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Can occur when the character is ''not'' extranormal, as a sleeper government agent or like Michael Knight in ''[[Knight Rider]]''. Other mundane means to set up a fake ID usually involve getting a friendly (or bribable) [[Playful Hacker|hacker]] to set up a false identity, or [[Dead Person Impersonation|impersonating someone else]]. A [[Monsters Anonymous]] group may have the resources to make one from scratch as well.
Where this is a situation of an immortal or special who has to fashion the normal identity afterward, the reverse, where the normal person came first then had [[Super -Hero Origin|something happen]], results in a [[Secret Identity]] and likely several [[Shouldn't We Be in School Right Now?]] moments.
This is a subtrope of [[Reality Ensues]]; most stories give this trope the most basic [[Hand Wave]] and be on their way. See also [[Casual Car Giveaway]], which is another situation where ordinarily expected paperwork is unnecessary.
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== Anime & Manga ==
* It occurs with Rukia in ''[[Bleach]]'' (although somewhat justified since the forces of Soul Society are easily comparable to [[The Men in Black]], right down to the [[Laser-Guided Amnesia]]).
** Later in the series {{spoiler|[[The Rival|Renji]]}} does the same. This also works in reverse, since characters who leave again are [[Ret -Gone|forgotten by anyone]] without sufficient power to resist the effect.
* ''[[Ah! My Goddess (Manga)|Ah My Goddess]]!'' spends a small [[Story Arc]] on this, but eventually goes the "magic up the papers" route.
** In the manga, she feels sorry for the teacher who is trying so hard to find her student registration. {{spoiler|Being Belldandy, she completely misses the fact that he's trying to out her, suspecting that she's a plant by a rival professor to lure students away from his lectures.}} When he collapses from exhaustion in the middle of flipping through the ''paper'' school records a ''second'' time, Belldandy tucks him in and uses her magic to create the paperwork he's trying so hard to find, thinking that it will make him happy. Fortunately for Belldandy, the professor's reaction is never shown.
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** Freesia, despite being from a Russian tribe from 300 years ago brought to the present via [[Human Popsicle]], bulldozes her way into the modern world effortlessly. Presumably with the help of [[Talking Animal|talking animals]].
* How Himari from ''[[Omamori Himari]]'' became a [[New Transfer Student]].
* Averted at the start of ''[[Shakugan no Shana]]'': Shana fits in by borrowing the identity of Hirai Yukari -- a Torch who had gradually [[Ret -Gone|ceased to have existed]] -- the moment she finally vanishes. All memories and records instantly change to accommodate Shana's appearance (Hirai's family had been Torches themselves and already disappeared), though everyone is still surprised by "Hirai's" [[Tsundere|radical shift in personality]].
* ''[[Tenchi Muyo]]'' in its various forms has this in... er, various forms. The original series seems to have the least amount, although the girls do seem to wander into town every so often with little comment. The manga has Mihoshi getting a driver's license (partly after using her high-tech blaster right in front of a cop), and Ryoko tries her hand at it too. The TV series has Kiyone and Mihoshi renting an apartment and working part-time jobs often. And no-one really seems to mind all the aliens hanging around. And think about Katsuhito in the TV series (in the OAV he landed long enough ago to have avoided modern recordkeeping).
** The third OAV reveals that "Yosho" has ties to the government, possibly going all the way up to the Emperor. In fact, given the relationship between Earth (Japan) and Jurai, it's pretty easy for aliens to establish any long-term identities they like.
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== Fan Fiction ==
* Michikyuu Kanae, resident slider in ''[[Kyon: Big Damn Hero (Fanfic)|Kyon Big Damn Hero]]'', never had any trouble with having an identity in each world she arrived. [[Deconstruction|Deconstructed]] later it's when it's revealed that {{spoiler|she [[Body Surf|slides only mentally]], replacing or [[Fridge Horror|overwriting the local Kanae with herself]] and thus never needing to have an identity -- she always already has one}}. She doesn't realize it.
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* Throw in some [[Lampshade Hanging]] in ''[[Dead Like Me]]'': Something is mentioned in early episodes about switching persona on a semi-regular basis, although this never actually occurs in the series. The series timeframe never got past the point of plausibility for a normal person; presumably, if George kept at it for a decade or so...
** Reapers also get new "real" identities with the help of reapers who work in the government.
* [[Justified Trope]] in the 2007 series of ''[[Doctor Who (TV)|Doctor Who]]'', where the Master's false identity is supported not only by some token documentation, but by creating a worldwide subliminal signal telling everyone to trust him.
** The original series didn't go into as much detail as to how the Third Doctor managed to keep covert in 1970s Britain, but it can be safely assumed that UNIT was more than able to provide him with enough documentation to keep Inland Revenue happy. By the time the Doctor reached his Ninth incarnation, his Psychic Paper usually managed to serve this purpose for him - and he's no longer stuck on Earth, anyway.
** The "John Smith" alias was adopted for this very reason. Mind you, there's a later scene where some big shot visiting UNIT complained that the file on Doctor John Smith is completely empty.
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*** The stand-alone sourcebook ''Immortals'' has a similar Merit, Alternate Identity, for [[Blood Bath|Blood Bathers]] and [[Immortality Begins At Twenty|the Purified]]. [[Grand Theft Me|Body Thieves]] have no need of the Merit, for obvious reasons.
** Similarly, the rare [[Promethean: The Created|Promethean]] who manages to become human. While usually one of the Created can operate 'under the radar', when they become fully human their history is going to be rather interesting. "So what did you do before this?" "Oh, I wandered the earth as a monster trying not to fuck up the world too much until I managed to become human, what'd you do?" "I was in banking too."
*** Reborn Prometheans usually have no [[Victory -Guided Amnesia|memory]] of their former existence, which means even ''they'' wonder about the gaps in their past, with occasionally tragic results.
* Somewhat averted in ''[[In Nomine (Tabletop Game)|In Nomine]]''. Angels and demons have to have "Roles" crafted for them to fit into society, get a driver's license, etc. Role creation is an equal mix of metaphysical miracle (a powerful superior convincing the universe that you "belong there") and of having celestials in their own Roles (in the DMV, Social Security Office, etc.) manipulating records to make this possible.
** ''[[Tabletop Game/In Nomine Satanis|In Nomine Satanis]]/MagnaVeritas'' completely averts the problem by having angels and demons incarnate into an existing person. Demons incarnate when a person dies with few enough witnesses, while angels incarnate in very pious people who donate their body. Archangels' (and demon princes') Avatars just pop into existence, but they vanish within a few minutes so it's not a problem either.
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* ''[http://sharingauniverse.comicgenesis.com/ Sharing a Universe]''. Lynette is still able to get a job, rent an apartment, and otherwise live a perfectly normal life despite being an Elf from a parallel fantasy-themed universe. Lampshaded from time to time with her lack of ID for buying alcohol, and Allison suspecting that she's an illegal immigrant.
* Mentioned in ''[http://www.tru-lifeadventures.com TRU-Life Adventures]'' as part of the reason {{spoiler|Mike Michaels}} doesn't go back to being {{spoiler|Trent Tyrell}} once he gets his memory back.
* In ''[[Misfile]]'' Ash and Em's new identities are justified by the [[Ret -Gone]], but how Rumi and Cassiel get enrolled in the local high school is a bit of a mystery, and how Rumi's brother Vash gets employment in the local med centre and secretary is similarly unexplained. Possibly justified in Cassiel and Vash's case as they are both still in heaven's good graces but Rumi is on [[Fallen Angel|semi-permanent suspension]].
* In ''[[Kevin and Kell]]'', Catherine and Nigel Aura manage to establish human lives in the human world, but to do so, need to forge some documents.
* ''[[Narbonic]]'': Apparently the Knipl Award committee does no background checks at all on their grant recipients, because in the ''same year'' their three winners were a mutant shapeshifter, a battle android, and a weregerbil.
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