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Part re-imagining, part [[Adaptation Distillation]], the Ultimate line was originally an attempt by [[Marvel Comics]] to tempt readers into comics without being scared off by the [[Continuity Porn|decades]] of [[Backstory]] and [[Retcon|Retcons]] in the official universe.This attempt was launched in November, 2000. This had already been attempted by various other experiments - the [[Marvel Comics 2]] comic line, [[The New Universe]], [[Dork Age|Heroes Reborn]], etc., but none of those met with the success the Ultimate Marvel line did, except for ''[[Spider-Girl (Comic Book)|Spider-Girl]]'' (the original ''MC2'' title, and via multiple relaunches the only survivor of the line), which became the longest running [[Spider-Man|Spidey]] spin-off ever.
As basically an experiment which does not affect the main universe, changes and revelations are more permanent, and the universe as a whole has plot lines and continuity more neatly intertwined; notably, the connections to the Weapon X project from ''[[Ultimate X-Men]]'' and the history of the [[Super Soldier|Super-Soldier]] [[Super Serum|Serum]]/CaptainAmerica from ''[[The Ultimates]]''. As the line has grown and accumulated its own continuity, it's focus has shifted from distilling old stories to making all kinds of [[Shocking Swerve|sweeping changes]], like killing X-Men's sacred cows or replacing Peter Parker as Spider-Man.
The Ultimate Marvel universe is part of Marvel's [[Alternate Universe|multiverse]], specifically ''Earth-1610'', while the main [[Marvel Universe|Marvel Earth]] is ''Earth-616'' (though former EIC [[Joe Quesada]] despises the designation). Marvel has insisted doing a crossover between the two would be a [[Seen It a Million Times|lame and tired idea]]. At one point, it seemed that ''[[Ultimate Fantastic Four]]'' would have such a crossover, but it turned out to be a trick by denizens of a strange [[Alternate Universe]]: the one of the [[Marvel Zombies]] in their debut appearance. A true crossover has been announced for 2012, teaming up the mainstream and Ultimate Spider-Men, though with Ultimate Peter Parker dead by that point the circumstances are very different than when the original statement was made.
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* ''Ultimate Marvel Team-Up'', a series where Spider-Man teamed up with various Ultimate heroes; it was more episodic and light than the main ''Ultimate Spider-Man'' series. At least partly [[Canon Dis Continuity]], some elements are referenced by later series but other elements are contradicted.
* ''Ultimate Daredevil and Elektra'' and ''Ultimate Elektra: Devil's Due''.
* ''Ultimate Adventures'', an odd book about a [[Batman (Comic Book)|Batman]] parody that lost a competition to get upgraded to an ongoing. Not officially [[Canon Dis Continuity]], but don't expect anyone to mention it outside of Official Handbooks to Ultimate Marvel.
* ''Ultimate War'', an ''X-Men/Ultimates'' crossover. Magneto shows up after being thought dead, thanks to the fact that Xavier mindwiped him instead of killing him. The government ain't happy, and they send out the Ultimates.
* ''Ultimate Six'', a ''Spider-Man/Ultimates'' crossover. Spidey's Rogues Gallery escapes imprisonment (forming an Ultimate take on the Sinister Six) and they go after him with the Ultimates in pursuit.