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[[File:ch04cover_8240.jpg|frame|Sette leads Duane around by a more literal leash than normal.]]
{{quote|'''Duane:''' Consider it, Sette. If a tree could think thoughts, what might it value most of all?<br />
'''Sette:''' Your ''face''.<br />
'''Duane:''' ''Tranquility''. Peace in which to thrive and grow. Acutely empathic, it will with ''hostility'' react to your hostility. Entreat it with tranquility, however, and it will in like fashion answer.<br />
'''Sette:''' That's STOOPID. Walky roots are STOOPID critters.|'''''Chapter 1'''''}}
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* [[Background Magic Field]] / [[The Force]]: The khert.
* [[Barbie Doll Anatomy]]: Coupled with [[Belly Buttonless]], and apparently in-story:
{{quote| '''From author comment:''' "Legality"? I would never let issues of legality effect what I draw. Sette looks the way she looks because that's how she's supposed to look.}}
* [[Bratty Half-Pint]]: Sette.
* [[Breaking in Old Habits]]: See [[Artificial Limbs]] above.
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* [[Canis Major]]: [http://samsykes.com/2011/02/unsounded-characters-pacing-and-building-with-ashley-cope/ "The giant dogs represent the defeat of leisure and fealty by the capitalist demands of poorly compensated labour– haha, no, that’s a lie. Who doesn’t like giant dogs?"]
* [[Cluster F-Bomb|Cluster S Bomb]]: Ephsephin.
{{quote| '''Ephsephin:''' YOU SHIT! YOU SHIT! I'LL- I'LL S-SHITTING SHIT YOUR ''SHIT'' TIL YOU... CAN'T '''SHIT!'''}}
* [[Cultured Badass]]: Duane. Also Quigley.
* [[Curse Cut Short]]: Subverted [http://www.casualvillain.com/Unsounded/comic/ch02/ch02_29.html here.]
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* [[It Is Pronounced "Tro-PAY"]]: The correct Aldish pronunciation of Duane's name is ''doo-AHN'' (rhyming with ''you-GONE''), but Sette makes a point of saying ''DWAYNE'' (rhyming with "rain"), mostly just to get his goat.
* [[Jerkass Woobie]]: [http://www.casualvillain.com/Unsounded/comic/ch05/ch05_54.html Ephsephin], as of late. After getting thrashed by Duane and Sette multiple times... and then Captain Toma... you can't help but feel bad for him. Especially since he's made it clear that he's more or less a [[Punch Clock Villain]] that's [[Just Following Orders]].
{{quote| '''Ephsephin:''' I hate today.}}
* [[Kick the Dog]]: Literally, on [http://www.casualvillain.com/Unsounded/comic/ch02/ch02_21.html this page.]
* [[Ladette]]: Elka.
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* [[Simplified Spellcasting]]: Tacit casting, i.e. casting without the verbal component. Duane is unusually adept at this.
* [[Sir Swearsalot]]: Sette is as vulgar as you'd expect for a child raised by thieves, but never goes beyond a PG-13 rating (unlike the villains, who drop F-bombs).
{{quote| '''Duane:''' Betimes the words that pour out your young mouth send ''chills'' through me.}}
* [[Small Annoying Creature]]: Sette.
* [[Standard Female Grab Area]]: Beautifully subverted [http://www.casualvillain.com/Unsounded/comic/ch04/ch04_53.html here.]