Ugly Americans/YMMV: Difference between revisions

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** Extra Freaky Squicky version with Randall's secret desire to eat Mark. Added [[I Love the Dead|Necro Yay]] angle since Randall is a Zombie.
** And don't forget when Mark is [[Gender Swap|turned into Randall's ex-girlfriend]]--the one Randall ''went zombie for.''
{{quote| '''Mark:''' I really wish I had that information ''before'' I turned into a girl.<br />
'''Randall:''' Well it might not be a total loss. You could make a long-time fantasy of mine come true. }}
** Another mark for Randall and Mark: "Your denial's really turning me on. Is that weird to say?"
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** The entire Randall/J9 sequence in "Soulsucker", culminating in Randall rubbing a hand over J9's crotch.
** The [[Ho Yay]] between Randall and Mark is taken [[Up to Eleven]] in "Mummy Dearest", with their lease agreement becoming an analogy for marriage - to the point that Mark ''proposes'' at the end of the episode, and Randall hangs a pretty heavy [[Lampshade]] on it.
{{quote| '''Randall:''' Well, I kinda wanted to the guy in this scenario... but '''yes!'''}}
* [[Nightmare Fuel]]:
** Callie's giant demonic form. Not something you want to meet in a dark alley, or even a lit one.