Uncomfortable Elevator Moment: Difference between revisions

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* ''[[The Blues Brothers]]'', where Jake and Elwood stand silently in the lift whilst outside SWAT team and National Guard members are swarming the building.
* From ''[[Dogma]]'', as Bartleby and Loki enter an elevator:
{{quote|'''Loki:''' Last four days on Earth. [[Our Angels Are Different|If I had a dick I'd go get laid]].
''(no response from other elevator passengers, bar a silent, irritated look from a woman holding a coffee)''
'''Loki:''' We can do the next best thing.
'''Bartleby:''' What's that?
'''Loki:''' ''(as doors of elevator close)'' Let's kill people.
''(the woman [[Spit Take|sprays her coffee everywhere]])''
'''Loki:''' ''(cheerily)'' No, not ''you!'' }}
* ''[[Bridget Jones|Bridget Jones' Diary]]'' contains one of these... although Daniel Cleever takes advantage of the protocol to deliver what is implied as a ''less'' than Uncomfortable Elevator Moment to Bridget Jones.
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* ''[[Mercury Rising]]'' takes the trope [[Up to Eleven]] with an Uncomfortable Elevator [[Mexican Standoff]].
* Played for serious [[Nightmare Fuel]] in ''[[Blade]]''. Karen Jensen gets into a lift with two sinister-looking types. When she averts the protocol, turning to look directly at one of the two, his response is a chilling but polite "How ya doin'."
* {{spoiler|After the zombies get into the mall}} in the 2004 remake of ''[[Dawn of the Dead (2004 film)|Dawn of the Dead]]'', the survivors are stuck in one of these on the way to the garage. Not helped by C.J.
{{quote|'''C.J.''': Hey, i like this song.}}
* A threefer in ''[[True Lies]]''. Tasker (on a horse) chases a terrorist (on a dirtbike) into the lobby of a hotel. The terrorist rides right into a glass-walled elevator and takes a hostage. Tasker rides into the next elevator, with a well-to-do couple who wind up pressed against the glass with the horse's butt in their face. And the whole ride up, Tasker and the bad guy are glaring daggers at each other.
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* The elevators in ''[[Halo]]'''s Library. "But I Don't Want to Ride the Elevator!"
* ''[[World of Warcraft]]'', where there is one elevator that NPCs know how to use. If the target they want to attack is on a different floor, they will wait for the elevator, step on it, wait for it to get to the top/bottom and then continue chasing their target. If another player, who they don't like, is also on the elevator they will simply ignore them unless their primary target leaves the dungeon, in which case they will punch your face in.
* ''[[LAL.A. Noire]]'' has one in "The Naked City" DLC, where you and your partner are riding up with a woman who's fiancee you just accused of burglary. Your partner [[Lampshade Hanging|lampshades]] it:
{{quote|'''Roy Earle:''' Well... Isn't this just awkward.}}
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