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'''Other Master:''' She lacks restraint. }}
* In ''[[The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes|Avengers Earths Mightiest Heroes]]'', Steve Rogers criticizes Tony Stark for this, saying Tony's primary solutions to battle include either tackling things or blasting them.
=== Real Life ===
* New military technology often came out before the tactics to use it were fully developed but sometimes it remains effective because of its sheer power. One of the most prominent examples is that commanders in [[World War 1]] rarely knew how to use tanks effectively, but simply sending them forward to attack was incredibly potent. This is less common with modern technology as modern weapons design has hit a plateau without many entirely new innovations that actually work <ref>The 70 years following the introduction of smokeless powder first in 1847 saw the first modern cartridge appeared in 1869, the box magazine in 1879, the machine gun in 1883, the semi-automatic in 1892, chromed barrels in 1911 and the man portable full automatic in 1916 among many other innovations. By contrast the 70 years proceeding 2016 have largely been refinements of the existing concepts and failed experiments outside of optics and artillery, which don't require substantially different different tactics from their predecessors, and vehicles, which seem to be hitting similar plateaus</ref> and the modern R&D process has learned to include steps to avoid this.
* Computer hardware often falls into a similar problem where drivers and programs aren't yet optimized to the new hardware, but as new hardware it is still substantially more powerful than its predecessors.