Tucker and Dale vs. Evil/YMMV: Difference between revisions

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* [[Complete Monster]]: {{spoiler|Chad}} becomes one by the end of the film, throwing any possible redeeming qualities in the trash because he's so consumed by senseless hatred toward any "hillbilly" regardless of their moral character, and even being gleefully willing to try to murder the girl he claimed to care about in a very brutal way, all while having the gall to not consider himself evil. {{spoiler|Even his [[Freudian Excuse]] for his hatred of hillbillies is proven to be insufficient and hypocritical by the end, something he's unable to process and accept.}}
* [[Complete Monster]]: The hillbillies that kill Chad's mother and father's friends and then {{spoiler|rape her}} as well as burn the father alive while she escapes. {{spoiler|Except that they didn't burn the father alive, he was ''one'' of them.}}
** Also, the hillbillies who initiated the Memorial Day Massacre. Particularly the leader who {{spoiler|raped Chad's mother}} as well as burned the father alive while the still pregnant mother escaped...{{spoiler|except it turns out that they didn't burn the father alive; the leader ''was'' Chad's true biological father, and Chad is his child by rape.}}
** {{spoiler|Chad}} becomes one as well by the end of the film.
* [[Moral Event Horizon]]: {{spoiler|Chad}} crosses it when he {{spoiler|kidnaps Allison and straps her to a [[Conveyor Belt O' Doom]].}}
* [[The Woobie]]: Dale and Allison qualify for this the most.
** [[Jerkass Woobie]]: As self-absorbed and entitled as the other college kids were, their [[Cruel and Unusual Death]]s were way more than they deserved, especially since they happened due to a ginormous misunderstanding. {{spoiler|Subverted big time with Chad, who despite having a [[Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds]] backstory, manages to negate any possible sympathy the audience could have for him with his [[Moral Event Horizon]] crossing actions and general unpleasantness.}}