Twisted Metal/Nightmare Fuel

  • Though everyone in this series will end as Nightmare Fuel eventually, in Black the following people are true high octane:
    • Needles Kane, No Face, Bloody Mary, Cage, Charlie Kane, Billy Ray
      • Of the list, debatably the creepiest is Cage. The man's ambition? To be the greatest killer the world has ever known. But what does he want from Calypso? Brain surgery to remove that part of him that feels sad whenever he kills. Calypso's feeling generous, so he throws in something extra for a man with a butchered brain - his hands replaced with metal razors and blades.
      • Some thoughts about Charlie Kane: First of all, he's a reanimated corpse. No, not a zombie; he's very much dead, but his body is being controlled by his savant son. This is disturbing enough on its own, but then the game presents you with very Uncanny Valley-laden close-ups of Charlie's corpse when you look at his character info, as well as in every single loading screen. It's all incredibly unsettling.
  • Calypso in the 2012 version of the game. In other games, he gets his powers from a demon. In this one, he's the DEVIL. That painting in his office is utterly chilling.

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