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So Joe Suspect is explaining to the cops where he was last night. As he speaks, we get a [[Flash Back]] showing us the events.
But wait a minute! What we're seeing on screen doesn't fit what the voice-over is saying. While Joe tells the cops he had to work late, we see him in a bar. And when he admits he went to see the murder victim, but they came to an amicable agreement, the flashback shows them screaming at each other, and then him storming out. The visuals are understood as depicting the '''truth''', and not just a potentially inaccurate version of the events (in contrast to [[Self -Serving Memory]], where the visuals depict a '''false''' version of the events).
Can be used as a way of helping the viewers solve the [[Murder Mystery|Whodunnit]] without being a genius detective (because they learn the [[Big Secret]] directly), as a way of showing what sort of character we're dealing with, or just to ramp up the irony level of a story. Sometimes the description is accurate, but not entirely honest; or the visuals might reveal additional information that changes the nature of the story.
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* In ''[[Fullmetal Alchemist]]: Brotherhood'', when [[Butt Monkey|Yoki]] encounters the Elrics again, he gives this whole account of how things have went downhill for him ever since he met them, and it's all presented in silent movie style. While he tells of being a good leader who was unjustifiably tricked, and tells of his investments failing, we see him abusing his power and his "investments" are more along the lines of him conning people and gambling away the rest of his money. The funniest part is his narration about "borrowing money" from a noble family- it's actually a scene of him burglarizing the Armstrong home, and in a [[Mythology Gag]] referencing a manga omake and the first anime, he gets a piano dropped on him by the [[Moe]] and harmless-looking [[Cute Bruiser|Katherine Armstrong]].
* This is one of the major tricks of the anime version of ''[[Suzumiya Haruhi]]'', where Kyon's on-screen actions often contradict his narration. So, for example, in the first chronological episode, Kyon tells us he's not interested in Haruhi, after having just spent several scenes very obviously checking her out.
* [[Played for Laughs]] in ''[[Slayers]]'' when Lina cheerfully [["Previously On..."|recaps previous episodes]] -- glossing over awkward moments that the video recap ''does'' show. The second episode got:
{{quote| '''Lina''': In the end, peace was restored to the village... ({{spoiler|transition from the scene of nuking a dragon to the crater where this village once stood}})<br />
'''Lina''': After bidding farewell to the grateful villagers... Gourry and I continue our journey... ({{spoiler|villagers chasing them with pitchforks}})<br />
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* The ''[[Mission Impossible (Film)|Mission Impossible]]'' movie. Tom Cruise pretends to believe Jon Voight's story, but is imagining the way it really happened.
* This was used early in the movie ''[[Cube]] 2: Hypercube''. One of the characters said he was a plumber, but his flashbacks showed he was actually a secret agent.
* Agent Smecker does this the other direction during the scene that leads up to the Il Duce shootout in ''[[The Boondock Saints]]''- he's an investigator and not a suspect, and describes what he concludes happens as we watch what really happens such as the moment when he pegs Rocco as a "real sicko" who wanted his victim to suffer -- and he's on the floor getting choked out by the "victim" and begging for his life. He also gets wrong how many guys are present during the Il Duce shootout based on the [[Throw -Away Guns|number of guns]] at the scene, which it turns out were all used by one guy.
* ''[[The Princess Bride (Film)|The Princess Bride]]'': "Fezzik took great care in reviving Inigo."
* In ''[[Superbad]]'', this is used when one of the lead characters describes their previous evening to their love interest. While they describe going to a elegant club, the audience sees them trying to gain admission to a seedy strip club. Similarly, their account of celebrating with a drink is matched by them vomiting violently from cheap booze.
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== Live Action TV ==
* Used extensively in the new ''[[Doctor Who (TV)|Doctor Who]]'' episode "The Unicorn and The Wasp", when the suspects are giving their alibis. A [[Genre Savvy]] viewer can spot that {{spoiler|the culprit is the one person who ''isn't'' shown doing something shady in flashback.}}
** Also used in the ''Doctor Who'' episode "The Runaway Bride", when the titular bride is describing how she and her fiance met and fell in love.
* ''[[How I Met Your Mother]]'' uses this with a twist: in some cases, the voiceover ''is'' unreliable. However, so are the images shown, even if we know the image not to be true. For instance, when Ted recalls a night in college when he smoked a joint, he called it "eating a sandwich", and we see him, Marshall and Lily sharing a very large sandwich (and acting high).
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[[Category:Truth and Lies]]
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