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** At least he stopped trying to kill him in the manga. His opinion of Yugi did eventually change, but that was in episode 223, and it took seeing Yugi {{spoiler|destroy ALL THREE EGYPTIAN GODS in one move}} for that to happen.
* Lolly and Menolly from ''[[Bleach]]''. After {{spoiler|Orihime heals them both (including bringing Menolly ''back from the dead'') from the mauling they got at the hands of Grimmjow, they still consider her a useless monster not worthy of Aizen's attention. When he leaves to take out the hometown, they decide to take advantage of Ichigo being occupied with another fight and try to beat Orihime to death again. [[Dropped a Bridge on Him|It doesn't end well for them]].}} They (or at least Lolly) actually hate Orihime MORE after she {{spoiler|heals them}}. [[Ungrateful Bastard]] indeed.
{{quote| '''Lolly:''' {{spoiler|What is she... What... She's... She's... Like a monster...!?}}}}
** This may not have been an increase in hatred, but shock/fear at realizing the full extent of Orihime's powers (Not everyday you meet someone who can {{spoiler|bring people back from the dead.}}) Considering that Hollows/Arrancars/Espada/etc. are born from spirits of the dead that have remained in our world and become increasingly more corrupted, then this counts as {{spoiler|pretty much seeing what Hollows would consider ''an [[Eldritch Abomination]] at work.''}}. Quite the [[Fridge Brilliance]] there.
*** Lolly seems to revert from this to [[The Only One Allowed to Defeat You]] when Orihime is threatened by Yammy. Thus leading to her apparent permanent death. {{spoiler|Almost, at least in the anime.}}
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* In ''[[Hellboy II]]'' the civilians swing from [[Muggles]] to [[Ungrateful Bastard|Ungrateful Bastards]] ridiculously soon after the [[Masquerade]] is broken. Although the fact that Hellboy would seem to them to have gone from "cool urban legend" to "scary demon with huge guns who attracts enormous, destructive plant monsters"... And this is why the comics has him being public knowledge since day one (that's since the 1950's).
* Lieutenant Dan in ''[[Forrest Gump]]'' is not only ungrateful, but downright angry with Gump for saving his life. This was mostly a pride thing, though, as he was the first in his family not to die in battle and didn't know what to do with his life afterwards, especially after losing his legs. If anything, by the end of the movie he becomes grateful to Gump for not just saving him, but giving him a reason to live.
{{quote| "I never thanked you for saving my life."}}
* In ''[[The Phantom (film)|The Phantom]]'' movie, [[The Dragon]] Quill was once saved by the 20th Phantom, after he was attacked by a rabid monkey. Quill said that he would lead him to the Sengh Brotherhood's hideout. Instead, he stabbed the Phantom in the back, stole his belt and took it to the Brotherhood, who initiated him.
* In ''[[Saving Private Ryan]]'', "Steamboat Willie" is spared by the platoon... only to rejoin the Nazis, {{spoiler|help kill the main character, and actively kill the Jewish squad member. No wonder shortly after he surrenders [[Obligatory War Crime Scene|he gets shot]]. By the same guy who convinced Capt. Miller to let him go, in fact, right after he tries to get him to do the same thing again.}}
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* Steve from the ''[[The Saga of Darren Shan]]''. Darren saves him by sacrificing most of his humanity after an accident. And how does Steve repay him, by becoming a vampire slayer and vowing to kill him. All because he thought Darren stole ''his'' original dream of becoming a vampire.
* ''[[Jennifer the Jerk Is Missing]]''. The title character is rude and insulting to her rescuers when she's found. "I like you better tied up and muffled," one of her rescuers says.
{{quote| '''Jennifer:''' Oh, yuck! Malcolm Wylie, what are you doing here? I was hoping to be rescued by some handsome cop or maybe a federal agent or something. }}
* Palicrovol in ''Hart's Hope,'' so much so that {{spoiler|the book consists of a plea by another character for him not to kill Orem.}} It doesn't help that he contributed to the problem by raping the [[Big Bad]], Beauty, when she was a child. So once {{spoiler|Orem frees him and his closest friends -- including the narrator -- from their various curses, at the cost of Orem's beloved son, Palicrovol sets out to kill him due to Orem's time as Beauty's second-string consort}}. Discovering that Orem is his son (by a different woman) only prompts him to add incest to his list of charges.
* In [[Robert E. Howard]]'s ''The Pool of the Black Ones'', [[Conan the Barbarian]] is rescued from the sea by a pirate ship. As soon as they make land, he goes to murder the captain so he can take over.
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* No matter how many times [[Harry Potter (novel)|Harry Potter]] saves his school, the students of Hogwarts will still turn against him on a moment's notice on the strength of lies purported by the government. Meanwhile, Harry never shows any gratitude to Snape for saving his life in the first book, or for attempting to save him and his friends from Sirius Black (at the time believed to be a mass murderer), or for saving their life ''again'' in [[Order of the Phoenix]]. Of course, Snape's a dick to Harry, but you'd think saving his life would merit at least a "thank you" from a kid whose defining characteristic is love.
** Draco Malfoy. Ron even lampshades it:
{{quote| "And that's the second time we've saved your life tonight, you two-faced bastard!"}}
* Anyone who has read [[Stephen King]]'s ''Everything's Eventual'' will know that [[Ungrateful Bitch|Diane]], the character from the short story ''Lunch at the Gotham Cafe'', is '''definitely''' this trope. You would think, that even after her husband just saved her life from a psychotic waiter, even after she treated him very coldly, not to mention demanding a divorce, would at least warrant a "thank you" from her!
* ''[[Discworld]]'' heroes often get this, especially the ones who saved the world from certain destructuion, because people become a lot less certain about how certain it was. In particular, we're told in ''[[Discworld/Eric|Eric]]'' that there was some talk of building a statue of Rincewind after he saved the world from the Dungeon Dimensions (again) in ''[[Discworld/Sourcery|Sourcery]]'', but as the wizards became more determined to [[Let Us Never Speak of This Again|pretend it never happened]] (since they were the ones who started a magical war and opened the rift in the first place) this became a comemorative plaque, then a commendation on the roll of honour, and finally an official reprimand for being improperly dressed.
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== Theater ==
* From ''[[Wicked (theatre)|Wicked]]'', the Cowardly Lion's reason for joining the [[Torches and Pitchforks|witch-hunting mob]]:
{{quote| '''Tin Man:''' And the lion also has a grievance to repay, if she'd let him fight his own battles when he was young he wouldn't be a coward today!}}
* ''[[Cyrano De Bergerac]]'': Cyrano lampshades, invokes and tragically averts this trope as the supreme aspiration in his work: [[Freudian Excuse|After being bullied all his life]], Cyrano distrust everyone who claims to help him, and coldly reject any intent of [[False Friend|friendship]] or [[Don't You Dare Pity Me!|any help from a powerful person (De Guiche and Cardenal Richelieu at Act II Scene VI]]). He does not suspect that Christian will help him in his love life, and that averting this trope will be [[Tragedy|his downfall]]. Lampshaded at Act II Scene VIII.
{{quote| '''Cyrano:''' ...<br />
... And then, if glory come by chance your way,<br />
To pay no tribute unto Caesar, none,<br />
But keep the merit all your own! ... }}
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** Carries over to the second game. The original Council, which owes you their lives, refuses to believe the Reapers exist and only grudgingly gives you your SPECTRE status back. If it's the human council, who owe their position to you, they won't even speak with you and only Anderson can get you reinstated.
*** In the third, you'll be surprised that Shepard doesn't ''name'' this trope. Council Tevos's [[Exact Words]] are:
{{quote| ''The cruel and unfortunate truth is that while the Reapers focus on Earth, we can prepare and regroup.''}}
* The [[Physical God|Demiurge]] in ''[[Strange Journey]]''. After a [[That One Boss|long, grueling battle]] you manage to beat the massive monstrosity and allow it to fuse into a single being. If not Law-aligned, he ''immediately'' warns you there will be '''consequences''' for not choosing his path, demanding retribution just for ''[[Knight Templar|not believing in its ideals]]''. The option of shoving it [[Sealed Evil in a Can|back into his can]] is heartily welcomed at this point.
** There are several demons who will allow you to begin negotiations with them, ask them to be your demon, make demands of you... and then ''refuse to join you anyway''. These demons are all of either the Law or Chaos alignments (they include Angel, Oni, and Lilim), and will not pull this on you if you're of the same alignment. Thankfully, there's a Sub App called "Tea Amity" that forces them to reconsider their refusal; once they reconsider, they will ''always'' agree to join you.
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*** To be fair, Mordecai and Rigby lied to them... all the episode.
** Rigby, after being saved by his friends from a doppelganger, manages to be a [[Beyond the Impossible]] [[Ungrateful Bastard]] at ''Temp Check"
{{quote| '''Doug:''' ''[[Villain Has a Point|...A guy like me, doesn’t have a lot to be thankful, but you, you got friends, a job, a nice work bed. You’ve got a good thing going here, never forget that]]''. <br />
'''Rigby:''' ''What a windbag!, I thought he’d never shut up. I can’t believe you guys thought he was me. You must feel like idiots, right?'' }}
* Gobsmack from ''[[Pearlie]]'' is the pickiest bastard in the show.
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* Gargamel the wizard in ''[[The Smurfs]]''. Despite many a [[Save the Villain]] moment by the Smurfs, he still never returns the favor and is still plotting his revenge against them. Even his cat Azrael, when Natural Smurf shows him mercy, is that ungrateful.
* Wasp from ''[[Transformers Animated]]''. Ever since the day [[Kid Appeal Character|Bumblebee]] accidentally sent him to prison for a crime Wasp did not commit, Wasp has since then vowed revenge on Bee for betraying him and wants to kill him one day. When Wasp because of his obsession with revenge on Bumblebee for framing him, accidentally gets mutated into a technorganic monster, Bumblebee is now horrified by Wasp's hideous new look, and immediately apologizes to him. Wasp's response:
{{quote| '''Wasp''': (in his pre-organic voice) Wasp... forgive... Bumblebot... (brief pause, now in his "normal" voice) [[That Man Is Dead|...BUT WASPINATOR ''NEVER'' FORGIVE!!!"]]}}
* Maria Hill from ''[[The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes|Avengers Earths Mightiest Heroes]]'' refuses to accept the Avengers' vigilante behavior how many times they save the world, SHIELD, and/or her.
* In ''[[My Life as a Teenage Robot]]'', Jenny is kicked out of a popular teen hangout because Mezmer, the owner, [[Fantastic Racism|refuses to serve robots.]] Later on, she saves the shop from a gang of space bikers. Mezmer still kicks her out, but this time, the rest of the teens, who were grateful that Jenny saved them, leave as well.