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{{quote|"''You have heard that it was said, 'An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.' But I say to you, Do not resist one who is evil. But if any one strikes you on the right cheek, [[Trope Namer|turn to him the other]] also; and if any one would sue you and take your coat, let him have your cloak as well; and if any one forces you to go one mile, go with him two miles.''"|'''[[Jesus]]''', ''[[The Bible (Literature)|The Bible]]''}}
Not to be confused with [[Too Kinky to Torture]], this is actually a form of retribution/[[Forgiveness]]. A character returns cruelty not with anger but with kindness and shows themselves to be the most philanthropic idealist imaginable.
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When it works, this is one of the few (if not, the only) things that can stop the [[Cycle of Revenge]].
Cynical shows mock the concept by having something very unpleasant and ''[[The Farmer and Thethe Viper|obvious]]'' happen to a [[Wide -Eyed Idealist]] who tries it.
Subversion: A hero who makes the villain believe they have faith in the good in anyone, including villain, while keeping an emergency plan in case they err in this.
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== [[Anime]] and [[Manga]] ==
* Dr. Tenma in ''[[Monster (Animemanga)|Monster]]'' seems to hold this attitude in general, and {{spoiler|he eventually saves the life of the main villain, knowing full well what he's done}}.
* In ''[[Bleach]]'', Orihime heals and revives the two Arrancar girls (Lolly and Menoly) who seconds ago bullied her for ''stealing Aizen's attention'', after getting brutally mauled by Grimmjow. Brutally subverted that both girls are very much [[Ungrateful Bastard|Ungrateful Bitches]] and still tries to attack Orihime out of jealousy.
* Keitaro in ''[[Love Hina]]'' seems to do this a lot to all the girls (except Shinobu of course). In fact it might be fairly common in Unwanted Harem shows.
* Belldandy of ''[[Mang/Ah My Goddess|Ah My Goddess]]'' of course does this a lot.
* Yomiko Readman does this for Nancy in ''[[Read or Die (Anime)|Read or Die]]''.
* Much of ''[[Naruto]]'''s plot ends up like this. {{spoiler|Konoha ninja kills Nagato's parents, who wreaks his revenge on Konoha, and is then hunted down by Naruto... who ends up understanding the whole mess and decides not to kill him back, preventing a [[Cycle of Revenge]].}} He commits suicide anyway by {{spoiler|bringing everyone he killed back to life}}.
* In [[One Piece]], Luffy's first fight against Bellamy. The second fight, taking place after Bellamy attacks and robs people Luffy had befriended, [[Curb Stomp Battle|is another matter]].
* In ''[[Angel Densetsu (Manga)|Angel Densetsu]]'' when [[Ax Crazy|Ikuno]] beats [[The Woobie|Kitano]] within an inch of his life because of a promise she made to a boy, he kept rising until the boy told her to stop out of grief. Upon being told by Ikuno that Its All My Fault that she beats him, he promptly collapses. Why? Because he thinks he made her so angry that he deserved every punch and kicks Ikuno threw at him. He collapses in relief because that meant their friendship would now not be in trouble as he didn't do anything wrong. My God...
== [[Film]] ==
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== [[Literature]] ==
* [[Older Than Feudalism]]:
** This is one of the stories told by Jesus in the ''[[The Bible (Literature)|New Testament]]'', telling someone that just got slapped on the right cheek to offer his slapper his left cheek. The [[Trope Namer]], obviously. [[Jesus]] then goes on to show us how to do it by saying "Father, forgive them for they know not what they do," as he was being {{spoiler|tortured and crucified. Nothing like begging your divine father to spare the ones who kill you. The ultimate [[Doomed Moral Victor]]}} of course.
** Another explanation of "turn the other cheek": if a man considered someone to be inferior and he decided to strike him, he'd use the back of his hand; if he considered him equal, he'd use his palm. Basically Jesus was saying that if someone gave you a backhander, turn the other cheek to force him to use his palm.
** There is also the interpretation that offering someone the chance to slap you again is a way of showing them that the original insult didn't work, and the slapper has failed in his attempt to embarrass the slappee. As this is usually the fastest way to take the wind out of a bully's sails, turning the other cheek is probably a much better idea than slapping back. Certain Christians interpret this as an endorsement of nonviolent resistance (i.e. civil disobedience).
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* ''Arthur of the Britons'' had a monk attempting to convert the Celts to Christianity who did this literally to one of the warlords.
* ''[[Harry Potter]]'' of course! After being bullied and berated all his school life by Draco Malfoy, [[Chronic Hero Syndrome|Harry proceeds to save his arch-rival]] when he was about to be burned to death in the Room of Requirement. Harry saves Dudley's life at the beginning of the fifth book. It doesn't even endear him to the Dursleys because they don't understand what happened and naturally blame Harry. {{spoiler|Much later, it's revealed that Dudley, at least, is properly grateful.}}
* In ''[[To Kill a Mockingbird]]'' Atticus Finch barely flinches when [[Complete Monster|Bob Ewell]] spits in his face, though he does afterwords express disgust regarding the tobacco content of Mr Ewell's saliva. {{spoiler|Ewell later goes on to [[Revenge Byby Proxy|try to kill Atticus' children]] and is killed by [[Misunderstood Loner Withwith a Heart of Gold|Boo Radley]].}}
* In [[Dan Abnett]]'s [[GauntsGaunt's Ghosts]] novel ''Ghostmaker'', Major Rawne attacks Gaunt in the field, intending to make it look as if he died in the fight. Gaunt knocks him unconscious and then, in spite of his own wounds, [[Embarrassing Rescue|carries him to safety]]. This did not cure Rawne's resentment, but after a latter situation where Rawne weighs killing him and does not, Rawne does not try to kill him again.
* Parodied in the [[PGP. WodehouseG. (Creator)Wodehouse|PG Wodehouse]] short story "The Exit of Battling Billson", where a boxer converts to Christianity and decides to apply this philosophy during a match - fortunately for the characters betting on him, he didn't fully understand the meaning of the phrase. After being hit on both cheeks, he thought he had done what was necessary and proceeded to beat his opponent easily.
* It didn't work in a [[Harry Turtledove]] story where Britain had been conquered and after some tough fighting the Germans had defeated the British Army in India. Non-violent protest proved not to work so well when attempted with an occupying power whose officers are willing to order the machine gunning of your protest march and whose superior officers and government regard that as a fine method to deal with civil disturbance.
* The second variation is played with in [[Discworld]]'s Small Gods. When the god Om gets his powers back, he and Brutha have a minor disagreement over some new laws. Om comments on how he can simply blast Brutha into a little smear on the floor, and Brutha cheerfully agrees that he could, couldn't he? And how Brutha would have absolutely no way of defending himself, whatsoever. Om grumbles that it's not right for someone to use defenselessness as a defense.
* [http://www.101zenstories.com/index.php?story=44 This Zen parable] - a thief entered the house of a priest who was meditating and threatens him, the priest tells him where the money is, asks him to leave enough for the priest to pay taxes and makes sure the thief thanks him when he leaves. A few days later the thief is arrested, but when the police ask the priest to testify against him, the priest tells them that he gave the thief the money and the thief thanked him. The thief still goes to prison, but when his sentence is over he comes back to learn Zen under the priest.
* Subverted heavily in [[Aesop's Fables|Aesop's fable]] "[[The Farmer and Thethe Viper]]". The titular farmer shows compassion to the snake, but his [[No Good Deed Goes Unpunished|good deed]] [[Just for Pun|comes back to bite him]]. The moral? [[Family-Unfriendly Aesop|"Kindness is thrown away upon the evil."]]
== [[Live Action TV]] ==
* In ''[[Community]]'' episode [[Community (TV)/Recap/S1 E12 Comparative Religion|Comparative Religion]] Jeff attempts this ("what would Shirley do?"), but when the bully just keeps hitting him, Shirley changes her mind and tells Jeff to "kick his ass!" Time to have [[An Asskicking Christmas]]!
* Simon does this to Jayne in ''[[Firefly (TV)|Firefly]]'' a few times, which unnerves Jayne more than a direct threat.
** Most epically, when Simon and River reveal they know that Jayne tried to sell them out to the Alliance. Jayne was still probably recuperating from getting the crap scared out of him after Mal's threat to [[Thrown Out the Airlock|space]] him over the misdeed.
** The pilot episode has Mal selling his cargo to Patience, who [[Noodle Incident|shot him the last time they met]].
* The Doctor forgiving the Master at the end of the ''[[Doctor Who]]'' episode "Last of the Time Lords".
** In [[The Movie]]: Grace forces the Doctor's [[The Nth Doctor|regeneration]] and tries to have him sent to a psych ward even though [[They Would Cut You Up|she knows he's not human]], Chang Lee walks off with the Doctor's personal effects and teams up with the Master (well, he was tricked, but still), and the Master [[Grand Theft Me|wants the Doctor's body]], and [[Foe Yay|not (just) in the good way]]. The Doctor trusts Grace anyway, and kisses her too, gives Chang Lee a bag of gold dust and some advice, and [[Save the Villain|tries to save the Master's life]].
** ''[[Torchwood (TV)|Torchwood]]'''s Captain Jack Harkness also follows the Doctor's example.
* The Risans in ''[[Star Trek]]'' take this to a scary level. Based on one episode of ''[[Deep Space Nine]]'', terrorism is apparently okay to them so long as the terrorists are enjoying themselves.
* Byron the leader of the telepath community that moved onto ''[[Babylon 5]]'' used this against a group of anti-telepath bigots, ''asking'' one of them to repeatedly punch him in the face and then asking if it made him feel any better. It unnerved the bigots into leaving.
* Played for laughs in an episode of ''[[M*A*S*H (TV)|Mash]]'', when Father Mulcahey gets bumped on the backside by the jeep of a visiting general. Said general offers an apology, and Mulcahey replies with the trope title.
== Music ==
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== Western Animation ==
* An episode of ''[[Moral Orel]]'' is titled "Turn the Other Cheek." After listening to a children's song with that title all night, Orel gets it in his head that he should turn the other cheek at every opportunity. The school bully beats Orel repeatedly until his father tells him that he should be doing the exact opposite. [[Hilarity Ensues]] again when Orel preemptively attacks at every possible threat of force, even when his best friend Doughty throws rock in Rock, Paper, Scissors.
* ''[[Avatar: The Last Airbender (Animation)|Avatar: The Last Airbender]]'' has this with [[The Messiah|Aang]] and how he treats the [[Anti-Hero]] Zuko. Often [[Lampshaded]] by [[Deadpan Snarker|Sokka]], natch.
* Parodied in the ''[[American Dad (Animation)|American Dad]]'' episode Rapture's Delight, in which Stan slaps Jesus, turns the other cheek...and is slapped again.
* [[Jem]] often gets called out on this by some fans. Throughout the course of the series, The Misfits have put Jem and the Holograms in situations where where the latter group could have been killed, but Jerrica / Jem never calls the police (she likely had her reasons...).
** The one time Eric Raymond got arrested he was released the next day, citing that lawyers can practically do anything you pay them enough. Chances are even if Jem did have the Misfits arrested Eric would have them out in no time flat. What's more infuriating is that the one time they actually were arrested, in ''KJEM'', they weren't responsible.