]]: Whenever a woman comes on who calls him out on his downfalls or trolls him, expect this to be his response.
* [[Stealth Pun]]: Whenever Ghost is giving shout outs to people in the chatroom, some would attempt to make Ghost say names such as "AlphaKennyOne" or "IsleOfRussia". Most of the time however, he catches on the wordplay.
* [[Stock Sound Effect]]: A rare live example; whenever Ghost gets especially upset, expect to hear cans being shoved off a table.
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** Four words, [ "Melting Pot of Alcohol"]
*** There are, as of now, quite a few remixes ''of that remix,'' among them [ one that samples "Giggle at the Ghostie,"] [ an 8-bit remix,] [ a mashup with "Party Rock Anthem,"] and [ a stoner remix.]
* [[Surrounded Byby Idiots|Surrounded By Fruitbowls]]: Ghost.
* [[Tantrum Throwing]]: The cans.
* [[Tempting Fate]]: What do we begin with?
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* [[That Came Out Wrong]]: [ "If anyone came at me trying to be busy badass, you know I always walk around out here in Texas ... with my strap on"]
* [[The Grinch]]: Ghost did state that he hated Christmas, but he also hated being compared to the [[Trope Namer]].
* [[Three Chords and Thethe Truth]]: Brought up in response to a [ troll] who played the [[Yu-Gi-Oh!: theThe Abridged Series|"Kill Your Famiily" soundbite]], who he then mistook for a satanic rock band trying to advertise their album with subliminal messages, which then turned into a rant about modern rock music being "three or four-chord crap"
* [[Troll|Trolls]]: They come. They try to make him look like a fool. He fires back by claiming they're wholly responsible for America's bad economy.
** There are also those [[Alternative Character Interpretation|who believe]] Ghost himself is a troll masquerading as a radio host.
* [["The Reason You Suck" Speech]]: Ghost loves delivering one to any caller he doesn't like that he feels he can make a broad, sweeping generalization about based on their voice, namely anyone he thinks sounds even a hair less masculine than he is (which he'll then assume is a fat [[Basement Dweller]] who wastes their time watching ''[[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic (Animation)|My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic]]'' and/or effeminate male with [[Your Mom|bad parents]].)
** Ghost gets his fair share of these too, though they're usually in song form. [ This one] is probably one of the greatest ones.
** Goofy Bone also received a well deserved one at the hands of Ghetto Capitalist.
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* [[You Do NOT Want to Know]]: Gasgara's relationship with Suspicious Tumbleweed. As the [[The Wiki Rule|True Capitalist Radio Wiki]] put it:
{{quote| Gasgara's only friend is a strange Canadian teenager who goes by the username Suspicious Tumbleweed. She seems to have a certain appreciation of Gasgara's "personality". They often conversate over Twitter discussing Skype and Xbox LIVE interactions. This relationship disturbs and confuses each and every True Capitalist Radio listener.}}
* [[Your Approval Fills Me Withwith Shame]]: Trisha, Tub Guy, and Ghetto Capitalist (natch) all approve strongly of Ghost's capitalistic views... but since they're (respectively) a transgender woman, a flamboyant omnisexual, and a welfare abuser, Ghost is absolutely enraged at this hijacking of his philosophy.
* [[Your Mom]]: Sometimes used as a retort.