Tyrannosaurus Rex: Difference between revisions

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Another important note: ''T. rex'' lived only in what is now central North America (ranging from about Alberta to Texas), so don't expect your time traveler to [[You Fail Geography Forever|bump into them]] if they take off from anywhere else in the world ([[Time and Relative Dimensions In Space|unless it's one of those time machines that can go to a different location]]). This is partly due to [[Science Marches On]] - specifically, the Asian ''Tarbosaurus'' was long suggested to be a species of ''Tyrannosaurus''.
In addition, ''Tyrannosaurus rex'' should never be confused for [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/T._rex_<!-- 28disambiguation29%28disambiguation%29 another]] '' [[http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/8623332.stm T. rex.]]'' -->
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[[Category:Tropesaurus Index]]
[[Category:Tyrannosaurus Rex]]
[[Category:Trope]][[Category:Pages with comment tags]]